Why Participate in CrossFit Training?

Alexandria Lewis-Collins, OTS
June 2013
Why Participate in CrossFit
Surveys Analyzed
What is CrossFit?
Found by Greg Glassman in 2000
 Trainer and Gymnast
According to Glassman, fitness is defined as “increased work capacity across broad
time and modal domains.”
Capacity refers to the ability to do real measureable work in the terms of force, distance,
and time. Since life is unpredictable therefore real world fitness must be broad, in terms of
duration or time and effort or modal domain.
It is a strength and conditioning program that was designed to help people gain a
broad and general fitness.
 All workouts are based on functional movement or the core movements of life.
 The workout of the day (WOD) is performed at high intensity and rarely lasts
longer than 20 to 30 minutes
 WODs are constantly varied so peoples are prepared for any physical challenge
“Universal Scalability”
 Regardless of a person’s background, goals, age, or fitness level the same work
outs and routines are done. However the intensity and weight are scaled
Currently, there are over 5,5000 CrossFit affiliates worldwide.
Glassman, G. (2002, April 1). Foundations. CrossFit Journal , 1-8.
Personal Statement
I have been a member at CrossFit gym since November
My Memberships Include: New London CrossFit, CrossFit Iron
Will, and SECT CrossFit
I currently workout at CrossFit Iron Will 4 to 5 times a
I am friendly with many people who are CrossFit
members and who have taken this survey.
I chose to do this study, because I was interested in what
kept people participating in CrossFit.
Research Questions
What motivates a person to participate in CrossFit?
What does not motivate a person to participate in
What benefits are seen at a result from participating in
What brings a person back into the gym or “box” for
another workout?
Current members at CrossFit Iron Will (CFIW) in
Springfield, Massachusetts who were over the age of 18
Members from other CrossFit gyms who had access to their website
(www. crossfitironwill.com) and Facebook page
Currently there are approximately 200 members at CFIW
The CrossFit Survey
Demographic Information
Current Weight
Current CrossFit Membership
Length of membership
Number of times per week
working out at CrossFit
Changes seen as a result of
CrossFit (i.e. increased energy,
weight loss)
Prior level of activity
Motivates for Physical Activity
Measure Revised (MPAM-R)
Assesses the strength of five
different motivates for
participating in physical activity, in
this case CrossFit training.
Administering the CrossFit Survey
Before accessing the survey, participants had to agree to
the information in an informed consent form.
The survey was administered online through Survey
They understood the purpose of the study
They must be 18 years or older
This survey is voluntary and anonymous
Could stop survey at any point
It was available on the CFIW website for 6 days and on their
Facebook page for 2 days
The results were then analyzed using the Survey Monkey
Meet the Participants
Age Range
Majority (74.4%) of the
participants were between the
ages 23 and 37.
60 Females
52 Males
Total of 112 Participants
2 Incomplete
surveys were
not included
Getting to Know the Participants:
Are you currently a member at CrossFit Iron Will?
The majority of respondents (73.21%) were current members
at the CrossFit Iron Will (CFIW) gym
26.79% were members at other CrossFit gyms located around
the Northeast
CrossFit Swarm
New London CrossFit
SECT CrossFit
Land Warrior CrossFit
Forever CrossFit
CrossFit Firestorm
CrossFit Bang
CrossFit Religion
CrossFit Craic
CrossFit 203.
Getting to Know the Participants
What was your activity level in
year prior to joining CrossFit?
The majority of respondents led active lifestyles
prior to joining CrossFit.
Over half were either an athlete in high school
and/or college (50.89%) or went to the gym 3 to
4 times a week (60.71%).
Approximately 13% of people were not
participating in any form of exercise prior.
Nearly 13% of people reported to participate in
additional forms of activity such as:
Mountain biking
Boot camp type training
Power yoga
Martial arts
How would you describe your
current weight?
More than half (58.93%) of respondents reported
that their weight was ”just right for their height
and body type.”
While 38 people or 33.93% reported that they
were slightly overweight.
Approximately 7% of people reported to be very
Just Right for My
Height & Body
Very Overweight
Getting to Know the Participants
How Long Have You Been Working
Out at CrossFit Gyms?
The majority of respondents had been
participating in CrossFit for either 1-2 years
(27.93%) or 2-3 years ( 30.63%).
8% 9%
On Average How Many Days a Week
Do You Workout at CrossFit?
than 5
2 Days
3 Days
5 Days
Most people worked out 3 days
(30.63%), 4 days (34.23%), or 5
days (26.13%) a week.
1-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-12 Months
1-2 Years
2-3 Years
4+ Years
4 Days
Getting to Know the Participants:
What Changes Have You Seen Since You Started
Working Out at CrossFit?
Almost 93% people reported an increase in
muscle tone
Three-quarters (75%) of people reported
an increase in energy
Approximately 40% of people reported
additional positive outcomes.
For example, 14% reported improved
mental health outcomes including
Over half (65.18%) reported that they
have lost weight
Concept 2 Rowing
Decreased stress and depression
Overall improved mental endurance and
increased mental toughness
Increased confidence, self-esteem, and
improved self-image
Finally, they felt as if they had a clearer
outlook on life and with this came an
increased moral and an overall improvement
in their mood and wellness.
A quarter of the respondents (25%)
reported fitness oriented outcomes
such as increased strength, mobility,
endurance, and stamina.
As a result of this, they saw increased lung
capacity, better results on blood work, lower
resting heart rate, and an increased appetite.
Furthermore, permanent injuries became
less bothersome.
The Motivates for Physical Activity Measure
Revised (MPAM-R;1997)
Developed and validated by Ryan, Frederick, Lepes, Rubio,
and Sheldon in 1997
Assesses the strength of five different motivates for
participating in physical activity
In this case CrossFit training
Five Motives:
Ryan, R. M., Frederick, C. M., Lepes, D., Rubio, N., & Sheldon, K. M. (1997). Intrinsic motivation and exercise
adherence. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 28, 335-354.
MPAM-R: Fitness Motives
Fitness refers to being physically active out of the desire
to be physically health, strong, and energetic.
Physically Fit
Physical Health & WellBeing
Physical Strength-Healthy Life
More Energy
Cardiovascular Fitness
Almost Equal
Between Factors
MPAM-R: Appearance Motives
Maintain Weight--Look Better
Define Muscles--Look Better
The desire to maintain
weight in order to look
better does not provide
much motivation to
CrossFit participants.
Improve Appearance
Attractive to Others
Improve Body Shape
Feel Physically Unattractive If Don't
Appearance~ being physically active in order to
become more attractive and to achieve or maintain a
desired weight.
MPAM-R: Competence/Challenge Motives
Refers to being physically active out of the desire to improve at an activity, to meet a
challenge, and/or to acquire new skills.
Want to Get Better at
Like Engaging Physically
Challenging Activities
Almost Equal
Between Factors
Like Physically Challenging
Obtain New Skills
Improve Existing Skills
Keep Up Current Skill Level
Like the Challenge
MPAM-R: Social Motives
Being physically active in order to be with friends and meet new people
Want To Be with Friends
Like to Be with Others Interested in
Want to Meet New People
Friends Want Me Too
Enjoy Spending Time with Others Doing
Enjoying spending time and being with others participating in CrossFit
motivates people to continue this activity. External factors such as friends
wanting you to participate are not likely when a person is deciding to engage
in CrossFit training.
MPAM-R: Enjoyment Motives
Like Excitement of
It's Fun
Almost Equal
Between Factors
Find Actvity Stimulating
Like Doing Activity
Enjoy Activity
Makes Me Happy
It's Interesting
Enjoyment~being physically active because it is fun, it makes
you happy, and it is interesting.
Last Question: Please feel free to share any other
information you think I should know related to
CrossFit participation.
Nearly 20% of people had information to share
Common themes occurred (some similar to information
received as the question “what changes have you seen
since you started working out at CrossFit”)
Overall Healthier Lifestyle
Fitness Related
Last Question: Please feel free to share any other
information you think I should know related to
CrossFit participation.
Fitness Related
“I started doing CrossFit because I wanted more of an all body workout
and to tone and strengthen my core. I like the physical and athleticism of
“I had started CrossFit for all the wrong reasons but after reluctantly giving
it a chance it changed my entire outlook on the way I was living my life. I
have always been an athlete but it was difficult for me to find a sport after
high school that could compare to that group mentality and high intensity.
CrossFit has been motivating, inspiring, and humbling for me and I couldn't
be happier that I've returned to the physical athlete I used to be... I'm in
better shape now, actually, than I have ever been.”
Last Question: Please feel free to share any other
information you think I should know related to
CrossFit participation.
Overall Healthier Lifestyle
“I've been participating in CrossFit for approximately 2 years. I've lost
weight and my physician took me off of blood pressure medication. I love
CrossFit and will continue for as long as I can.”
“Participation in CrossFit has completely changed my body structure and
how I look at food in general and specifically. I have become more attractive
to the opposite sex and have noticed an increase in self confidence as well.
I have gained in strength and loss more fat than I thought possible in the
amount of time I've been doing it. I feel like doing this on a regular basis
puts me in another subculture that is not particularly normal, but I don't
care that its different and want to pursue it even more, if not only to see
how far I can take it than to continue to challenge myself and to get closer
to the best version of myself.. I feel that joining CrossFit has opened my
eyes to nutritional truths that have eluded me for years, and that along with
the plethora of nutritional information, the constantly varying workouts has
led to my success. I feel truly blessed to have joined this.”
Last Question: Please feel free to share any other
information you think I should know related to
CrossFit participation.
“In my experience, the social network we create through our gyms and
through other gyms is a bond way tighter than most people would ever
imagine. Most of my friends are CrossFitters these days, and we do talk
about CrossFit, but mostly we talk about anything else. But somehow,
something about what we do have brought us close together. From
conversations, I understand that my experience is not unique. I want to by
at the gym because I love the work, but also because it's a social gathering
with people I want to spend time with.”
“CrossFit has been a breath of fresh air for me with consistent progression
over my 3 years of participation. I enjoy the people that do it, the
atmosphere it creates, the challenge it presents, the results that I get, and
the messages it sends.”
“The community that is created around CrossFit is very important to its
success and popularity.”
Ending Quotes
“I love the CrossFit experience because of the way that it makes me
feel physically and mentally. I not only love to see improvement in
myself, but it is amazing to see how others improve as well. It is
especially exciting to see people get their firsts: first pull up, first
muscle up, first double under...anything that they could not do when
they walked through the door the first time and worked hard to
achieve. Everyone is at a different level, and everyone supports one
another in a respectful manner. It is the best thing that I have done
for myself, in a long time, and I have no plans to stop, well, ever!!”
“The main difference for me is every day is different and a challenge.
Some days your strong others not so much, but each WOD is a
challenge. Not the same body specific exercises, than the treadmill,
week after week. Plus I've never been involved in a gym that elite
athletes support you like CrossFit. They don't care how long it takes
you, or how much you lift, as long as you do your best and you don't
quit. I love it! I've never been supported in my goals like this.”
A Special Thanks…
To Heath Speckman, the owner of CrossFit Iron Will for
allowing me to conduct this study.
To the athletes at CrossFit Iron Will for taking time out
of your day to take this survey.
Ellen Rainville, research supervisor, for her countless
hours of advice.