impressions - architect’s humanity - productive collaboration - scholar’s persistence - deep originality with warm humor 1972 Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 2 of 11 the arc of Max’s work Dec-1-2011 • • • • architecture, managing, city planning, technology transfer teaching - 1979 INSEAD & ESCP anthropology, international cultures, organizations 1984 China-EC Management Program - CEIBS • 1994 Euro-Arab Management School, Grenada • • ESADE I-Space Institute, complexity & Atlas/LHC Max's Academic Work 3 of 11 Fiefs & Clans - versus - Markets & Bureaucracies • Boisot, M. (1986). Markets and Hierarchies in a Cultural Perspective. Organization Studies, 7(2), 135-168 • Boisot, M., & Child, J. (1988). The Iron Law of Fiefs: Bureaucratic Failure and the Problem of Governance in the Chinese Economic Reforms. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33, 507-527. • Boisot, M., & Child, J. (1996). From Fiefs to Clans and Network Capitalism: Explaining China's Emerging Economic Order. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4), 600-628. What’s going on here? 1. sharp (empirical China-based) critique of Williamson’s Markets & Hierarchies (1975) 2. proposing a heterogeneous C(ulture)-space - information-based theory of human organization 4 modes of human knowing - 4 modes of organizing Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 4 of 11 C-space • time-full cycle of knowing and organizing for further learning versus • time-free naiveté of micro-economists’ rational-man theorizing that denies learning Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 5 of 11 (formerly known as C-Space) • Boisot, M. (1982). The Codification and Diffusion of Knowledge in the Transactional Strategy of Firms. Keio Economic Studies, 19(1). • Boisot, M. (1983). Convergence Revisited: The Codification and Diffusion of Knowledge in a British and a Japanese Firm. Journal of Management Studies, 20(2), 159-190. • Boisot, M. (1995). Information Space: A Framework for Learning in Organizations, Institutions and Culture. London: Routledge. • Boisot, M. (1998). Knowledge Assets: Securing Competitive Advantage in the Information Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. • Boisot, M., MacMillan, I. C., & Han, K. S. (Eds.). (2007). Explorations in Information Space: Knowledge, Agents, and Organization. Oxford: Oxford University Press Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 6 of 11 Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 7 of 11 what was so deeply original ? aside from the novelty of his 3-dimensional (architect’s) model testing deductions from theory organicism, self-organizing, & emergence • • • French ‘engineer-economists’ impact on Écoles Polytechnique, Mines, Ponts & Chaussées - and ESCP mathematicization of social-empirical phenomena - time & space bounded work (conservation of energy) non-equilibrium dynamism Dec-1-2011 subjectivity, hermeneutics, agency & narrative empirical generalization - induction mechanical organizing no variety of knowing decontextualized, dehumanizing Max's Academic Work 8 of 11 the scholar’s legacy - better questions ! • several categories of human learning & collaborating • poverty of research that ignores humanly-lived space and time • human dynamics of emerging order versus directing and so to heterogeneity, non-linearity, or ‘long-tail’ phenomena Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 9 of 11 chaos theory, adaption, budgets & waste time & space bounded Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 10 of 11 Hmm ... can we go back to slide 6 ? … Dec-1-2011 Max's Academic Work 11