The planning and development of visitor attractions 旅游景区规划与开发 chapter 1 The visitor attraction 本章学习目标 了解旅游景区的内涵,并掌握旅游景区的类型 1.Visitor attraction definitions 2. A typology of attractions New words: Applicable Perceive Specify Concrete Abstract 1 Visitor attraction definitions (1) the attraction must be a permanently established excursion destination, a primary purpose of which is to allow public access for entertainment, interest, and education, rather than being primarily a retail outlet, or a venue for sports, film, or theatrical performances. It must be open to the public without prior booking ,and should be capable of attracting day visitors or tourists. (British tourist authority quoted in Travel and Tourism Analyst ) (2)Stevens criticized this definition, saying: it reveals a myopic, restricted and outdated view of the attractions sector. it ignores the rapidly changing nature of consumer demand that has fuelled recent developments. Furthermore, the British tourist authority definition would exclude ‘temporary’ attractions such as the Millennium Dome in London, expositions and all other events and festivals. Set out to attract visitors/day visitor from resident or tourist populations, and is managed accordingly (3) a visitor attraction does the following things Set out to attract visitors/day visitor from resident or tourist populations, and is managed accordingly Provides a fun and pleasurable experience and an enjoyable way for customers to spend their leisure time Is developed to realize this potential Is managed as an attraction, providing satisfaction to its visitors Provides an appropriate level of facilities and services to meet and cater to the demands, need, and interests of its visitors May or may not charge an admission for entry (Walsh-heron and Stevens,1990) (4) attractions tend to be single units, individual sites or clearly defined small-scale geographical areas that are accessible and motivate large numbers of people to travel some distance from their home, usually in their leisure time, to visit them for a short, limited period. Therefore, this definition implies that attractions are entities that are capable of being delimited and managed. 2.A typology of attractions While no clear definition exists, attractions can be split into four main types: Features within the natural environment Human-made building, structures and sites that were designed for a purpose other than attracting visitors Human-made building, structures and sites that are designed to attract visitors and are purpose-build to accommodate their needs Special events Chapter 2 The visitor attraction product (1) what is a product (2) what is the attraction product (3) the visitor attraction as a service product What is a product As a service product As a experience Attraction product Visitor attraction and tourism product Benefits sought (1)What is a product A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations, and ideas (kotler,1994) 产品是指能提供给市场并引起人们的注意、 获取使用或消费,以满足某种欲望或需要的任 何东西。 the product/service mix is the combination of products and services, aimed at satisfying the needs of the target market (Renaghan, 1981) 是指旨在满足目标市场需要的有形产品和 无形服务的组合。 (2)What is the attraction product A product is an offering of a business entity as it is perceived by both present and potential customers. It is a bundle of benefits designed to satisfy the needs and wants, and to solve the problems of, specified target markets. A product is composed of both tangible and intangible elements: it may be as concrete as a chair or dinner plate or as abstract as a feeling. The utility of a product derives from what it does for the customer. (Lewis and Chamber2, 1989) 产品是一种由商业实体提供 的,却被现有的 和潜在的顾客所感知到的东西。它是专门为满 足某些目标市场需要或解决其问题而特别设计 的。产品由无形和有形两种元素组成。它既可 以像椅子盘子一样具体。也可以像感觉一样抽 象。产品的效用取决于它能为顾客做些什么。 (3)The visitor attraction as a service product Services are consumed in the process of their production 生产与消费的同时性 The staff involved in producing and delivering the product are part of the product itself. The customers themselves are involved in the production process Service products are not standardized The product is perishable and cannot be stored .it is produced and consumed at one and the same time. There is no tangible product to carry home The surroundings of the service delivery process are a feature of the service (4) Visitor attraction and tourism product 旅游产品只向购买者提供共享使用权。 消费人能购买旅游产品的暂时使用权。 在旅游业中,是通过消费者移动而不是产品移 动来实现交易的。 (5)the visitor attraction product as an experience 产品的有形成份 服务提供要素 顾客的期望、行为、和态度 景区经营者和游客都无法控制的一些因素 (6)The three levels of products Core benefit or service Core product Tangible product Packaging features styling quality brand name Installation after-sales service warranty delivery and credit Augmented product (7) Benefits sought from the product 顾客所追求和期望得到的利益主要取决于两个 因素。 The first is the nature of the visitors themselves in term of their age lifestyle stage in the family life cycle, past experiences and personality for example. The second factor which influences the benefits sought is the type of attraction itself. (8) Branding(创品牌) A name, term ,sigh ,symbol ,or design or combination of them intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors’ 一个名字、术语、标记、象征、设计或所有这 些的总和,它的作用是识别一个不同于其它竟 争对手的商家或集团的服务和产品。 (9)Packaging 包装 提供信息和路标来帮助游客找到景区 吸引行人前往的醒目招牌 把景区和其他服务设施结合起来以增加引力 和进入性 把景区产品销售给诸如旅游经销商或大巴公司 等,从而使景区产品成为它们向顾客出售的包 价旅游产品的一部分。 (10)Price 2.景区产品的价格,通常包括三个部分 参观景区的直接费用 游客可自行决定的一些额外费用 往返于游客所在地和景区的旅行费用,它远远 高于参观景区的直接费用。 (11)Attraction and the product life cycle 景区产品的生命同期 产品从最初进入市场到最终退出市场要经历若 干的发展阶段。在产品生命周期的每个阶段, 产品及其市场都具有不同的特征,因而需要采 取不同的营销策略。 产品生命周期模型比较简单,人们普遍认为它 适用于制造品和服务品。然而,这个模型到底 在多大程度上适用于景区产品呢? 产品生命周期理论也许更适用于人造景区和那 些出于旅游目的而修建的景区。所以,我们将 集中探讨这类景区产品。尽管生命周期理论适 用于这类景区产品,但有一些问题需要说明。 1、产品生命周期的曲线经常会呈现如图3.4所示 的形状。尤其是对一些规模较大的景区来说更 是如此。 2、一些景区的生命周期曲线可能会呈现双峰形。 这通常是景区的改进或大规模的新产品开发带 来的结果。 3、由于市场竟争激烈、顾客需求提高,人造景 区的生命周期变得越来越短。产品从初创期到 改造的时间,可能只有短短的一两年。 4、另一方面,有些景区即使已经进入衰退期, 但可能永远也不会消亡。 5、几乎没有多少景区在初创期就失败。 6、大多数景区在其生命周期中都要经过一次 或更多的改造,更新,主要包括以下几种形式。 7、传统生命周期理论认为产品价格是固定不 变。但事实上,任何阶段都要根据竞争对手的 定价来确定自己景区产品的价格。 Natural attraction Not designed to attract tourists but have become visitor attractions Unique attractions 到目前为止我们所讨论的四类景区产品的生命 周期,都和旅游目的地的生命周期及其所处的 生命周期的阶段息息相关。景区可能促进旅游 目的地的发展,也可能导致旅游目的地的衰退。 景区本身也会受到旅游目的地的衰退期的严重 影响。 某些人造景区的双峰形曲线 (12)trends in the attraction product The 1980s the 1990s Recent development The 1980s Theme parks waterfront development museums open-air museums leisure shopping complexes factory tourism arts festivals wildlife and science-based attractions the 1990s New forms of attractions such as craft centres ,farm-based attractions, factorybased attractions, hand-on science centres, heritage centres and theme parks, Aquarium 13 recent developments in the attractions product Industrial tourism Modern art museums Sports stadium Chapter 3 The visitor attraction market 学习目的要求 了解景区市场细分以及未来旅游景区市场趋势 Learning objects: 学习目标 Appreciate the socio-cultural impact of tourism on both origin and destination within the tourism system (Leiper’s model)从旅 游系统(Leiper 模型)客源地和目的地二方面考察旅游的社会文化影 响 Describe the benefits that tourism can realize for the society and culture of a destination阐述旅游对社会和目的地文化带来的益 处 Explain the consequences of the lost authenticity of tourism and understand how tourism contributes to the commercialization解释旅游失去真实性的后果以及旅游导致商品化 的原因 2015/4/13 39 Whole population Proportion of the Population that visits attractions of any kind The markets for particular types of attraction Market subgroups •The hierarchy of attraction markets 1. The nature of demand(需求的本质) Effective demand Suppressed demand Deferred potential No demand at all The nature of demand 2 motivators and determinants 2.1 motivators 显然,动机会因个体不同及景区类型的不 同而存在差异。动机的种类是多各多样的。表 4.1列出了四种类型景区的主要动机因素。在 表中,尽管有的动机因素在字面上看似相同, 但实际意义却是不同的。例如,吸引人们到主 题公园的氛围和到健康的农场的氛围是完全不 同的。从表中还可以看出,人们选择不同类型 景区的动机 存在很大差别。 当然,我们不能过于夸大选择不同类型景区的 动机之间的差别。因为,归根结底所有人访问 景区都是出于享受的目的。至于享受是什么, 其内在的激发动机又是什么,完全视个人而定。 此外,大部分人很难确定他们旅游的动机,因 为他们 不习惯如此详细地分析自己的行为。 2.2 determinants 如前所述,决定因素分为两类,一类是决 定人们是否参观某一景区的因素,另一类 是人们参观不同景区的类型和采取何种旅 游方式的决定因素。表4.2 介绍了主要的决 定因素。 Determinants of whether or Determinants of the type of not any visit to an attraction attraction that will be visited can be or will be made and the type of trip that will be taken State of health Disposable income Real or perceived leisure time Commitments to family or friends as a carer Fear of travel 还可以将决定因素进一步分成两类: 个人决定因素 外部决定因素 决定因素是十分个性化的,有时会改变或延缓, 阻止一个人旅游的因素不一定会影响另一个人。 某些决定因素可能会帮助克服其他决定因素的 影响。比如:一位富有的人可以花钱雇人来替 自己做家务,从而腾出时间去旅游。另外,决 定因素也会以外部机构的影响,如地方政府可 能提供专业的家政服务人员来替换每天从事家 庭事务的那些人,使他们可以有时间放松一下。 3 individual decision-making 到目前为止,我们对整个市场进行了研究。尽 管我们了解到现实的市场是由很多细分市场组 成的,然而,所有市场归根到底由个体消费者 组成的。因此,弄清楚个体如何决策是十分必 要的。下表对个体决策的步骤进行了描述。 potential visitors Awareness of the attraction What the attraction offers Special benefits General facilities Costs filter actual visitors 4 decision-making and theme parks 5 decision-making and museums 6 market segmentation and the visitor attraction market Question 1.Why do we segment the market? 2.What is the market segmentation? 3.How to segment the market? Whole population Proportion of the Population that visits attractions of any kind The markets for particular types of attraction Market subgroups •The hierarchy of attraction markets Segmentation means splitting a population into subgroups or segments whose members show similar characteristics, needs and buying behaviour. 细分是指把所有人口分成几个亚类市场或者按 照他们相同的特征需要和购买行为进行细分。 传统的细分方法有四种: Four classic ways : Geographical demographics psychographic behaviouristic Geographical segmentation Categorizing people on the basis of their geographical characteristics Where the people within the market live Demographic segmentation Which means dividing the population into groups on the basis of their demographic characteristics Such as age , sex and race Family life cycle Child Teenager Young adult Young couple Young couple with bab Growing family Empty nesters Elderly Notice: Children are maturing more quickly now and are becoming more independent of their parents at an early age 现在的孩子成熟更快,他们希望更早地脱离父 母的管束,变得更加独立。 Many people never become part of a couple and many couples now do not have children 有很多人倾向于终身独立,不想要孩子的夫妇 也越来越多。 A large proportion of families are single parent families with different needs from the traditional two parent family 当今社会中,单亲家庭的比例越来越大,这样 的家庭与传统双亲家庭的需要有很大不同。 The model is based on the nuclear family which is no longer representative of society as a whole and certainly not of the traditions of some ethnic minorities where the extended family is far more important It is wrongly assumed that elderly people are poor and have health problems. While this is true for some elderly people it is patently not true for all elderly people. 假定老人都是经济拮据,身体欠佳显然是错误 的。尽管有些老年人可能的确如此,但并非所 有老年人都是这样。 Social class 在英国,人们被划分成不同的社会阶层,人们 造访景区的旅游行为与他们所处的社会阶层有 关。 (A B C1 C2 D E或者上层阶级 中产阶级和劳动 阶级) Notice: Defining class has been a problem .also such definition are based in Britain. Other countries may not accepted. Society has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. These first two segmentation methods are rather crude and tend to be based on assumptions that all people living in an area or all people who share a demographic characteristic will behave in a particular way. 显然,前两种市场细分的方法很粗略的,是基于同一 地区的人们或有着相同的人口统计特征的人们,他们 的行为模式是相同的这样一种假设之上的。 Psychographic segmentation Differentiates people on the basis of their attitudes and opinions, for example Attitudes and opinions of individuals lifestyle personality Come from Attitude Lifestyle Lifestyle is a matter of how individuals live ,how they see themselves and how they want others to see them 生活方式 指的是一个人如何生活,如何看待 自己和希望他人如何来看待自己。 lifestyle effect Education Occupation Income Social contacts 生活方式的形成受着多种因素的影响,其中包括所受 教育程度、职业、收入、社会关系等诸方面的因素。 特别有趣的是,人们的生活方式影响着人们的所有消 费行为。因为人们所追求的生活方式,反映了人们想 要别人怎样看待自己,以及希望别人不断增强对自己 的认同的心理。 人们所作出的访问景区的决定,就像人们购买的衣服 开的车和读的报纸一样,都是人们所追求的生活方式 的一部分。 与景区经营者特别有关的生活方式的类型有,关注身 体健康型,环境意识较强型等。 生活方式营销:就是基于生活方式进行市场细 分的营销活动。目前,这种营销策略非常流行, 然而,生活方式营销在整个旅游行业和景区业 的应用还比较有限。但是,生活方式营销应该 会在旅游业流行起来。因为它毕竟是针对90年 代发达国家复杂社会状况作出的应对策略,是 很实际的。 personality 个人在认知、情感、意志等心理活动过程所表现出来的相对稳定的而又 区别于他人的心理特点叫心理特征,个性就是人所具有的各种心理特征 和意识倾向的稳定的有机结合。 个性有如下特点: 1 组合性——个性不是一个孤立的心理特征,而是一组心理特征。 2 独特性——个性与共性不同,是个体之间的差异性和独特性。人 与人不同,就是这些不同体现出的个性。 3 稳定性——个性不像外界刺激一样瞬息万变,是持久的经常出现 的心理特征,当然随着环境和主观的努力,它也是可以改变的,但那是 一个长期的变化过程。 4 倾向性——个性是人具有的一定的内在意识倾向性,体现为个人 的需要动机信念理想和价值,也体现了人的能力气质性格兴趣等差异。 5 整体性——人的个性心理现象和心理过程是有机的联系起来表现 在一个人身上的。 气质 气质是与人的神经过程的特性相联系的行为特征。 气质主要有以下几种: 1 多血质(活泼型) 2 胆汁质(兴奋型) 3 粘液质(安静型) 4 抑制质(抑制型) 通常人的气质不单一,多数是以某个为主,兼容 其他。 性格 性格是个人对现实的稳定态度和习惯化的行为方 式,是个性心理特征的核心。主要有以下几种: 按心理活动的倾向分: (1) 外向型 (2) 内向型 按思想行为独立性划分: (1)顺从型 (2) 独立型 Behaviouristic segmentation 这种分类方法涉及许多细分变量,其中的一些 如下: 购买的动机:人们经常、时而或从不购买某种产品 追求的利益:人们希望从景区访问中得到些什么 使用者的状态:使用者的状态可被细分为某一产品的从未使用者,曾 经使用者,湷在使用者,首次使用者和经常使用者。 准备访问的阶段:即,尚不了解景区产品,了解并对景区产品感兴趣, 有意访问景区,已有打算和有访问景区的计划 对产品的态度:人们对景区的态度是热情渴望还是漠不关心,是积极 态度还是否定态度或完全反对 对产品的忠诚度:人们是忠诚于景区产品,成为景区的忠诚顾客还是 因价格和新奇等因素而想更换访问的景区 Other methods of segmentation visit party composition(访问群体的构成) visit type and purpose(访问的类型和目的) method of travel (旅行方式) Segmentation and the theme park market 7 the leisure paradox income time time discretion income discretion time income youth young family middle aged elderly 8 The future of the attractions market 景区市场的未来会受到一系列因素的影响 : Volume and nature of supply The rate of growth Economic situation Changes in lifestyles and general consumer behaviour The two main questions relating to the future attractions market are: How large will it be What types of attractions will receive most visitors Chapter 4 The business environment and visitor attractions 学习目的要求 掌握商业的宏观和微观环境因子对景区的影响 Business environment microenvirment macroenviroment 1 The macroenvironment(PEST) Political Political factors factors Economic Economic factors factors Socio Socio cultural cultural factors factors Technological Technological factors factors Political factors Legislation Public sector policy and the attraction market Public sector policy and the attraction product Public sector policy and tourism Economic factors Economic factors and the attraction market Economic factors and the attraction product Sociocultural factors Demographic trends Cultural trends and consumer behaviour Technological factors Technological and the attraction products Technology and the management of attractions Technology as competition for attractions 2The microenvironment Organization The suppliers The marketing intermediaries Customers competitors Chapter 5 The development process and the role of feasibility studies 学习目的要求 了解旅游景区开发类型、开发机构以及开发过程中的可行性研究的内容。 1 type of development There are several main types of development: Wholly new purpose built attractions New purpose built attractions developed on sites Major new developments at existing attractions designed New developments at existing attractions The creation or new events or the staging of events 在以前不是景区的地方建设全新的景区 将原有的景区改建成新的景区 在现有的景区内增建大型新项目,以吸引更多 的游客叩开新市场的大门 在现有的景区内增加服务设施 创办新的节事活动或是举办每次变换地点的奥 运会之类的节事活动 2 agent of development Public sector Private sector Voluntary sector 3 motivation for development 公共部门进行景区开发大多受以下动机的驱使: To conserve the heritage of the country or area To provide leisure facilities for the community Education usually to history and increasingly the under standing of science and technology To improve the image of the country abroad or of an area within its own country As a tool of economic development or urban regeneration To gain political advantage 这些目标错综复杂,目标之间还有可能具有非 互补性,因此,这就成了公共部门景区开发与 管理困难的一个重要原因所在。 私人部门开发动机: 创造利润 使自己的产品组合多样化,增加市场份额,获 得一定的投资回报或者增加利润 4 who carries out the development 谁实施开发 5 size of development 开发的规模 6 timescales of development开发时间的长短 7 the development process开发过程 景区的开发从一个创意或者一个概念开始,这个创意 或概念可能是为了抓住某个机会,也可能是为了应对 某种威胁。接下来就是要对创意进行检验,评估其可 行性。评估可能是通过可行性研究报告来进行,也有 可能是通过一个非正式的非系统化的过程来进行。评 估的结果往往是决定进行下一步的工作。然而一旦这 个项目被认为是可行的,下一步就是建设施工期,接 着就是新景区开张营业。 8 The feasibility study 这些分目标可能是下列目标中的几个: 尽可能地评估提议建设的景区在财务上的可行 性,也即计算出资本和收益成本,对游客数量 和旅游收入进行预测 预测未来的可能情况以及景区的市场、目标市 场的规模。虽然有许多方法可以用来进行此类 预测工作,但是考虑到预测中涉及的众多变量 以及每一个景区的独特性,我们决不能认为此 类预测是一门精确有科学。 为项目申请资金提供帮助的正当的理由,有些 资金如申请贷款和赔款,可能会要求组织提出 申请的理由 从规模地形以及可进入性方面帮助确立景区的 最佳位址 为筹划中的开发申请提供帮助,以表明计划开 发的景区是有市场的 吸引潜在的赞助商,特许经销商,组织可能会 需要这些机构的合作 分析具体的运营问题,如劳动力的可得性 确定潜在的财务援助来源 提供有用的市场信息 说到可行性研究,往往是指在某一时间点提交的一份文件, 然而,可行性研究更多的是一个过程而不是一次单纯的操作 活动 the feasibility study process: Preliminary concept 最初的概念 Rough costings 粗略的成本估算 market feasibility study 市场可行性研究 revise concept 对最初的概念进行修正 Identify location and site 确定区位和位址 Revise costings 对成本估算进行修正 Visitor number and spending projections预测游客人数和消费状况 Financial evaluation 财务评价 Identify sources of finance 确定资金来源 Detailed design and planning including phasing细化设计方案和开发计划, 包括分阶段计划 Who should undertake the feasibility study: Two choice advantage In-house Understand the organization’s aims and consultante Objective Expertise of specialist staff can use experience gained from other projects Can be quick in that dedicated staff time is given to the project objectives Low financial costs disadvantages 9 the content of the feasibility study 可行性研究的内容 The market study Site selection criteria Financial viability 1、市场研究 Who will visit the attraction? How many people will visit the attraction? Where will they come from? When will the visitors come? Who will visit the attraction How many people will visit the attraction 距离景区60分钟至90分钟车程范围内的客源区 的人口总数 目前浏览该地区的度假者的数量 吸引同类细分市场的本地竞争对手情况 景区自身的规模和性质 Where will they come from 2、选址标准 有一些因素在通常情况都需要考虑,这些因素包括: 靠近主要的人口聚集中心区 交通网络及其可靠性 本地区现有的其他景区 客源区的社会经济状况 气候 电力、水等当地公共设施和基础设施的状况 可供使用的土地面积的大小 土地的类型和质量, 土地的成本 有关土地使用方面的规划政策和法律规定 索要工资的可接受性、适当技能的熟练工人的可得性 政府部门对旅游项目的财政支助和实物援助 当地社区对计划建设的景区的态度 建设成本 劳动关系和劳动法 财务可行性 财务可行性由两个基本要素构成 ,即资本和收入 收入:门票费,零售店和餐饮服务产生的收入, 其它方面 的收入比如出售特许经营权、提供导游 以及房屋出租和公司接待等,外部资金来源,比 如赠款和赞助。 支出: 保本点分析 灵敏度分析 现金流 旅游资源开发项目可行性研究 (feasibility study) 可行性研究的目的是为该开发项目的投资决策 提供可靠的客观依据。 可行性研究报告的内容 阐明项目开发者的实力和资格 分析和预测市场需求 分析该项目开发和经营方面的微观条件 分析当地的宏观社会经济条件 when will the visitors come 对高度季节性的学校市场的依赖程度以及对家 庭市场的依赖程度,后者多集中在学校放假期 间出游 来自于当地的游客所占的百分比,因为当地游 客比例越高,对景区需求的季节性就可能越弱 Problems with feasibility studies 可行性研究存在的问题 市场经常处于变化之中,到规划的景区开业时,顾客 行为和口味偏好可能已经发生了重大变化 没有哪两个景区是相同的因此,要想在别的地方找到 一个相似的景区来开发商判定计划的景区能否成功是 一件的事情 景区的开发酝酿时间特别长,因些,可行性研究所依 据的那些假定变量,可能会在景区开工时就已经过时 了 许多景区,特别是公共部门的那些景区,有着一系列 复杂的目标,这些目标中有些是自相矛盾的。因些, 没有一个像利润这样的目标来测量一个计划建设的景 区将来的绩效 Chapter 6 Factor influencing the success of visitor attraction 学习目的要求 1 The organization And its resource The product Visitor attraction The market The management of the attraction 1 the organization and its resources Organization----------human resource team Resources-------------financial resources 2 the product A novel approach or a unique idea (新奇的方法 或独特的构想) Location (区位) Existing tourism destinations (建在旅游目的地 的景区) Accessibility(良好的可进入性) Visitor facilities (游客服务设施) Price (价格问题) 3 the market 在所有与游客相关的影响景区成功的诸多因素 中也许最重要的因素就是确保景区所定位的目 标市场是一个成长性市场。为了说明这一点, 下面概要地列举几个有关成长性市场和消费者 偏好变化的因素 Targeting markets are growth markets. 老年群体的规模在不断扩大,他们的可支配收入和闲 暇时间也在稳步增长 许多人渴望通过旅游学习某些新东西,不论是学习一 门技术还是掌握一些知识 许多人希望参与景区举办的活动可者融入景区活动当 中,比如亲手制作陶器,而不只是观看陶器的制作 家庭游客希望找到为小孩子提供参与机会的景区 人们更加关注环保问题和健康的生活方式 兴趣转向休闲购物而不是功利购物 成功的景区将属于那些关注市场发育和消 费者行为趋向的景区 保证现有顾客对景区的访问感到满意也是 至关重要的,因为满意的顾客有利于景区塑造 良好口碑 4 The management of the attraction 成功的景区有赖于卓有成效的管理。下面就有 效管理景区的几中方法略作讨论: Experienced professional managers Marketing Marketing: Giving adequate attention to market research Recognizing that marketing is not just about producing brochures and placing advertisements Taking a longer-term strategic view rather than just a short term tactical approach Appreciating that there is not one big public but lots of different market segments with different needs and desires Spending a significant proportion of turnover on marketing year in ,year out ,rather than just spending money on an ad hoc basis in response to crises Accepting the importance of word of mouth recommendation and acknowledging the value of giving the existing visitor a first rate experience to encourage positive recommendations employing specialist sales and marketing staff while training all staff to realize that they are also part of the marketing effort because to the customer they are all part of the core product The Disney land Paris experience Its opening coincided with a major recession in western Europe The location near Paris means that the attraction suffers cold Prices were perceived to be high for the European market Visitors resented the fact that alcohol was not available with meals Potential visitors were put off visiting the attraction by the rule forbidding visitors to bring food into the park The product offered by Disneyland Paris lacked appeal for some market segments Chapter 8 financing visitor attraction projects 景区项目的资金筹措 学习目的要求 了解旅游景区项目的资金来源以及学习如何进行项目创意 1、The purposes for which capital funding is required 资金筹集的目的 购置或租用场地,以及所必需的准备工作的开 销,包括造园美化景区 建造新建筑物或改造现有建筑物的费用 装修和装饰新建筑物,以及设备安装费用 在景区对外开放之前就产生的前期费用,包括 前期市场营销费用和开发期间员工的工资 在景区尚未大量创收之前,需要支付的开放初 期所需的费用 Estimated sample costs of different types of attraction Function description Cost per Functional unit Cost per Museums 200-400 - - Zoos 75-200 - - Leisure park - Play equipment 12000-20000 Theatres 12001800 seat 8000-10000 Sports halls 500-700 - - Ice rink 900-1200 - - 2、sources of funding Pubic attraction Private Voluntary sectors 3 attracting external funding External funding Business plan Financial forecasts and projections Cash flow projections and management Sensitivity analysis Project evaluation and investment appraisal 4 the problems of attracting private sector finance for attraction吸引私营机构投资景区项目所存在的问题 First Second high-risk investment rapid changes in consumer preferences 4 management buy-outs 管理层收购 Somerset wookey hole caves Chapter 9 designing visitor attractions 旅游景区的设计 学习目的要求 掌握景区设计的目标以及景区设计中的约束 1 what do we design The main buildings and structures The ways in which the interiors of the building and structures New the layout of the site as a whole and the location The design of the open spaces on the site and their appearance The route footpaths on site will take and the material The location and form of site furniture The siting form and appearance of on-site support services The entrances to the site and possible new access roads On-site transport systems such as tramways 建筑物的规模,形式,外观,颜色及材料 建筑物的内部格局,设施及装饰 景区整体布局及建筑物之间的间隔 景区内设施及外观的设计 景区内的人行道及铺路所用材料 路标和垃圾箱等景区设施的位置及形状 景区内其他服务设施的选址形状和外观 景区的入口及其他可能到达的通道 景区内交通 2 who designs attractions By a variety of people The building Structures spaces Their fitting out and decoration Support services others 3 design objectives 设计目标 Profit and income generation Economy of operation Design and external audiences Environmental friendliness flexibility Design objectives Safety and security Aesthetic appeal All weather operations Welcoming visitors With special needs User friendliness 创造利润和收入 节约运营成本 灵活性 安全 全天候运营 景区人性化 迎合有特殊需要的游客 美学意义上的吸引力 环境友好 设计与外部观众 创造利润和收入 设计可以通过以下方式帮助景区创收: 设计一个特别引入注目的景区入口,以便吸引开车或 步行路过的人前来景区游览,换句话说这就是所谓的 过路生意 高效的售票亭设计可以使游客进入景区畅通无阻避免 排队 景区内的创收设施要设计在合适的位置 除了精心选址外,可创收设施的设计应该对消费者具 有吸引力,有助于保证收入最大化 为了使潜在收入最大化,零售商店和餐饮店还必须设 计得有效率 节约运营成本 劳动力工资 能源 商品存货 灵活性 景区具有容纳新建筑物的空间 景区运营具有缩减规模的弹性,或者在淡季可 以关闭景区的一部分设施 对于规模较小的景区来说,景区的各部分应该 具有足够的灵活性,以便能够蜊时改变用途以 开发商机 安全 全天候运营 停车场和人行道 应设置在景点附近 炎热的天气可能带来的问题 景区人性化 在往返于景区 的道路和人行道上设置标牌, 以便游客能够很容易找到景区,对景区产生深 刻的印象,否则,一些游客可能会转而去其它 景区 增强景区的可进入性,如良好的停车场位置或 畅通的入口 便于游客安排自己的时间,在景区内部提供相 关信息帮助游客决定如何利用其浏览时间 有吸引力的方便的良好的辅助性服务设施,如 在恰当的位置设置洗手间或餐饮店 线路的设计应保证游客可以轻而易举地观赏到 景区内最好的部分 景区的设计应能够就会可能出现在访问高峰, 将排除和拥护降至最低限度 保证游客可以顺利地找到出口以使他们能够尽 快回家 迎合有特殊需要的游客 为了使坐轮椅的人或行动不便的人能像其他游 客一样充分游览景区 对于听力有障碍的游客来说,信息的图片展示 是很重要的 对于视力有障碍的游客来说,也需要提供一些 服务以保证他们可以从游览中获得愉悦。 对于带婴儿的夫妻来说,能够提供给婴儿换尿 布和热奶的设施就非常必要 美学意义上的吸引力 就抓住景区目标市场的审美品位 环境友好 将废物排放量控制在最小范围 对景区进行设计时注重能源的有效利用 在景区的建设中使用对环境无害的材料 设计与外部观众 其中三类外部观众特别重要,规划方面的权威 人士,投资者和潜在顾客 4 design constraints设计的约束条件 The budget available for the project 项目的预算 The culture of the organization which is developing the attraction and the views of its senior managers on attraction design 景区开发组织的企业文化及其高层管理者对景区设计的看法。其他 成功景区的经验及设计也会左右设计者的想法 Problems relating to the site itself 与景区选址相关的问题 Legal aspects 法律方面的问题 Local planning authority policies 地方规划部门的政策 The climate 气候 5 the design compromise 设计中的让步 由此可见,新景区的设计总是许多势力相互妥 协的结果,而且其中有些势力之间可能是对立 的。 Internal organization objectives for the project Profit and income generation economy of operation Flexibility Safety and security All weather operation User friendliness Welcoming for visitors with special needs Environmental friendliness Aesthetic appeal External audiences Final agreed attraction design Design constraints Project budget The culture of the organization Site problems legal aspects planning policies climate Planning authorities funding institutions potential customers 影响景区设计的所有因素中,项目预算可能是 最重要的。然而,为了节约投资和维修费用而 在设计中作出让步,可能会减少景区的潜在收 入,从而对其长期经营产生负面影响。 International perspective国际视角 尽管景区设计的基本原则在国际上是一致的, 但是英国与其他国家的景区设计却有三点不同。 第一,尽管英国有丰富的遗产景区的设计经验, 但却几乎没有设计主题公园和博物錧的经验 第二,英国的设计者自古以来对景区建筑的设 计就很保守 第三,英国景区的设计会考虑到凉爽而潮湿的 英国气候。 Chapter 10 project management 项目管理 planning Goal time and cost estimates team building Scheduling Resourcing Sequencing activities Controlling Implementation and operation Monitoring Revising plans and targets 1 Who is managing the project? 2 What are they managing time managing quality resource 3 project management techniques项目管 理技术 Critical path analysis 关键途径分析 Programme evaluation and review technique 进度评估法 Linear programming线性规划 4 the skill of the project manager项目经 理的技能 Attention to detail ,as one slight oversight can lead to major problems later The ability when dealing with contractors and suppliers Firmness when dealing with contractors and suppliers The ability to think quickly and make sound judgements when under pressure A good grasp of the technical aspects of construction so they can negotiate knowledgeably with contractors A sound appreciation of the principles of budgeting and financial control The ability to communicate with different types of people including investors The skill of solving problems logically and quickly ,and not panicking when problems arise 5 Problems that may arise可能出现在问 题 恶劣天气影响施工进度, 法规方面的问题 供应商未能将会必备材料或者延期供货 关键人员生病或休假 工程开工后,承包商和供应商试图要求增加费用,他 们的任务必须忙人完成,否则整个工程将延期 工程开工后,建筑师对原始设计做了改动 景区经营者向承包商和供应商支付款项方面 的问题, 因付款延期,工程暂停。 6 Contingency plans 应变计划 7 Managing construction work施工管理 8 Project management and the opening of the attraction 项目管理和景区开业 尽管施工阶段的管理与景区开业后的管理是分 开的,但是项目开发阶段的管理包括了景区的 开业 世界著名游览胜地英文名称 The Himalayas 喜马拉雅山 Great Wall, China 中国长城 Forbidden City, Beijing, China 北京故宫 Mount Fuji, Japan 日本富士山 Taj Mahal, India 印度泰姬陵 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟 Bali, Indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛 Borobudur, I ndonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠 Sentosa, Singapore 新加坡圣淘沙 Crocodile Farm, Thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖 Pattaya Beach, Thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩 Babylon, Iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹 Mosque of St, Sophia in Istanbul (Constantinople), Turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂 Africa 非洲 Suez Canal, Egypt 印度苏伊士运河 Aswan High Dam, Egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝 Nairobi National Park, Kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园 Cape of Good Hope, South Africa 南非好望角 Sahara Desert 撒哈拉大沙漠 Pyramids, Egypt 埃及金字塔 The Nile, Egypt 埃及尼罗河 Oceania 大洋洲 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 Sydney Opera House, Australia 悉尼歌剧院 Ayers Rock 艾尔斯巨石 Mount Cook 库克山 Easter Island 复活节岛 Europe 欧洲 Notre Dame de Paris, France 法国巴黎圣母 院 Effiel Tower, France 法国艾菲尔铁塔 Arch of Triumph, France 法国凯旋门 Elysee Palace, France 法国爱丽舍宫 Louvre, France 法国卢浮宫