But our Challenges are great with Modern medical system has such Great research accomplishments Spread all over the globe Training facilities Budgetary allotments Powerful AMA, IMA, WHO etc And Mass media But why should we bring These systems ? Is it just because it is ours? Is it just because it is told in the Vedas and brought out in our tradition In a sense yes but much more than that What ? Modern system has failed to face the new challenge Of Stress-induced problems The main stream doctors and institutions have opened their doors and started looking at Our ancient and traditional systems WHY MODERN SYSTEM HAS FAILED ? Modern Science is One-dimensional Just physical And the challenges Are multi-dimensional Can we covert all these challenges Into Opportunities Is the question ???? How ?? The time is so congenial We can march ahead Fast But HOW?? Swami Vivekananda’s teachings India is the land of Spirituality We need to channelise India In the process of Reconstruction To reach her to an Ideal state What is that Spirituality ? Consciousness – Based Approach CBA ! That Consciousness is primary and Matter is its offshoot How to bring that Spirituality to our day to day living ? Yoga, modern tool as envisioned by Swami Vivekananda Yoga as a way of healthy living featured by Balance and Total approach to life Holistic Value system Artha Kama Dharma and Moksha Why Dharma ? has to be explained in the modern language of Science and Technology To the youth and scientists By nothing less than Modern Scientific research To re-establish the dimensions of Consciousness- based approach (CBA) over Matter-based paradigm ( MBP ) which has engulfed our globe and is the cause of all problems The same science has to be used to establish the essence of our culture rooted in CBA over the MBP to bring peace on Earth The same technology and mass media has to be used to establish our health systems all over the globe Arogya Bharati Can do it so effectively all over India THROUGH THE PANCA KOSHA MODEL OF THE UPANISHADS FOR HEALTH ~ PANCA KOSA VIJNANAMAYA KOSA MANOMAYA KOSA ADHI ANNAMAYA KOSA VYADHI PRANAMAYA KOSA ANANDAMAYA KOSA THE BASIS FOR IAYT The objective of this workshop today and tomorrow is to concretize the research modalities and approaches So that we can publish our findings in medical journals of lore NAMASRI YATI RAJAYA VIVEKANANDA SURAYE SAT CIT SUKHA SWARUPAYA SWAMINE TAPAHARINE