SOCIAL WORK IN CANADA An Introduction Third Edition

An Introduction
Third Edition
Chapter 4: Theory and Approaches to Social Work Practice
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
What Is a Social Work Theory?
Specific Theories of Social Work
Psychologically Based Theories
Toward a Personal Approach to Social Work
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Using Knowledge To Shape Work with Clients
 A Social Work Theory is an organized way of
thinking about the world that guides the way we
carry out social work practice
 Traditionally social workers have been influenced
by the medical model
 Modern social work theory has shifted towards
assessment and intervention
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
What Is a Social Work Theory?
In social work, theories are rooted in two
knowledge bases:
Foundation Theories:
Organized ideas about
the world that provide
the basis for practice
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Practice Theories:
Build on foundation
knowledge, making it specific
and relevant to the way we
practice social work
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
What Is a Social Work Theory?
Social work practice theories can be classified into
two groups:
 Emphasize social structures,
 Varied and complex
processes and systems
 Emphasize the individual
 Focus is on social structures
and their interactions
and policies that influence
 Focus is on what people
what people do
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
What Is a Social Work Theory?
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Functional Theory
 Introduced in the 1930s by Jessie Taft and Virginia
 Based on work by Otto Rank
 Problems come from negative experience
 Problems can be overcome using personal power to
effect change
 Emphasized the client’s role in directing change
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Strengths-Based Social Work
 Introduced by University of Kansas social work
professor Dennis Saleebey
 Each person has unique strengths and abilities and a
capacity of growth and change
 Social worker supports client to recognize his or her
 Together, the worker and client collaborate to
understand and resolve the situation
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Social Systems Theory
 Places individual within a series of interdependent
systems, like an ecosystem
 Social work professors Carel Germain and Alex
Gitterman used ideas from biology and ecology to
develop “life-model”
 People exist in particular environments
 Problems arise when there is a lack of “fit” between
people and their surroundings
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
The Structural Approach
 Canadian development
 Originates from the work of Maurice Moreau
 Focuses on the impact of wider social structures on
personal problems
 Involves a critical analysis of socio-economic
structures, which oppress and exploit people
 Social worker must be skilled in casework, family
counselling, group work, and community organizing
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Critical Social Work
 Focuses on the impact of social structure on personal
 Must contribute to a transformation of everyday lives
 It critiques or unravels the societal relations
underpinning our personal problems
 Introduced the notion of empowerment
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Feminist Social Work Practice
 Women-centred approach that strives to understand
particular experiences of oppression in relationships
and broader society
 Mutual support, valuing diversity, and an emphasis on
women’s lived experiences guide work with clients
 Origins in the women’s liberation movement of the
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Anti-Oppressive Practice
 Bob Mullaly defines oppression as “the domination of
subordinate groups in society by a powerful group.”
 Oppressive relationships exist at structural and
individual levels
 Acknowledges the existence of oppression and the
complex nature of our identities
 Not a single theory but draws on many traditions
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Anti-Oppressive Practice – Common Ideas
 Both macro- and micro-level relations generate
 Everyday experience is shaped by multiple oppressions
 Social work is a contested site
 Social work is not a neutral, technical profession, but
an active political process
 Social work needs to build allies and work with social
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Anti-Oppressive Practice – Common Ideas
 Participatory approaches between practitioners and
clients are necessary
 Self-reflexive practice and ongoing social analysis are
essential components of social justice-oriented social
work practice
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Specific Theories of Social Work
Anti-Racist Social Work
 Focuses specifically on how racism affects the lives of
people of color
 Examines effects of racism by means of an economic
and social analysis of relations between members of
different groups
 Helps us to understand the individual effects of racism
and the broader, structural effects
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
The Medical Model
 An approach that mirrored a medical approach to
 Involved in-depth study of a person’s situation in order
to improve his or her condition
 Most social workers located the cause of social
problems within the person
 Taught person how to lead a more “moral,” ordered life
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Psychodynamic Perspectives
 Introduced by Freud in 1920s
 Norms and values of a society put limits on how people
fulfill their own needs
 The id, the ego, and the superego work to fulfill these
needs, but only in ways that are acceptable to society
 This creates constant conflict between human desire and
the limits set by society
 Conflict leads to anxiety and irrational behaviour
 Person’s troubles are understood as result of internal
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Existentialist Approach
 Based on 19th century philosophy of existentialism or
the search for the meaning of life
 Life is essentially meaningless and without purpose
 Human beings create meaning and purpose
 People are intentional and deliberate in their choices
to act
 People are capable of controlling and changing their
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Existentialist Approach
 Gestalt therapy is an example of an existentialist
 Human beings are defined by their relationships to
 Relationships influence the way we understand and
move through the world
 Support client to develop self-awareness and assume
personal responsibility in order to reach selfactualization
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Client-Centred or Person-Centred Perspectives
 Based on the idea that clients are experts of their own
 Introduced by Carl Rogers in the 1950s
 Rogers was greatly influenced by humanism
 All human beings are good, worthwhile, and guided by
a search for meaning and purpose in life
 Provide unconditional positive regard for client
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Rational-Emotive Psychotherapy
Earliest form of a cognitive behaviour approach
Introduced by psychologist Albert Ellis in mid-1950s
Blended ideas from cognition and behaviourism
Client is active in the process of identifying problems
and working on ways of changing
 Help a client to see that negative emotions
experienced are due to flawed perceptions of reality
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
 Shorter term approach
 Behaviours are learned and shaped by our
interpretations of the world
 Therapists work with clients to understand the thought
patterns that bring about certain behaviours
 Focus is on problem-solving and promoting more
accurate ways of understanding the world
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Psychologically Based Theories
Task-Centred Model
 Developed in the 1980s
 A short-term therapy with a measurable outcome
 Social workers assess and clarify the target problem
and desired outcome, then create a list of tasks that
must be completed to resolve the problem
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Toward a Personal Approach to Social Work
What works for you?
 Integrative approach
 Eclectic approach
 Dialectical approach
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Toward a Personal Approach to Social Work
Integrative approach
 Select concepts and methods from various sources and
 Build a unified system that fits you and is appropriate
for the setting in which you work
 Draw theories together that are compatible
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Toward a Personal Approach to Social Work
Eclectic approach
 Involves selecting concepts and methods
 Does not unify or integrate the pieces
 Selects various concepts and methods as deemed
 Extremely flexible
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Toward a Personal Approach to Social Work
Dialectical approach
 Involves a synthesis or combination of opposing
assertions within theories
 Takes a balanced or middle-of-the-road approach
 Incorporates concepts from differing approaches
 Enables the drawing together of theories that may
contain opposing assertions
 Oppositions are held in awareness and balanced
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Questions for Discussion
What kinds of linkages do you see between the
development of theories guiding social work
and the development of social work as a
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Questions for Discussion
Discuss important factors that would shape the
ways in which you choose theories that guide
your social work practice.
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Questions for Discussion
In what ways might you share your theoretical
perspectives with your clients?
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Questions for Discussion
Choose one theory discussed in this chapter.
Can you identify a group who would benefit
from looking at a social issue using this
theoretical lens?
Who might be disadvantaged using this lens?
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
Questions for Discussion
Social work theories draw on foundation
knowledge from multiple disciplines.
What are some ways that social work norms
and values can inform models in other
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.
 Association for the Development of the
Person-Centered Approach
 Critical Social Work
Chapter 4:
Theory & Approaches to Social Work Practice
Social Work In Canada
Copyright © 2010 Thompson Educational Publishing, Inc.