ORGANIC MENTAL DISORDER 器質性精神病 楊誠弘醫師 臺北榮民總醫院精神部 103年12月16 日 授課目標 一、學習何為器質性精神病 二、器質性精神病之表現為何 三、器質性精神病之分類及原因 個案報告 一位住院病人的家屬向查房的內科醫師 表示:「醫生,我爸爸為什麼晚上不睡 覺,認不得人,看到牆壁上有幻影,還 不吃飯,說有人在菜中下毒」,經會診 精神科,原來是因病患身體嚴重感染, 腦部功能暫時異常引起譫妄,產生像精 神病的症狀,經感染控制後,精神症狀 就消失了,以上案例是內外科住院病人 因身體因素引起之急性器質性精神病。 此種急性器質性精神病會引起意識模 糊、睡眠障礙、錯亂、語無倫次、靜呆 、幻覺、譫妄、坐立不安、無感情、激 動、誇大、焦慮、迷惘狀態、人及物的 失識及記憶力障礙等症狀,其原因為腦 部疾病,如急性腦部創傷、腦部感染、 腦瘤及血管性疾病等, 另一種原因為全身性疾病,包括藥物 、毒物、內分泌障礙、肝臟腦病變、腎 臟尿毒性腦病變、肺臟一氧化炭中毒及 缺氧性腦病變、心血管心臟衰竭、維他 命缺乏、全身性感染、電解質不平衡、 手術後狀態、創傷等,處理方式主要為 檢驗及治療引起精神症狀之身體因素。 另外有一種慢性器質精神病,例如慢 性腦傷、癲癇、巴金氏症及老年失智症 等,會引起如人格退化症狀,如缺乏機 智、禮貌、體貼及敏銳的感覺,另外也 出現新的特質改變,如變的囉唆、迂迴 、強求、未壓抑等,或變的冷漠、遲鈍 、延緩及笨拙等,及變的喜怒無常、易 怒、埋怨及爆發性等, 除了人格退化及改變外,慢性器質精 神病亦會引起智力功能的障礙,包括記 憶力、注意力、理解力、判斷力障礙, 一般說來,人格退化及智力功能障礙是 慢性及不可逆,並且是進行性的,除此 之外,有時如急性器質性精神病一樣, 亦會合併有妄想、幻覺、憂鬱、躁症、 焦慮及行為障礙等精神症狀,此時可針 對精神症狀給予精神藥物之治療。 總之器質性精神病有下面之特色: (1)是因身體疾病引起的。 (2)身體的疾病和精神病症狀之間有明顯 時間關係。 (3)並且兩者之病程經過,一定有平行的 關係。 如此可說器質性精神病是「外因性」 或「器質性」,也可說是以身體障礙為 基礎之精神病。 Clinical manifestation Commonly used terms • Confusion: unable to think with customary clarity and coherent • Clouding of consciousness: the mildest sate of impairment of consciousness • Twilight states: dream-like states • Coma: extreme of impairment of consciousness • Stupor: organic and non-organic Commonly used terms • • • • • Organic personality change Chronic amnesic syndrome Organic hallucinosis Delirium Dementia Clinical picture in acute organic reactions (acute brain syndrome, acute confusional state, delirium) Impairment of consciousness: from dulling of awareness to profound coma, disorder of attention Psychomotor behavior: diminish or hyperactivity Thinking and reasoning: idea of reference and delusion Memory: disorientation Perception: hallucinations, misidentifications Emotion: depression, anxiety and irritability Other features: psychological reaction, personality change, paranoid reaction, schizophrenia ICD-10 criteria of delirium (a)Impairment of consciousness and attention, with reduced ability to direct, focus, sustain, and shift attention. (b)Global disturbance of cognitive : perceptual distortions, illusions and hallucinations, mostly in the visual modality; impairment of abstract thinking and comprehensions; impairment of immediate recall and recent memory; disorientation for time and sometimes place and person as well. (c)Psychomotor disturbance which may consist of hypoactivity or hyperactivity of unpredictable shifts between the two. (d)Disturbance of the sleep-wake cycle: insomnia, daytime drowsiness, sleep reversal; nocturnal worsening of symptoms; or disturbing dreams and nightmares which may continues as hallucinations on awakening. (e)Emotional disturbances: depression, anxiety, fear, irritability, euphoria, apathy or perplexity. Clinical picture in chronic organic reactions (chronic brain syndrome, chronic confusional state, dementia) Mode of presentation: cognitive function impairment insidiously General behavior: catastrophic reation, futile and aimless Thinking: impoverish of content, intellectual flexibility is lost, judgement is impaired early Speech: poverty of speech, dysphasia Memory: confabulations Emotion: blunting and shallowness, poor impulse control Other features: neurotic manifestations, schizophrenia, hallucinations ICD-10 criteria of dementia 1 A decline in memory affecting both verbal and non-verbal material, sufficient at least to interfere with everyday activities. 2 A decline in other cognitive abilities, characterised by deterioration in judgement and thinking and in the general processing of information. Deterioration from a previously higher level of performance should be established. For a confident diagnosis both 1 and 2 must have been present for at least 6 months. 3 Preserved awareness of the environment during a period sufficiently long to allow the unequivocal demonstration of the symptoms in 1 and 2; when there are superimposed episodes of delirium, the diagnosis of dementia should be deferred. 4 Decline in emotional control or motivation, or change in social behavior manifest as at least one of emotional lability, irritability, apathy or coarsening of social behavior. Clinical picture in focal cerebral disorder Frontal lobes: personality change Parietal lobes: motor dysphasia, etc Temporal lobes: sensory dysphasia, alexia, agraphia, amnesia, etc Occipital lobes: vision Diencephalon and brainstem: hypersomnia, amnesia, etc Basal ganglia: involuntary movement Differential diagnosis: Causes of acute and chronic organic reactions: Differentiation from non-organic conditions: EEG, psychometirc testing, radiographic procedures and functional brain imaging techniques Differentiation between acute and chronic organic reactions: hisotry of the mode of onset of disorder Differentiation between diffuse and focal lesions: EEG, ERP, MRI, Functional MRI, MEG, MRS, Lumbar puncture