Neuroscience of Prayer

Neuroscience of Prayer: Current Research
James A. Van Slyke
Prayer and the Reward Systems of
the Brain (Schjodt et. al. 2008)
Research from the University of Aarhous, Denmark
Protestant Danish Christians
20 participants (mean age 25.4)
6 males
14 females
Experimental Conditions
Two Different forms of prayer analyzed
Formal prayer (Ritualistic, scripted) = Lord’s Prayer
Informal prayer (Low structure, improvised)
Prayer and the Reward Systems of
the Brain (Schjodt et. al. 2008)
Control Conditions
Well known rhyme (Control formal)
Asking for gifts from Santa Claus (Control informal)
Baseline (Counting back from 100)
Each participant went through both the experimental and control
Tasks were prompted by headphones and lasted 30 seconds
(repeated 6 times)
Tasks were performed silently using internal speech
Prayer and the Reward Systems of
the Brain (Schjodt et. al. 2008)
During the Tasks brain activity was assess using fMRI
MRI – Magentic resonance imaging
Provides structural layout of the brain
Similar to an X-ray
fMRI – (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
Estimates areas of the brain active during a task
BOLD response
Measures the amount of blood oxygenation levels in the brain
Higher oxygenation = higher levels of brain activity
+ Reward Systems of the Brain:
Striatum, Caudate Nucleus and
Striatum, Caudate Nucleus and
Reward Systems both anticipate and estimate future rewards
May be involved in both early and later stages of addiction
May play a role in habitual behavior in terms of reward
Caudate Nucleus
Instrumental conditioning
Reward systems increase the likelihood of repeating certain
behaviors learned through experience
Damage to this area may induce symptoms of Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD has been linked with increased activity in the caudate
Prayer and the Reward Systems of
the Brain (Schjodt 2008)
Hypothesis: Prayers will activate the reward systems of the
brain (Caudate nucleus)
Both prayer conditions showed increased activity in the caudate
and decreased activity during controls
Formal prayer showed a slightly higher activation
Participants self-reported as strong believers
Self-reported as involved in a weekly practice of prayer (Lord’s
prayer mean = 4.75; Personal prayer mean =19.75
Social Cognition and Prayer
(Schjoedt et. al. 2009)
Follow up analysis
Used same set of experimental and control conditions
Expanded fMRI analysis to include areas of the brain used in
social cognition
Hypothesis: Personal (non-formal) prayer activates areas of
the brain used in social cognition
Praying to God is an intersubjective experience similar to
general aspects of interpersonal interaction between
Understanding Social Cognition
Social and Affective Neuroscience
Areas of the brain seem to be
specialized for dealing with social
Emotional evaluation; Estimating
levels of trust
Areas of the brain from this study
Higher order cognitive functions
Often involved in self-referential
behavior (information important
for the self
Schjodt et. al. interpretation
Prayer involves information
important for the self (i.e. desires
or problems
Understanding Social Cognition
The Famous Case of Phineas
 Before
 Intelligent
 capable
 excellent manager
 responsible family man
 upstanding citizen
 After
 Maintained
his general intelligence
 Unreliable and capricious
 Socially Inappropriate
 Lost his family and fortune
+ Case of Elliott
 Before
 good
husband and father
 high level job at business firm
 had attained an enviable social status
 Post
surgery, tumor removed in
orbital frontal area
 irresponsible
 unable
to manage his time
 flawed decision making
 Divorced; entered unwise marriage
 lost his job
Case of Elliot
 Laboratory
 maintained
test results
superior IQ (WAIS)
 flawless memory
 superior language ability
 normal on lab tests of financial and ethical
decision making
 normal lab ability to generate solutions to social
 Could predict social consequences
Galvanic Skin Response
(Measures Moisture in skin)
Iowa Gambling Task
Gambling game
Test of decisions and consequences
normal individuals develop anticipatory evaluative
autonomic response (mini emotional response)
Elliot was never able to develop a discriminatory anticipation
while choosing from the bad decks
+ Follow up study to Elliott
In normal participants (no MPFC lesions), anticipatory skin conductive
responses (SCRs) occurred at around 20 deck choices when selecting from
the “bad” decks, despite participants not forming a conscious “hunch” until
around 50 selections.
Generally by card 80, normal participants could articulate what was
occurring with respect to “good” decks and “bad” decks
30 % did not have a conceptual understanding of the task but still made
advantageous decisions.
The few participants who made it to the conceptualization phase still were
making disadvantageous decisions
No anticipatory SCRs were experienced by any of the participants with
VMPFC damage
Other regions of interest
Temporopolar region
Associated with autobiographical memory
Processing of social narratives
Personal prayer requires memory of how God has answered
prayers in the past (Schjoedt interpretation)
Temporo-parietal junction
Analyzing behavior
Processing social causation and goal attribution
Praying to God may be a type of negotiation; hoping to change
God’s intentions toward a situation (Schjoedt interpretation)
For each one of the areas of the brain selected for analysis
there was a higher level of activation in relation to personal
prayer than the other conditions
Theory of Mind
Many of the areas investigated have also been linked with TOM
TOM is the ability to understand the thoughts and intentions of
others (Mind-Reading)
Important part of social life
Deficit in persons with Autism
Power of Charisma (2010)
Participants (n=37)
Males = 15
Females = 22
Christians = 18 (mean age 23)
Frequent prayers (intercessory for 12 years; 33 times per
Secular = 18 (mean age 26.4)
No belief in God
No belief in the effect of prayer
Power of Charisma (2010)
Participants listened to 18 different prayers performed by males
Prayers were listed in three categories
Non-Christian (6)
Christian (6)
Christian known for being able to heal through prayer (6)
In reality all prayers were recorded by a single group of
Christians and than randomly assigned to each group
Each prayer lasted 30 s
Power of Charisma (2010)
Christians rated speakers charisma and presence of God for all
three conditions
Highest for “healing powers” lowest for “non-Christians”
God was reported as present in all conditions
Non-Christians showed a similar but lower pattern for charisma,
but no real difference for experiencing God’s presence
Power of Charisma (2010)
Secular participants – no real difference in brain activation for the
three groups
Christian groups
Cascade effect from non-Christian (N-C) to healing powers
(HP) group
Higher levels of activation for N-C and lower levels for
Christian and HP group
Different areas of the brain – Prefrontal cortex; temporoparietal
junction; inferior temporal cortex; temporopolar/ orbitofrontal;
Power of Charisma (2010)
Watching pictures of loved ones can deactivate executive system
(Bartels and Zeki 2000; 2004)
Could be neural subsystem involved in trust?
Takes more cognitive power to override prayer given by NC
Schjoedt interpretation
Intercessory prayer similar to hypnosis
“Handing over” of executive function to the leader
Power of prayer based on the perceived charismatic authority
of healer or leader (Max Weber 1922)
Critiques (Spezio 2011)
The problem of reverse inference
Prayer activity linked with a brain area
Other studies link the area with some function
Thus, the same function is present in current study
Without specific test in experiment for assumed function, it is
difficult to make causal interpretations
Most areas of the brain participate in numerous overlapping
functions; difficult to limit areas of the brain to one function
fMRI studies should be taken seriously, but still tentatively