Martin J. Pickering, Simon Garrod, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2012. An Integrated Theory of Language Production and Comprehension Computer Science & Engineering 2012-20835 Sang-Woo Lee Background - Aphasia Broca’s Aphasia Expressive aphasia Agrammatic aphasia Understand what other people say, but cannot speak the sentence well. Caused by damage to, or developmental issues in the anterior regions of the brain Including (but not limited to) the Broca’s area 3 Wernicke’s Aphasia Also known as Receptive Aphasia Fluent apahsia, or sensory aphasia Speak the sentence fluently, but not well-organized sense in their speech Traditionally associated with neurological damage to Wernicke’s area in the brain (Actually it is not just simply associated to Wernicke’s area in current experimental result, but anyway…) 4 There are modules which specify some function perception action The “classical Lichtheim-Broca-Wernicke” Model 5 Contents Background - Aphasia Traditional independence of production and comprehension Interweaving in action and action perception Perception process in action Predict next action of other Joint Action Interweaving in Production and Comprehension Comprehension process in Production Predict next speech of other Interactive Language Professor’s Question 6 Traditional independence of production and comprehension Traditional model of communication Discrete stages A produces, B comprehends B produces, A comprehends 8 Horizontal Split Assumes “horizontal split” between production and comprehension Arrows-within-arrows indicate feedback (in interactive accounts) But this feedback is internal to production or comprehension It may involve “general knowledge” But production does not involve comprehension processes And comprehension does not involve production processes 9 Example of predict in Behavioral Instance Interlocutors are not static, as the traditional model assumes, but are “moving targets” performing a joint activitiy (Garrod & Pickering, 2009) 10 Example of predict in Neuroscience (Pickering & Garrod, 2007) Big(neuter) Painting (neuter) große Gemälde Big (common) Bookcase (common) großen Bücherschrank 11 Other Counterexample Also, many experiments demonstrate effects of one on the other Picture-word interference (Schriefers et al., 1990) Word identification affected by externally controlled cheek movement (Ito et al., 2009) And strongly overlapping neural circuits for production and comprehension (e.g., Pulvermüller & Fadiga, 2010; Scott et al., 2009) 12 Result Prediction process could be naturally understood with production module When they comprehend the utterance, they also use production model internally. - There is forward model To predict perception caused by their own utterance - Fast alert when you say something wrong 13 Interweaving in action and action perception Perception process in action Predict next action of other Joint Action Interweaving in action and action perception Close links between action and action perception, e.g. participants’ arm movements affected by observing anot her person’s arm movements (Kilner et al., 2003) And making hand movements can facilitate concurrent vi sual discrimination of deviant hand postures (Miall et al., 2006) Such links could have various purposes Supporting overt imitation facilitating memory or understanding (“postdictively”) But authors propose that they aid prediction of ow n and others’ actions, by use of a forward model Based on computational neuroscience (Wolpert, 1997; se e Grush, 2004) Forward modelling in action In our terms, the action command causes the action implementer to move the hand and the perceptual implementer to construct t he percept And the efference copy causes the forward action model to gener ate the predicted hand movement and the forward perceptual m odel to construct the predicted percept Forward Modeling in Action - Just act - Feel involved percepts of your own act e.g. Own coordination info Feeling of wind blowing to your arm Gravity info … Efference Copy 18 Forward Modeling in Action - Predict perception caused by their own action e.g. Own coordination info Feeling of wind blowing to your arm Gravity info … Prediction-by-Simulation - Predict perception of other’s next action by seeing other’s current action Joint Action People are highly adept at joint activities (Seba nz et al., 2006). ballroom dancing, playing a duet, carrying a large o bject together Precise timing is crucial To succeed, A predicts B’s action and B predict s B’s action Joint Action 22 Interweaving in Production and Comprehension Comprehension process in Production Predict next speech of other Interactive Language Forward modeling in language production Action implementer production implementer Perceptual implementer comprehension implementer Action command production command Drives the production implementer Efference copy drives the forward models Comparator monitor compares the utterance percept and the predicted utterance percept Unifying production and comprehension Production and comprehension are interwoven Tight coupling in dialogue (Clark, 1996; Pickering & Garrod, 2004) Behavioural experiments show effects of comprehension processes on production and vice versa (e.g., Schriefers et al., 1990) Overlap of brain circuits for production and comprehension (e.g., Pulvermuller & Fadiga, 2010) Such interweaving facilitates prediction of self and other’s utterances Classical modeling in language production production command i t Production implementer Utterance - Just say utterance, - Listen what you say. psem, syn, phont Comprehension implementer Utterance percept csem, syn, phont Efference copy monitor Predicted utterance percept cˆsem, syn, phont Forward comprehension model Forward production model Predicted utterance pˆ sem, syn, phont 26 Forward modeling in language production production command i t Production implementer - Predict perception caused by their own utterance - Fast alert when you say something wrong Utterance psem, syn, phont Comprehension implementer Utterance percept csem, syn, phont Efference copy monitor Predicted utterance percept cˆsem, syn, phont Forward comprehension model Forward production model Predicted utterance pˆ sem, syn, phont 27 Self-monitoring Speaker wishes to say kite In the past, she has always constructed the kite-concept and then uttered /k/ She therefore constructs forward model p^[phon](t) = /k/ If she then incorrectly constructs p[phon] = /g/, the monitor notices the mismatch If she believes the forward model, she will detect an error (and perhaps reformulate) Otherwise, she will alter her forward model Prediction-by-simulation B’s utterance Person B B’s utterance psem, syn, phonB t psem, syn, phonB t 1 Derived intentional act of communication iComprehension A(t+1) implementer Comprehension implementer - Predict perception of other’s next utterance by listening other’s current utterance Utterance percept Covert imitation csem, syn, phonB t Utterance percept csem, syn, phonB t 1 monitor Inverse model + context Predicted utterance percept cˆsem.syn, phonB t 1 Person A Derived production command iB t Overt Responses Forward comprehension model Derived production command Big(neuter) Painting (neuter) iB t 1 Efference copy Forward production model Predicted utterance pˆ sem, syn, phonB t 1 29 Interactive Language Joint action involves combining accounts of action and action perception Similarly, interactive language involves combining a ccounts of production and comprehension Facilitates coordination (e.g., short intervals between spea kers; Wilson & Wilson, 2005) Facilitates alignment (developing same representations; Pi ckering & Garrod, 2004) Alignment in turn facilitates comprehension (better predic tion of others) 30 Interactive Language 31 Conclusion We propose that language production and comprehen sion are interwoven It assumes a central role to prediction in production, c omprehension, and dialogue Speakers construct forward models to predict aspects of their upcoming utterances Listeners covertly imitate speakers and use forward mo dels to predict the speakers Our account helps explain the efficiency of production and comprehension and the remarkable fluidity of dial ogue Thank you Professor’s Question Comprehension process in Production Predict next speech of other Interactive Language Question 1 Q1: Give the evidence for how language production and comprehension are tightly interwoven. How does this relate to the perception-action cycle theory of cognitive systems? 35 Question 2 Q2: Explain and give the evidence for how action, action perception, and joint action are interwoven. Explain how the authors use this to develop accounts of production, comprehension, and interactive language. participants’ arm movemen ts affected by observing an other person’s arm movem ents (Kilner et al., 2003) And making hand movements can facilitate concurrent visual discrimination of deviant hand postures (Miall et al., 2006) Action implementer production implementer Perceptual implementer comprehension implementer Action command production command Comparator monitor 36 Question 3 Q3: Give examples of what behavioral and neuroscientific data on language processing can be explained by the integrated theory of language production and comprehension explains, while modular theory does not. - Neuroscientific data (Pickering & Garrod, 2007) - Behavioral data 37