Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Further Introductory Reading:
Mindfulness Meditation for Everyday Life
(Wherever You Go, There you are:….)
Kabat-Zinn, Jon - Piatkus 1994
Full Catastrophe Living
Kabat-Zinn, Jon - Piatkus 1996
The Mindful Way through Depression…
freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness (with CD)
Williams, Teasdale, Segal & Kabat-Zinn
Guilford Press 2007
Mindfulness – a practical way to finding
peace in a frantic world (with CD)
Williams, Mark, Penman, Danny – Piatkus 2011
Mindfulness for Dummies (with CD)
Aladina, Shamash
Wiley, 2010
Informative Websites:
June, 2014
A Brief Introduction to
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on
purpose, in the present moment and non-judgementally.
Jon Kabat-Zinn (1994)
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Can helps us:
Get out of our heads and learn to experience the
world directly, experientially, without the relentless
commentary of our thoughts.
See our thoughts as mental events that come and
go in the mind like clouds across the sky, instead of
taking them literally.
Start living right here, in each present moment
Disengage the autopilot in our heads.
Side-step the cascade of mental events that draw
us down into depression.
Stop trying to force life to be a certain way because
we’re uncomfortable right now.
Professor Mark Williams,
Professor of Clinical Psychology
Oxford Mindfulness Centre / Dept of Psychiatry
Oxford University
‘The true journey of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having fresh eyes’
Marcel Proust
What are the benefits?
Two decades of published research indicate that the
majority of people who complete an 8 week
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course
a lasting decrease in physical and
psychological symptoms
an increased ability to relax
greater energy and enthusiasm for life
improved self-esteem
an ability to cope more effectively with both
short and long term stressful situations
Course Leader
Julian Bowers BA Hons MA
Julian is a fully trained teacher of Mindfulness-Based
Stress Reduction and has completed Teacher
Development Level 1 at the CMRP, Bangor University. He
has taught the 8 Week Programme many times to a
range of mental health clinicians. Julian leads a day
seminar on MBSR/MBCT for post-graduate and doctoral
students at the School of Psychology, Birmingham
University. He is supervised at the Oxford Mindfulness
Centre, Dept. of Psychiatry, Oxford University, has
published on Mindfulness, and has worked directly
with Prof Mark Williams.