Improving DPS/District Performance and HSS via Province/District Sub-Granting Cathrien Alons Technical Director, EGPAF/Mozambique Objectives of Presentation 1. Describe the approach of decentralized subgrants and HSS within the context of transition 2. Present experience and examples of sub-grants in Mozambique 3. Describe EGPAF/Mozambique next steps to modify sub-grants to introduce performance payments. EGPAF Mozambique: Twopronged Transition Strategy 1. Build strong national NGO to successfully compete for and manage US funds to support high quality HIV clinical services. 2. Actively strengthen decentralized MOH to receive and manage external funds to provide high quality, costefficient HIV clinical services. Flow of Funds and Loci of Responsibility in Mozambique International NGOs (EGPAF) Donors - Money USG/PEPFAR •Money •Resource stewardship •Attain and report on donor results •Mentor •Procurement, logistics Bilateral/Budget GOM - Systems MOH •Human Resources •Financial •Information •Logistics •Governance •Assure and improve Quality ? • Governance (Delegations of authorities, health of population, quality) • Financing (mechanisms, stewardship of resources) • Leadership (Policies) Ariel Foundation Provinces – implement systems • Engage personnel • Supervision • Logistics • Coordination • Local Authority • Assure quality ? Districts – Sites-Providers • Organization of services • Supervision • HR • Review of Care • Service provision • Assure quality? Communities Patients • Demand • Compliance • PBF? 4 Mozambique Context: Highly Centralized • On-going discussion/delays between governors and MOH regarding fiscal decentralization. • Ministry assigns and reassigns health staff to sites. Broad recognition that HR poorly motivated. • Ministry approves all professional positions. Provinces hold employment contracts. • Partner funds do not reach professional positions. • Districts and health facilities have no budget autonomy to buy basic supplies, such as soap. – All supplies, drugs, consumables depend on central procurement – Frequent and significant stock-outs. Transition Objective 2: Strengthen decentralized MOH to receive funds to provide quality HIV clinical services • EGPAF: from “implementer” to “capacitator” in 2009 • Initiated 54 cost-reimbursement sub-grants ($5.6 million) with provinces and district health authorities. • First time districts ever planned budgets, executed and submitted financial reports. – 75% of sub-grant spending done by districts • Very positive feedback from MoH, DPS, DDS • Strengthened partnership with local government and ownership of integrated services. Cost-Reimbursement Sub-Grant Experience: the First Six Months • Significant time spent developing sub-grantee financial capacity (6 months) • Per diems and travel over-budgeted (50% of budget), but this spending much slower than supplies and equipment because very labor intensive. • Fund management: less than 1% of expenses disallowed, but management burden heavy, as there was zero tolerance for non-compliance. • Spending initially much slower due to GOM and USG compliance, reporting and other requirements • Rate of spending has accelerated. Recipients have deadlines and have started to use funds effectively. Moving to Performance-Based Funding - 1 Reasons: 1. Increase absorption of available resources 2. Expand utilization of health services 3. Improve motivation and quality of health services Goal: Get PEPFAR funds to highest priority: limited, poorly motivated human resources linked to provision of high quality and quantity integrated HIV clinical services. = achieving desired results and outcomes. Moving to Performance-Based Funding - 2 • PBF expertise on board. • Collaborative planning with interested DPSs and SDSMAS. • Consultative process to define indicators and implementation processes • Include in sub-grants to be amended Dec 2010 • Consistent with the MOH Code of Conduct of NGOs. • Need to carefully define “results” and payments • Need to provide simultaneous management, effective supervision and performance-improvement training/support. Renewing Sub-Grants and Adding Performance Component • Build on sub-grant experience and strengthened partnerships, will add direct financing to health facilities based upon quality and quantity of HIV and primary care services. – Will continue input financing for “invariables”, such as salaries (nonprofessionals), equipment, etc. • Advantages of “buying outputs”: – Increasing evidence shows effectiveness of PBF – Increases focus on performance, including defining, measuring, improving – Decreases reporting and compliance burden – Increases decentralized responsibility of health facilities to improve performance. Renewing Sub-Grants and Adding Performance Component • Build on sub-grant experience and strengthened partnerships, will add direct financing to health facilities based upon quality and quantity of HIV and primary care services. – Will continue input financing for “invariables”, such as salaries (nonprofessionals), equipment, etc. • Advantages of “buying outputs”: – Increasing evidence shows effectiveness of PBF – Increases focus on performance, including defining, measuring, improving – Decreases reporting and compliance burden – Increases decentralized responsibility of health facilities to improve performance. Thank You