Section B Experiment and Observation

Group A
Group B
Ella D
Rachel D
Amelia V
Isabelle L
Emily D
Chloe S
Caitlin H
Ella N
Meghan F
Groups 13A
Group A
Catherine C
Group B
Lola D
Vicky K
Christina S
Kirsty M
Jess R
Izzy P
Ellie W
Groups 13C
Group A1
Group A2
Group B1
Group B2
Bella B
Lulu B
Lucy C
Lucy D
Lily F
Upasna P
Lydia T
Sophie P
Marzia D
Hannah W
Alice P
Jodie K
Sarah B
Groups 13E
G544 Research Methods
Section B Guidance
We have covered the format of Section A for
Experiments and Observations so far
We now need to ensure that we are aware of the exam
requirements of Section B of this paper
Please also refer to p. 4 of your textbook for further guidance
The Format
1. Briefly outline ____________ used in psychology. (4)
2. Describe two pieces of research that use _____________.
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of
________________. (12)
4. Compare the method or approach with another
method or approach . (8)
5. Discuss the _________of using ___________ research.
Briefly outline the self-report method used in
psychology. (4)
2. Describe two pieces of research that use the selfreport method. (8)
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of using selfreport to investigate behaviour. (12)
4. Compare the self-report method with the
observational method. (8)
5. Discuss the usefulness of using self-reports in research.
E.g.You will have looked at this in Mrs
Watt’s lessons…
Things to think about.....
What are the IMPERATIVES in
my question
e.g. describe / outline / discuss /
evaluate / comment on
If asking about studies, what
CONTEXT from the study do I
Can I see how the marks will be
e.g. results (findings) / the
procedure / the sample / the
sampling method etc
e.g 8 marks = 4+4 as questions
asks for two pieces of
e.g. there are 6 marks to
describe and evaluate the
sampling method... this means 3
(describe) and 3 (evaluate) so I
need to P.E.C on the sample and
P.E.C on one evaluative issue
Do I understand how much
detail I need
In groups, write your answer in the space:
Group A
Group B
1. Briefly outline the experimental method in
Psychology (4)
1. Briefly outline the observational method in
Psychology (4)
The experimental method involves the manipulation of a variable/s in
order to find a cause effect relationship between the IV and DV. Lab
experiments are reliable and replicable as they involve a high degree of
1 mark – Identification of the debate/issue/approach which is very basic and lacks detail
(e.g. a list). Very limited or no evidence of understanding. Experimental method may not be
referred to at all. Psychological terms and concepts may be absent. Expression poor.
2 marks – The main components of the debate/issue/approach are included, are generally
accurate but errors may be evident. Detail is reasonable. There may be vague or no link to
experimental method. Some understanding is evident. Expression and use of psychological
terminology is competent.
3 marks – The main components of the debate/issue/approach are accurately described.
Detail is good. The answer is linked to experimental method. Understanding is good and
expression and use of psychological terminology is also good.
4 marks – The main components of the issue are clearly and accurately described. Detail is
appropriate to level and time allowed. The debate is clearly related to experimental
method. The candidate clearly understands the issue in question. Confident use of
psychological terminology and concepts.
Group A
Group B
2. Describe two pieces of research that use the
experimental method. (8)
2. Describe two pieces of research that use
the observational method. (8
What should you include..?
Group A
Group B
2. Describe two pieces of research that use the
experimental method. (8)
2. Describe two pieces of research that use
the observational method. (8
Use the issues and debates framework and support with evidence.
6-7 
8-9 
10- 
12 
Evaluation (positive and negative points) is good.
Range of points limited and may be imbalanced.
Points are organised into issues/debates, methods or approaches.
Selection of points is often related to the assessment request and demonstrates good psychological
Limited use of supporting examples from unit content.
Quality of argument arising from points is limited.
Analysis (key points and valid generalisations) is sometimes evident. Evaluation is
detailed and understanding is limited
Evaluation (positive and negative points) is very good.
Range of points is good and is balanced. Points are well organised into issues/debates, methods or
Selection of points is related to the assessment request and demonstrates competent psychological
knowledge. Good use of supporting examples from unit content. Quality of argument arising from points is
often clear and well developed. Analysis (key points and valid generalisations) is often evident.
Evaluation is quite detailed and understanding is good.
Evaluation (positive and negative points) is comprehensive.
Range (e.g. two or more positive and two or more negative) of points is balanced.
Points are competently organised into issues/debates, methods or approaches.
Selection of points is explicitly related to the assessment request and demonstrates impressive
psychological knowledge. Effective use of supporting examples from unit content.
Quality of argument (or comment) arising from points is clear and well developed.
Analysis (valid conclusions that effectively summarise issues and arguments) is evident.
Evaluation is detailed and understanding is thorough.
What should you include..?
Plan your answer:
Group A
Group B
3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of using 3. Discuss the strengths and limitations of using
the experimental method to investigate
the observational method to investigate
behaviour. Use examples of psychological
behaviour. Use examples of psychological
research to support your answer. (12)
research to support your answer. (12)
Discuss the strengths and limitations of using the EXPERIMENTAL method
to investigate behaviour. Use examples of psychological research to support
your answer. (12)
Discuss the strengths and limitations of using the EXPERIMENTAL method
to investigate behaviour. Use examples of psychological research to support
your answer. (12)
Discuss the strengths and limitations of using the OBSERVATIONAL
method to investigate behaviour. Use examples of psychological research to
support your answer. (12)
Discuss the strengths and limitations of using the OBSERVATIONAL
method to investigate behaviour. Use examples of psychological research to
support your answer. (12)
Candidates may draw comparisons between the types of data collected, or
may use evaluation issues such as reliability, validity, reductionism, determinism,
ethics, usefulness, etc.
Can be similarities and/or differences
Top marks:
7-8 marks –
 Explanation of terms is accurate and use of psychological terminology is
 The supporting examples (two or more) of theories/studies described is
appropriate and taken from at least two different sources.
 Explanation of knowledge (theories/studies) is accurate, coherent and
 Elaboration, use of example, quality of description is very good. The answer
is competently structured and organised (global structure introduced at
start and followed throughout)
 Quality of written communication is very good.
Comparisons - methods
During exp and obs we thought about
studies that used this method.
Compare the experimental method with
one other method of collecting data. [8]
(compare it to observations)
5–6 marks – Explanation of terms is mainly
accurate and use of psychological terminology is
competent. The supporting examples (two or
more) of theories/studies described is taken from
at least two different sources. Explanation of
knowledge (theories/studies) is mainly accurate,
coherent and reasonably detailed. Elaboration, use
of example, quality of description is good. The
answer has some structure and organisation.
Quality of written communication is good.
7–8 marks – Explanation of terms is accurate and
use of psychological terminology is
comprehensive. The supporting examples (two or
more) of theories/studies described is appropriate
and taken from at least two different sources.
Explanation of knowledge (theories/studies) is
accurate, coherent and detailed. Elaboration, use
of example, quality of description is very good. The
answer is competently structured and organised
(global structure introduced at start and followed
throughout) Quality of written communication is
very good.
For 5–6 marks the
candidate needs to give at
least one point of
comparison between the
methods with well
supported examples.
For 7–8 marks there should
be at least
two points of comparison
linked with
evidence from both the
method and the other
Experiments and Observations Comparison
Similarities with
Differences with
5. Discuss the _________of using ___________ research. (8)
Let’s discuss this question together
It can come up in various forms
E.g. discuss the extent to which psychology can be considered a
 E.g. Discuss the usefulness of research that uses the experimental
 E.g. Discuss whether or not it is possible to conduct psychological
research that is completely ethical
How are you going to approach this type
of Q – what will you include?