Addiction and Mental Health Services Calgary Zone Presented by Valerie Wiebe, ED Addiction and Mental Health Calgary Zone Building Community Strategies for Promoting Mental Health Service Use in Ethno-cultural Communities Outline • What is Diversity? • What is Mental Health? • AHS commitment to Diversity • Addiction and Mental Health Services Calgary • Children and Mental Health 2 Diversity : all the ways we are unique and different • • AHS Dimensions of diversity include ethnicity and cultural orientation. Enhancing diversity competency Outcomes: – Recognize and address health disparities and services barriers – improved health outcomes for diverse populations. – Social, community, financial, and service benefits 3 Demographics • 2001-2006 Canada’s foreign-born population increasing by 13.6% compared to a 3.3% increase in the general population. • In 2006 individuals of Asian descent comprised 58.3% of the immigrant population (Statistics Canada). 4 What is mental health? – – – – – – – Ability to function normally Desire and ability to seek happiness Desire to love and to be loved, lasting friendships, Ability to learn Ability to earn a living Ability to contribute Emotional stability and the ability to overcome stressors. – Ability for effective parenting 5 Mental Health and Diverse populations • Mental Health of Immigrants = Non Immigrants at first. • Increased likelihood to experience mental health problems, post traumatic stress disorder, social isolations, family separations, communication difficulties, low income, homeless, employment challenges. • Diverse populations underutilize mental health services. • Barriers to utilization of MH Services – Affordability (real /or perceived) – Inadequate detection in primary care – Lack of trust, shame stigma – Low priority placed on mental health issues. 6 Diversity Directional Document 2008 to 2012, Goal: To become a proficient diversity competent organization, and a model for other health organizations. • increase access,reduce barriers • improve health system experiences for diverse populations • best and promising practices for diversity competency, • strategies that make clear our commitment to contributing to this growing evidence base. • This is a living document that will be reviewed regularly and updated as required. 7 Cultural Competency and AHS • Knowledge of the population: Engage in community consultations to augment information systems and gain insights into cultural norms, etc • Diversity competencies are embedded in the AHS governance structure and organizational policies, • Provide staff recruitment /promotion to support diversity in the workplace • Develop services in collaboration with representatives from target community • Increasing the diversity of the workforce, as well as training all members of the workforce to work competently with diverse populations, 8 Culturally Competent Mental Health Services • Positive therapeutic relationship most salient predictor of treatment adherence and positive outcome • Shared understanding of the mental health problem and agreement on best course of treatment • Ability of the clinician to understand the clients perspective, gain trust ,address issues of diversity • Assessment is an interpretive process where the client and clinician arrive at shared understanding of the problem and negotiate. (no stereotypes or generalizations) 9 Interpretive services • Interpreter services should be engaged at the request of the client, and offered whenever a client’s English language proficiency is questionable • Interpreters should be engaged, as necessary or requested, at every stage of mental health care delivery. • Calgary employees have access to Certified Health Care Interpreters 24 hours a day, seven days a week. • These interpreters have had some basic training in interpreting in mental health 10 Mental Health Patients Rights Mental Health Act is now available in several languages on the website of the Alberta Mental Health Patient Advocate at under Quick Links • Who is the Mental Health Patient Advocate? • How can the Patient Advocate help me as a patient or family member? • What rights do I have under the Mental Health Act? • How does the Patient Advocate handle concerns? • How can I contact the Mental Health Patient Advocate? 11 Diversity Liaisons • Reach out to diverse populations to identify key stakeholders build relationships and complete needs assessment to understand the health needs as well as barriers in accessing health care services. • Provide support and information regarding how to navigate the health system. • Provide information to Community organizations re Alberta Health Services programs and services for their clients. • Provide information to Alberta Health Services employees: • to review the cultural appropriateness of health information • explore ways that existing services can be adapted to meet the unique needs of diverse populations. 12 Health Services information • • Health Services Presentation 1.5 hours Help navigate the health system. • Topics – Health Insurance System: Alberta Blue Cross Insurance, Alberta Child Health Benefits, Low Income Eye and Dental Assistance Program. – Health Services in Calgary: An overview of health services that are available in Calgary. – Health Advice and Health Interpreting Services: This half an hour presentation shows how to get health information and advice in your own language and how to book a health care interpreter at no cost. – Emotional Wellness: An overview of what is good health, what affects health, how to identify and cope with stress/problems, what can be done to stay emotionally healthy, where to get help if needed. – Beat the Germs: An overview of how to wash hands properly and how to prevent the spread of germs. 13 Access Mental Health Professional staff help people of all ages to get mental health information: -understand options for mental health support; -connect with local community resources connect to mental health services within Alberta Health Services – Calgary. 14 Access Mental Health • Phone: 943-1500 • Extension 1 – Child and Adolescent Line • Extension 2 – Adult and Senior Line • Fax: 943-9044 • Email: • Hours: 8:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday 15 Mobile Response team • MRT is able to book interpreters to accompany them to do an assessment in the client's home as well if they are in crisis. • Also refers to people in community agencies like Calgary Family Services or Calgary Catholic Immigration Society where there are known therapists who speak different languages. 16 Best Beginning Program • Cantonese/Mandarin • Women are assessed by the Social Worker and Nurse for depression, postpartum depression, eating disorders and other mental health issues. • Women are able to meet other women, increase their social support and get new information. • Referrals are made – Food Bank for monthly prenatal hampers, – Dental services – Assistance is offered for donations for baby supplies, furniture and clothes, car seats, cribs and strollers. • Has a voluntary birth companion program in partnership with volunteer services to provide birth support during labor as needed. 17 Geriatric Mental Health Services Community and CCC • Mental health services for seniors who are living in the community with moderate to severe age-related mental health concerns. • Multidisciplinary consultation service to continuing care centres for residents with psychiatric/behavioral problems secondary to a wide range of organic and functional mental health disorders. 18 Mental Health Services • • • • • • • • • Hospital/Acute Care / Emergency Department Urgent Health Centres Police and Crisis Teams Community Clinics (Mood Disorders, Anxiety, BiPolar, Schizophrenia, Early Psychosis, Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Chinese Outreach team Access Mental Health Mobile Response Team PCN Shared Mental Health , Depression Pathway Geriatric Outreach Teams 20 Mental Health and Children • Critical aspects of brain architecture is built before and soon after birth…does not just “ happen” • Experiences in early childhood affects brain development. • Development of good mental health is affected positively by good relationships, good food, good environment, healthy habits of parents. • After birth the new born relies on loving caring relations for normal healthy brain development 21 What babies need from adults • Nurturing and stable relationships with caring adults – associated with stronger cognitive skills in young children and enhanced social competence and work skills. • Stable nurturing home environment (toys, food, activity with family) – Strongly related to cognitive and language development 22 Factors that impair brain development • • • • Family violence Parents with mental illness Maternal depression Poor nutrition 23 Mental Health and Children • The future of society depends on its ability to foster the health and well being of its children • Today’s children will become tomorrows parents , workers and citizens 24 Impact of troubled families on children • Children living in seriously troubled families are at risk to develop: – anxiety problems, – violent behaviors, – drug abuse, – addiction, poor learning, – depression, emotional problems, – diabetes, – cardiovascular disease. 25 Child and Adolescent Addiction and Mental services • • • • • • • • • RRDTC Speciality Mental Health Clinics (MAD, ADHD, ODD/CD) Neuropsychiatry Adolescent Day Treatment Program Eating Disorders Program Young Adult Program Acute Care and Emergency Services (Inpatient and Outpatient) Child & Family Day Treatment Program Transitional Youth Services Community Mental Health Services – NE, NW, South clinics – Paediatric Behavioural Developmental Clinic – Collaborative Mental Health Care 26 Acknowledgements • • • • • • Delaney Johnson Louise Behiel Jean Leong Jackie Herman Yvonne Hau Kim Frache Thankyou 27