Hofstede`s 4 cultural dimensions

Hofstede’s 4 cultural
Gerard Henrick Hofstede
• Dutch psychologist and
• played a major role in
developing a systematic
framework for assessing
and differentiating
national cultures and
organizational cultures
• His most notable work
has been in developing
the cultural dimensions
Asian countries vs. Western
In comparison,
• Eastern (Asian) countries tend to be:
high on power distance, high on uncertainty avoidance,
- high on collectivism,
mixed on masculinity – femininity,
and are long-term oriented.
• the Western countries tend to be :
low on power distance
low on uncertainty avoidance
high on individualism,
mixed on masculinity – femininity and are short-term oriented
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
1. Individualism versus collectivism.
• Individualism
– people value looking after them selves and their
immediate families
– ‘me’ or I’ consciousness
– Personal goals are more important to group goals
• Collectivist
– Group consensus and harmony are most valued
– ‘We’ consciousness
– individuals place group interests over their own
– Group’s loyalty is very important
– Focus on group goals
• individualistic tourists were more likely to seek
novelty whereas the motivation of the collectivistic
tourists is primarily to be with the family.
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
2. Uncertainty avoidance
The degree to which a country’s culture encourages
the acceptance of the rules and customs, in order to
avoid uncertainty
 The extent to which people feel threatened by
uncertain situations, and have created beliefs and
institutions that try to avoid in such situations
High level of UA cultures that encourage tradition
There is a need for structure, clearly defined rules,
consensus, harmony and security. People ‘do not like
conflict and pursue group harmony’
The travel behaviors of tourists tends to be extensive trip
planning, use of travel agents and tour operators, making
prior travel arrangements, pre-payment for tourism
Low level of UA cultures that encourage innovation &
People like to take risks, confrontation, and conflicts
The travel behaviors of tourists tends to be shorter term
planning, plan the trip by themselves, Buy now-Pay later
Tourists from high uncertainty avoidance
cultures (length of stay, numbers of destination
visiting, size)
- had shorter stays , visited fewer destinations
in the itinerary, and traveled with a larger
party size( e.g. travel in group of friends/
families ,joining the group tour), travel less
WHILE from low uncertainty avoidance cultures
- Took longer trips, visit a greater number of
destinations, traveled more often, and took
longer trips
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
Together, American tourists tend to have the characteristics of
the individualism and low uncertainty avoidance
These actually explain their travel related behaviors on :
preference/choice of local foods and beverages
taking longer trips
preference/choice of action-oriented tourism
wanting to see authentic things at destination etc.
On the other hand, the collectivistic and high uncertainty
avoidance tendencies of Japanese tourists explain their travel
related behaviors such as
preference/choice of own cuisine (Japanese restaurants)
traveling in groups
preference/choice of safe activities
severe/strict planning of the trips
satisfaction in seeing “staged” events etc.
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
3. Power distance
Refers to the way in which power is distributed
within the societies ( equally distributed /
unequally distributed)
High power distance
People in some cultures accept a higher degree of
unequally distributed power than do others
 ‘the extent to which the less powerful members of
institutions and organizations within a country expect
and accept that power is distributed unequally’
– in high power distance countries,
• believe that power and authority are facts of life
• these cultures teach their members that people
are not equal in this world and that everybody has
a rightful place within the society
• Social hierarchy is prevalent and institutionalises
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
In lower power distance countries :
- Power are more equally distributed
- ‘there is a preference for consultation’
- ‘subordinates will quite readily approach and contradict
their bosses’.
Asian cultures are higher in Power Distance and Asian tourists
are likely to view themselves much more powerful than their
service providers compared to Western cultures where such
contrasts may not exist or may be less extreme.
Four nationally based
dimensions to culture
4. Masculinity/Femininity
refers to the degree to which gender
roles are differentiated within countries. In a
more masculine culture managers are
expected to be decisive and assertive and
conflict is resolved by fighting, whereas in a
more feminine culture conflict is resolved by
– For Masculinity, the dominant values of society
are success, acquisition of money and material
things.” (Masculinity)
– For Femininity, the dominant values of a society
are caring/ concerns for others, nurturing and
quality of life.” (Femininity)
Comparisons of Performance evaluation &
expected standards in Hospitality & Tourism
• Asian Tourists VS. Western Tourists
• Asian tourists in general tend to have higher
expectations and evaluate the service performance less
favorably compared to their Western counterparts.
• These differences are attributed to two cultural values.
– First, Asian cultures are people oriented Collectivistic societies
and Asian tourists are likely to expect greater courtesy and
consideration compared to societies, which are less people
oriented and Individualistic.
– Second, Asian cultures are higher in Power Distance and Asian
tourists are likely to view themselves much more powerful than
their service providers compared to Western cultures where
such contrasts may not exist or may be less extreme.
– Thus, overall tourists from Asian countries are stricter in their
performance evaluations.
• Higher levels of expectations of Asian
– due to the people oriented collectivistic nature
of the Asian societies as well as the inherent
social inequalities, which exist in these high
power distance cultures leading to higher
levels of expectations.
• Customers in a ‘collectivist’ culture are more likely to
express dissatisfaction to others, e.g. friends and peers,
rather than to the organisation
– Complaining not only makes the service provider loose his/her
face, it is embarrassing for the tourist as well and wearing your
emotions on your sleeve
• Conversely, customers from an individualistic culture are
more likely to voice their complaints to the organisation
and consequently receive a solution to their
dissatisfaction, having expressed it to the organisation in
the first place
From the service provider point of view, which group of customer (
Collectivist or Individualist) is more difficult to provide service ? And WHY?
Regarding to complaining behavior of customers/consumers,
is it good for the service organization / Why?
Which group of customer make less complaints? (Collectivist
or individualist) and WHY?
How could a service company ( Choose from hotel,
restaurant or travel agent) encourage these groups of customers
to make a complain?
As a hotel/restaurant/travel agent ( choose only one)
, what products, promotion activities would you create for customer from
Collectivist culture
Individualist culture