Trilateral Cooperation
at the GIZ Office in South Africa
Daniel Werner
7th June 2011
Seite 1
Types of Trilateral Cooperation in SA
1. On the basis of bilateral programmes
 Within bilateral programmes, advise to partners their activities in the region and on
the continent (SLGP, PSRP).
 Bilateral programmes have components that are also implemented in other African
countries (e.g. YDF or Nelson Mandela Foundation).
2. Regional programmes based in South Africa
 Germany and South Africa jointly build-up regional networks (AFUR, CABRI,
3. Cooperation among emerging countries
 Demand-driven and topic-specific cooperation with GIZ-programmes in other
emerging countries (e.g. SA-India: rural development, Indo-German Tool Room; SAChina: technology cooperation / wind energy).
 Various former Inwent programmes (as e.g. Managing Global Governance, Climate
Leadership Porgramme, Dialogue Forum Emerging Countries, etc.)
4. Fund to Support German – South African Trilateral Cooperation (TriCo-Fund)
 Dedicated programme to support German – South African joint initiatives in third
countries; new mode of delivery
Seite 2
TriCo-Fund: Objectives and Structure
Strengthen South Africa’s contribution to the development of the continent by
• Supporting the establishment of capacities for development cooperation
• Jointly carrying out developmental projects in third countries (as equal partners)
 New Mode of Delivery in the SA-German Development Cooperation
The Trilateral Cooperation (TriCo) Fund is governed by a Steering Committee
comprised of representatives from National Treasury and the German Embassy.
GTZ provides the secretariat and manages the TriCo Fund.
Projects that fall within the scope of an existing development cooperation area (good
governance, climate and energy, skills development, HIV/AIDS) and/or contribute to
the protection of a global public good (specifically peace and security).
 synergies + comparative SA/German advantage ensured
Duration: 08/2007 – 08/2013
Budget: 5 Mio EUR
Seite 3
Application procedure and conditions
 May be requested by a South African governmental institution, a
third country or regional organization
 Have to contain meaningful contributions of each of the parties
(SA contribution at least 30%)
 Fall within the thematic scope (see above)
 Contain written support of the South African and third country /
regional project partner
 Official SA partner has to be a governmental department (which
may delegate implementation to an implementing institution)
 Are selected by the StC based on a Call for Proposals (next Call
expected within 3rd Quarter 2011)
Seite 4
TriCo-Fund: Projects
2 completed projects:
• Organization of a National Anti-Corruption Summit in the DRC (SA partner: DPSA)
• Development of an investigation manual for the Independent Complaints
Directorate (ICD) and training support to Tanzania and Kenya (SA-partner: ICD)
3 ongoing projects in 2011:
• Establishment of an African Ombudsman Research Centre (SA partner: Public
• Tanzania - South Africa Fire Management Coordination Project (SA partner: DWA)
• Development of a Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) Strategy
for South Africa’s engagement in the DRC (SA partner: DIRCO)
Quality criteria:
• Participative planning with representatives from all parties involved
• Results-based monitoring system ensuring effectiveniss of project
• Exit strategy ensuring sustainability of results
TriCo Fund regarded from German and South African side as successful example
for this new mode of delivery.
Seite 5
Lessons Learnt (1)
 Because of the (at least) tripartite nature increased project
management efforts required
 Conflicts between New Donor and Recipient (partly
reservations against SA as regional power)
 Understanding of South African counterparts of the new mode
of delivery (SA as donor and not recipient any more)
Seite 6
Lessons Learnt (2)
a) for the third country
 The third country benefits from the expertise of an experience donor and
an emerging country that has successfully undergone similar changes
 Increase of grant funds for the third country
b) for South Africa
 Supporting SA to become a responsible regional power in practical
learning-by-doing situations
 Dedicated support to the establishment of own institutional capacities for
development cooperation
 Increase in reputation and positive outreach into the region
Seite 7
Lessons Learnt (3)
d) for the German development cooperation / GIZ
 New mode of delivery as an innovative and adequate instrument of
cooperation with emerging countries (increase in ownership and partner
 Increase the positive outreach of South Africa on the continent (SA as the
engine of Africa’s development)
 Empower South Africa as a New Donor, thereby supplementing
contributions of traditional donors.
c) for the project management in general
 “Cultural proximity” of the new donor as a chance, but at the same time
challenge for adequate project management
 Increase in efficiency through the utilization of GIZ structures and expertise
in third countries
Seite 8
Daniel Werner
Project Manager
Trilateral Cooperation Fund
+27 (0)12 423 6361
+27 (0)83 9767246
Seite 9