Considering the Growth of Self and Others How do you evaluate if you are becoming more sophisticated in your understanding and analysis of culture? How do you do this for students? What differences do you see in those who are ethnocentric and those who are ethnorelative? How can you help students who are ethnocentric develop more ethnorelative behaviors? Erikson- psychosocial identity formation Kohlberg- stages of moral development Piaget- stages of cognitive development Cross- 5-stage model ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. pre-encounter encounter immersion-emersion immersion internalization Spring- adapted this to other groups Banks- 6 stage model Pre-encounter Encounter In-between place Begin to rid themselves of ethnic self-hatred Rediscovering traditional cultures Adopting symbols of their people Immersion Forced to reevaluate pre-encounter identity because of an incident Racial Profiling Immersion-Emersion Self-hatred Negative stereotyping Internalization breeds self-fulfilling prophecy Complete immersion in ethnic culture Internalization Balance between culture of the U.S. and ethnic culture Cross/Spring ◦ Ethnic Psychological Captivity ◦ Ethnic Encapsulation ◦ Ethnic Identity Clarification ◦ Biethnicity Comfort in both groups ◦ Multiethnicity Variety of ethnic communities ◦ Globalism Universal ideals Banks Manage stress of interactions Effective communication Interpersonal relationships Respect and appreciation of differences Proactive in seeking diverse perspectives Non-judgment Motivate others Adapt to situations Ethnocentric Denial Defense Minimization Ethnorelative Acceptance Adaptation Integration