HOW DO I FIND HAPPINESS IN DIFFICULT TIMES? DISCOVER SOURCES OF TRUE HAPPINESS . © Paul T. P. Wong INTRODUCTION Happiness is inside you Happiness often entails suffering The bitter-sweet experience of life Happiness is an emotion Happiness is subjective well-being What is the meaning of happiness? Happiness is: A pleasant feeling A positive evaluation or judgment A favorable explanation after the fact An optimistic expectation A sense of inner peace A sense of connectedness A spiritual experience The science of happiness Ed Diener’s Satisfaction with Life Scale ____ In most ways my life is close to my ideal. ____ The conditions of my life are excellent. ____ I am satisfied with my life. ____ So far I have gotten the important things I want in life. ____ If I could live my life over, I would change almost nothing. How did Ikiru find meaning and happiness with terminal cancer? How did the Apostle Paul find meaning and happiness in jail, waiting for execution? How did Frankl find meaning and happiness in Nazi death camps? The new algebra of positive psychology: The Meaning Difference The new algebra of positive psychology: The Power of Infinity The new algebra of positive psychology: Growing in Life through Subtraction Find happiness by becoming a positive person Find happiness by being appreciative Find happiness through belief and faith Find happiness through correct thinking Find happiness through friendship Find happiness through transforming your mind Find happiness by starting a new chapter of your life Find happiness by weaving your dark experiences with positive ones into a colourful quilt Find happiness by being mindful of the present, accepting of the past and hopeful about the future Happiness is working together as a team in harmony with nature