Interprofessional Collaboration

Interprofessional collaboration
as a developmental process
Katariina Pärnä
MIMO-seminar 27.2.2013
Themes today
• The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of
Children and Young People (=>context to
collaboration and context to ”Art-Based
Methods in Well-Being”
• Interprofessional Collaboration in the
context of research
• Models f interprofessional collaboration
• Interprofessional collaboration as a
developing process
• The Foundation for the Rehabilitation of
Children and Young People was established in
2000 by the Mannerheim League for Child
Welfare. Both the League and the Foundation are
non-profit-making, non-governmental
organizations concerned with child welfare and
child protection as expressed in the UN
Convention on the Rights of Children and in the
objectives of the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs
and Health.
• The Foundation comprises the Huvitus Rehabilitation
and Development Center at Yläne (in southwestern
Finland, 65 kilometers north of Turku)
• Huvitus began operations in the summer of 1994.
• The
serves about
700 families
• Families of the child welfare
authorities (psycho-social family
• Families with children with
disabilities (reorientation
courses of families, rehabilitation
and coping assessment periods
for young people)
• Families, children and young people for whom individual
rehabilitation has been planned together with a hospital, local
authority or an organization
• Professionals who come to our Center for training
• The Finnish Slot Machine Association
• The Social Insurance Institution
• The Insurance Rehabilitation Agency
• Local authorities throughout Finland
• VIG® (video interaction guidance)
• Theraplay®
• Experiential methods
Outdoor activities
Arts and handicrafts
• Training of everyday
• Dialogical Network cooperation
• Build relations between family
• Help restructure the family
• Give children a place and a voice
• Provide opportunities to practice
relational and parenting skills
• Bring family workers into contact
with children and their world of
• Build communication and cooperation between family and
family workers
”Art-based Methods and Well-Being”
Interprofessional Collaboration and research
Research questions:
• How locally cathered interprofessional teams
build cooperative work culture and what
contentual interpretations it receives?
• How employees describe their collaboration, and
what kind of tension and challenges there are?
• What is it as a practice?
• How to support the combining of
• What kind of developmental process can be
identified in the deepening collaboration?
(Pärnä 2012)
Research design and Data
• The Research design has charasteristics of
- action research
- dewelopmental work research
- case study research
• Empirical data includes
- interviews (7)
- group discussions (10) from the meetings where
employees evaluate the activities implemented during
the project
- documents produced during the project
- work papers and official documents
- field notes
Theory & Analyse
• System of profssions and their linked ecologies
(Abbott 1988, 2005)
• Relational agency in expertice (Edwards 2009)
• Conceptual analyses of interprofessional
collaboration (D´Amour et. al. 2005, Leathard
2003, Gittling 1994)
- Qualitative content analysis
- Also charasteristics of narrative interpretation
- The analysis combines data-based and theorydirected interpretation
Main Concepts
• Profession
• Boundary work, crossing of boundaries
• Relational agency
• Interprofessional Collaboration
• Process
• Preventive family work
Why to collaborate
• Today the multiple needs of children and their families are
becoming more complex.
• Interprofessional collaboration is usually considered to be
related to challenging customer situations where issues
such as the treatment of a customers disease, problems in
life control or the mapping of learning difficulties require
Efficient collaboration between professionals
• The current political-administrative steering in social and
health services also emphasises the role of
interprofessional collaboration in preventive work, such
as early intervention services for families
• Professionals can learn from the other professionals and
from customers
• It is also possibility to put empowering point of
view in the core of interprofessional
Interprofessional collaboration
• It is very common, even popular, in planning and
governing modern health and social services, as well all
human services.
• As a concept, interprofessional collaboration is widely
used, in various documents it is usually mentioned as a
form or method of collaboration
• Typically it is not specifically defined, but instead its
meaning is taken for granted and it is assumed to be
implicitly understood
• It’s also usually used in very positive meaning– thought is
that interprofessional collaboration gives some extra and
something good for the relationship between partners
• There are also stories about barries and difficulties.
“ In the strictest sense of the term [profession], a high-status
occupation composed of highly trained experts performing a
very specialized role in society. A profession has exclusive
possession of competence in certain types of knowledge and
skills crucial to society and its individual clients.
The special intensive education and necessary discipline develops
a strong in-groups solidarity and exclusiveness. Every
profession, on the basis of its monopoly of knowledge and skills
and its responsibility for the honor and perpetuation of the
profession, tends to feel that it is by itself capable of
formulating its ethics and judging the quality of its work.
Thus professional groups tend to reject the control of the public or
clients they serve. Nevertheless, a profession is, of course,
influenced by the public it professes to serve, and its shaped by
the needs of other interest groups and by the demands of
other professional organizations.”
(A Modern Dictionary of Sociology, Theodorson et al. 1970)
System of professions
• Theory about Professions (Abbot 1988)
” How abstract is abstract enough to
be professional” (Abbott 1988, 9)
• Competition between professions
• Jurisdiction (claims to classify the problem
-> interference -> treatment)
• Amalgamation < = > division
• Boundary work
Boundary work and
crossing the boundaries
• Boundary work are at the core of interprofessional
• Professions have different ways to react;
amalgamation or division (horisontal or vertical)
(Abbott 1988)
• Boundaries between professionals and boundaries
between professionals and users (see Arnkil 1992)
• Collaborative learnig: shared understanding and
shared reality (Leinonen et al. 2006)
• New teams/professionals need to mediate their
collaboration at the boundaries, recognised the
boundary space and boundary zones (Edwards 2010)
Relational agency (Edwards 2010)
• Relational agency of professional practice
• Expertice is created as a result of the relations
between professionals and between professionals
and customers
• Professions develop, create their practices and
change in relation to one another
- interactional expertice
- contributory expertice ; interprofessional
(interview -> discussion -> conversation)
Interprofessional collaboration
• The concept of interprofessional
collaboration is often used as describing
the method or approach of working
(Isoherranen 2005, Morrow et al. 2005, Larivaara & Taanila 2004).
• Interprofessional vs. intraprofessional
• Inter (between), multi (many)
• Lot of related concepts
Interprofessional collaboration:
”The term ´interprofessional collaboration´ is the
key term that refers to interaction between the
professionals involved, albeit from different
backrounds, but who have the same joint goals in
working together.” (Leathard, 2003)
”The term collaboration conveys the idea of sharing
and implies collective action oriented toward a
common goal, in a spirit of harmony and trust.”
(D´Amour et al. 2005)
Five stage model of collaboration
(Gitling et al. 1994)
1. Assesment and goal setting
2. Determination of a collaborative fit
3. Identification of resources and reflection
4. Project refinement and iImplementation
5. Evaluation and feedback
Structuration model of
interprofessional collaboration (D´Amour et al.
- common practice
Interprofessional Collaboration:
Core of Concepts (D´Amour et al. 2005, rewiev)
Concepts related to
- type of relations
- interaction between
- sharing, partnership
power, process.
Concepts related to team
- Human context in which
collaboration takes place
- Collaboration within the
teams can be described
on the continuum of
professional autonom ->
different teams:
- multi,
- inter,
- trans
Different facets of sharing
Shared responsibilities
Shared decision-making
Shared healt care philosophy
Shared data
Shared planning and intervention
Shared professional perspectives
gollegial-like relationship
Authentic and constructive
Open and hones communication
Mutual trust and respect
Be aware of and value the contributions
and perspectives of the other professionals
• Partners pursue a set of common goals
• Specific outcomes
• Mutual dependence
• Collaboration requires that professionals be
interdepent rather than autonomous
• Interdependencu arises from a common desive to
address the patients/ckients needs
• Complexity oh health/social problems demands
the expertice of each og the professionals on the
• Individual contributions are maximized / the
outpu of the whole becomes much larger than
the sum of inputs from each part
• Collective action
• Collaboration is seen as a true partnership
characterized by the simultaneous empowerment
of each participant
• Power is based on knowledge and expertice
(rather than on functions or titles)
• Power is a product of the relationships and
interactions between team members
• In order to maintain actual and perceived
symmetry in power relationships, collaborative
interaction is required
• Power cannot be separeted from the relationship
througt wich it is exercised
Collaboration is seen as
a dynamic or transforming process
the structure of collective act
The collaboration process may follow very
comcrete steps, such as negotiation and
compromise in decision-making or shared
planning and intervention
• ”Professional boundaries be transcended if each
of participants is to contribute to improvements
in client care while duly considering the qualities
and skills of the other professionals.” (D´Amour et al. 2005)
Interprofessional collaboration:
remember your own colour and
mix it with other
But in worsiest case, it looks odd
But in best way it gives possibilities for
clients and professionals
Interprofessional collaboration
as a process (Pärnä 2012)
Requires of collaboration
of customeroriented
Trust and
willingness to
Crossing the
Target-orientation and structurally leaded
Effective interprofessional
Do together
clients and
professional skills
and organisational
Abbott, A.(1988) The system of Professions. An essay on the Division of Expert Labor. The University
of Chicago Press, London.
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Edwards, A. (2010) Being an Expert Professional Practitioner. The relational Turn in Expertice.
Springer, London.
Gitling, L.N., Lyons, K. & Kolodner, E. (1994) A model to build collaborative research or educational
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Isoherranen, K. (2005) Moniammatillinen yhteistyö.
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Leathard, A. (2003) Models for interprofessional collaboration. In Leathard, A. 8edit.)
Interprofessional collaboration. From Policy to Practice in Health ans Social Care. Brunner &
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Leinonen, P., Järvelä, S. & Häkkinen, P. (2006) Yhteisöllinen oppiminen ja tietoisuustyökalut
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Morrow,G., Malin, N. & Jennigs, T. (2005) Interprofessional team working for child and family
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Pärnä, K. (2012) Kehittävä moniammatillinen yhteistyö prosessina. Lapsiperheiden varhaisen
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Lingua Fennica Edita. Uniprint Oy. Turku.
Thank you !
• For further information, pleace contact by
Have a nice spring!