Criminal Justice: A Brief Introduction

AJ 50 – Introduction to
Administration of Justice
Chapter 6 Policing: Issues and
Issues in Policing
Certain issues hold special interest and
concerns for today’s police administrators
and officers
Inherent Dangers
Use-of-Force/Lethal Force
Civil Liability
Police Subculture & Personality
Informal values that characterize the police force
as a distinct community with common goals
Working Personality
Traditional values and behaviors
Socialized into police culture
Often extends to officers’ personal lives
The Police Personality
The abuse of police authority for personal or
organizational gain
Historical existence of corruption?
Knapp Commission
A committee that investigated police corruption in New
York City in the early 1970s
Established two types of corrupt officers
Grass Eaters
Meat Eaters
Is money at the root of corruption?
Building Integrity
Law Enforcement Oath of Honor (page 199)
How does LE create and maintain integrity
within its profession?
Hiring standards
Academy & continuing training
Internal Affairs
The branch of a police organization tasked with
investigating charges of wrongdoing involving
members of the department
Drug and Alcohol Use
IACP Drug-Testing Recommendations
All applicants/recruits
Employees showing performance difficulties
indicating possible drug/alcohol problems
Employees involved with excessive force
Employees involved with IOD
Routine testing of special assignments such as
Narcotics or Vice
Inherent Dangers of Police Work
156 officers killed in line of duty (2005)
Risk of disease and infection
Gunfire = 52
Automobile Accident = 33
Heart Attack = 17
Vehicular Assault = 15
Biological agents, blood-borne pathogens,
Stress and Fatigue
Shift-work, diet, OT, etc.
Police Civil Liability
1983 Lawsuits
Responsibility for damages caused by
Based on § 1983, Title 42, US Code
Filed in Federal Court
Bivens Action
Liability action against federal officials
Major Sources of Civil Liability
Failure to protect
property in custody
Negligent care of incustody suspects
Failure to render proper
medical first-aid
Lack of due regard for
public safety
False arrest or
Excessive force
Violation of
constitutional rights
Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling and Biased Policing
Racial Profiling
Racial Profiling vs. Criminal Profiling?
Any police-initiated action that relies on the subject’s race,
ethnicity, or national origin
Same as racism?
Civil rights violation vs. good police work
POST training mandates
~100,000 officers statewide
5 hours initial training
Main goal = individual-officer introspection
Cultural Awareness
Training helps to identify individual prejudices
Four stages:
Clarifying the relationship between cultural awareness and
police professionalism
Recognizing personal prejudices
Acquiring sensitivity to police-community relations
Developing interpersonal-relations skills
Use of Force
Police Use-of-Force
Use-of-Force Continuum
The use of physical restraint by a police officer when
dealing with a member of the public
Department Policy, Training, etc.
Ladder, Steps, Elevator, Wheel…
Excessive Force
The application of an amount or frequency of force greater
than that required to gain compliance from a willing or
unwilling subject
Lethal Force
Level of force likely to cause death or great bodily
Tennessee vs. Garner (1985)
Lethal force upon fleeing felon only if serious threat of injury
or death to public or officer and deadly force necessary to
affect arrest
Graham vs. Connor (1989)
Established “objective reasonableness” standard
Appropriateness of force should be judged from perspective
of reasonable officer in that situation
Lethal-Force Policy Elements
Common elements of deadly-force policies…
Defense of Life
Fleeing Felony Suspect
Should be given if not jeopardizing safety
Warning Shots
If escape likely to result in imminent danger of death/GBI
Verbal Warnings
Officer’s or another’s
Generally discouraged
Moving Vehicles
Not to disable vehicle, at driver/occupants only if imminent
death/GBI and does not cause overriding danger
Less-Lethal Force
Less-Lethal Weapons
Weapons designed/intended to disable,
capture, or immobilize – but not kill – a suspect
Not Non-lethal!
Could cause unintentional death or serious
Pepper Spray/Pepperball
Tasers/Stun Guns
Beanbag Projectiles
Rubber Bullets
Snare Nets
Education and Training
Peace Officer Standards and Training
Official state/legislative program that sets law
enforcement training standards
832 PC
Basic Academies
Continuing Professional Training
Perishable-Skills Program
Recruitment and Selection
Benefits of hiring educated officers
Report writing skills
Communication skills
Effective job performance
Fewer citizen complaints
Increased initiative
Wise use of discretion
Fewer discipline issues
Heightened awareness of multiculturalism
Professionalism and Ethics
The increasing formalization of police work and
the accompanying rise in public acceptance of
the police
The special responsibility to adhere to moral
duty and obligation inherent in police work
Law Enforcement Code of Ethics (p. 226)
Ethnic and Gender Diversity
in Policing
Women currently represent ~13% of all sworn officers
4.8% are women of color
Between 1990−2001, women’s ranks increased from 9% to
Women hold 7.3% of sworn top-command law enforcement
Women will not achieve equal representation within 70 years
Consent Decrees mandating the hiring/promotion of women
and minorities are the significant factor in women’s gains
Women as Effective Police Officers
Research on female police officers
Extremely devoted to their work
See themselves as women first and then police officers
Are more satisfied when working in non-uniformed
Two groups of female officers
Those who feel themselves to be well integrated and
Those who experience strain and on-the-job isolation
Increasing the Number of Minorities
and Women in Police Work
Police Foundation recommendations
Involve underrepresented groups in affirmative
action and long-term planning programs
Encourage development of an open system of
promotions for women and racial/ethnic minorities
Use periodic audits to ensure that female officers
are not being underutilized
Private Protective Services
Private Protective Services
Independent commercial organizations that provide
protective services to employers on a contractual basis
Major reasons for rapid growth of private policing
Increase in workplace crimes
Increase in fear-of-crime and terrorism
Fiscal crises of the states
Increased public and business awareness
More cost-effective private-security services
Impact on traditional Law Enforcement?