WVDE Policy 5000 - Harrison County Schools

 Policy
released on June 14, 2013
 Currently on public comment period
 Effective July 1, 2013, subject to
 Applies ONLY to classroom teaching
 Amount of experience relative to the
 College coursework and degree level
 Academic achievement
 National Board certification
 Specialized training relative to the
Past performance evaluations
 Seniority
 Other measures or indicators upon
which the relative qualifications of the
applicant may fairly be judged
 Principal recommendation
 Faculty senate recommendation
Review of application materials three
› Principal
› Faculty senate
› Superintendent
Point calculation applies when regular
employee bids on a position, with
recommendations given double
 Position
is advertised on website and
individuals apply online
 Personnel department collates information
from applicants into the 9 categories
 Principal reviews the information and
determines whether or not to interview
Faculty senate reviews the information and
determines whether or not to interview
 Superintendent reviews the information and
determines whether or not to interview
 Each person/group makes a recommendation
 Recommendation presented to the board for
approval. If all three individuals/groups
agree, then the board SHALL employ the
Currently, may only interview and provide
recommendations to the superintendent for
administrative positions on a consultative
 Must vote at the beginning of each year for
method to utilize in participating. May vote
and change methods at semester time and
before the summer break.
Hiring committee: 3 people w/chair
 Hiring committee: 7 – 11 people w/chair
 Single designee
 Choose not to participate
Any faculty members participating in
interviews must go through a training
 Interviews are conducted jointly with the
 Faculty senate may adopt policy allowing
superintendent to narrow applicant pool
 Must provide recommendation to principal
within 3 days of portfolio review or 2 days
after interviews