presented by :
PhDr. Dagmar Kop čanová, VÚDPaP
Study visit No. 194, May 17-21, 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia
►30-ties of the last century -preparation of young generation for their studies and jobs- vocational guidance (Stavěl,1932,1934)
► 50-ties of the last century- Institute of Human Labour in Prague, prevailingly psychometric orientation.
► Development of the intelligence tests and the questionnaires on interests.
► After 2nd WW , also due to psychologists working in health care system and nursery houses, namely Czech colleagues : Langmeier, Matějček,
Schue rer, Jirásek and others.
► The biggest development starst from early 60-ties: on behalf of solving problems of personal and educational development of children, vocational guidance and counselling keeping marriage and family integrity by means of professional help in counselling institutions.
► The first Psychological clinic and Center for vocational guidance (1957) and
The Research institute for Child Psychology and Pathopsychology (1964) have been created in Bratislava, thanks to the initiative of Prof. Miroslav
► First basic conception has been formed, respecting the personality of individual, his/her specifics and abilities to solve problems by means of their own potentials and own resources (J. Koščo:1962,1971,1974,1975)
► Biodromal counselling (J.Koščo:Counselling psychology 1987).
► In the course of 60-ties and 70-ties the network of new psychological clinics and new centers for vocational guidance were established in Slovakia
► The system of educational counselling was developed in three levels: education counsellor (school counsellor) in schools, psychological- educational consultancies in the districts of
Slovakia and Regional psychological consultancies and vocational guidance centers in three major regions (West part of
SLovakia-Bratislava, Central part-Banska Bystrica and Eastern partKošice.
Systems of Counselling in Slovakia today:
► Resort of Education
– centers for pedagogical-psychological counselling and prevention (CPPCP), special pedagogy consultances, school educational counsellors, special pedagogues, Roma teacher assistants, drug prevention coordinators, child intergration centers, university consultances
Resort of Labour, Social affairs and Family - specialists (psychologists, social workers, etc.)working in the Offices of labour, Social affairs and Family in all districts and regions of Slovakia
► Health Care System – according to specifics of various illnesses, specialised clinics (e.g. drug abuse clinic, etc.)
Other types: charity and pastoral counselling, NGO
´s, counselling in business, etc.
Private counselling
► Telephone counselling
► First help links (UNICEF and several NGO ´s )
Services provided in the Resort of
Labour Social Affairs and Family :
► Individual counselling and psychotherapy
► Pre-marriage counselling
► Marriage counselling and psychotherapy
► Divorce and post-divorce counselling
► Counselling unemployed and their families
► Counselling enterprisers and their families
► Counselling people who applied for adoption of child and foster care
► Other social-psychological services
a/ directly in schools :
● Educational(school) counsellor (selected teacher with limited working schedule) in basic schools and secondary schools
● School psychologist
● Special pedagogue
● Teacher assistant
● Drug prevention coordinator b/other counselling facilities outside of schools :
● Centers of pedagogical- psychological counselling and prevention (CPPCP), / 75 /
● Special pedagogy consultances (SPC) /122/
● Child integration centers (CHIC, in Slovak=DIC)
● University consultances
II. Specifics of Counselling for
Roma Clients
Difference between advantaged and disadvantaged:
Poor preparation for school (no pre-school education)
Necessary socio-cultural background for education missing
Fail to develop habits of sustained attention
No idea about any sources of information
No expectations of reward for being informed
Poor language experience
► Roma children from socially disadvantaged milieu are mostly brought up in their families and communities until they are 6
► Process of their socialization passes in another way than that of the majority children
► Their experiences, habits and skills differ from those expected from 6 year olds
► They communicate in Roma language only and don’t master the educational ones
► This setting is low stimulating the development of child cognitive functions
► A lot of Roma children are not „prepared” for the standard education and to be successful in a basic school
How to provide Counselling Roma and other disadvantaged children
Different culture :
– specific traditions, habits, attitudes and value system,
– different style of living and mentality,
– different style of child nurturing and language
develops special characteristics which are the most significant for education, psychological counselling and contacts with Roma pupils and their families
Psychological methodology respecting
Roma children specifics, in VUDPaP lately :
● RR screening
● SON - R 2 1/2-7
In nowadays:
● production of a new test:
Test of School Readiness (children from 6 -7 years )
● standardisation of the test IDS -
Intelligence and Development Scale (children from 5-10)
it is a non-verbal test – to accept little mastering of instructional language
it has simple instructions
a practical training task precedes each subtest, children thus are familiarized with the task
it is a short-lasting test – to accept a shorttime concentration ability (it consists of 4 subtests)
it contains full-colored stimulating pictures to attract and foster attention, to increase interest and motivation to co-operate
the pictures depict well-known things and situations from Roma children milieu
the pictures are placed on plastic cards – for simple and direct manipulation as objective aids
The SON-R 2
- 7 is composed of six subtests:
1. Mosaics,
2. Categories,
3. Puzzles,
4. Analogies,
5. Situations and
6. Patterns.
And then you can see „Happy Roma faces“
III. Cooperation of VUDPaP and UNESCO
1999 – International conference organized in cooperation with UNESCO & IRTAC-
IAC : Counselling Children and Young People at the Edge of the 3rd Millenium, participation of 44 krajín from Europe and overseas
– international seminar in cooperation with the Section for Education SC
UNESCO, supported from the Participation programme,called : “
Education for Children from Socially Disadvantaged Settings
15 countries participated
2008 - in cooperation with the Section for Education, SC UNESCO another international seminar suported from the Participation programme UNESCO :
Equal Access to Quality Education for Children from Socially disadvantaged
“, participation of 14 countries from Europe and overseas
2011 - in cooperation with the Section for Education, SC UNESCO we are just organizing the international conference:” Respecting Cultural Diversities by
Quality Education of Socially and Differently Disadvantaged Children “ ( a special focus on Roma Children)
We expect experts from Czech and Slovak republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia,
Macedonia, Crotia, Moldova, Rumania, Turkey, Italy, Israel, France, Germany and
UNESCO Conferences on Roma Education in Bratislava , Slovakia in 2005 and 2008