Introduktion til projektet BIPV Quality Cities

BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Peder Vejsig Pedersen,
Director, M.Sc
Cenergia Energy Consultants
Herlev Hovedgade 195,
2730 Herlev, Denmark
Tlf.: +45 44 66 00 99,
mobile: +45 20 46 67 55,
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
BIPV Quality Cities
Gate21 (koordinator)
Cenergia v. Peder Vejsig Pedersen (projektleder)
EnergiMidt Infrastruktur
Solar City Copenhagen, (
Foreningen Bæredygtige Byer og Bygninger, FBBB (
Teknologisk Institut
Kuben Management
Aalborg Universitet
Frontrunner Municipalitie
(Albertslund, Copenhagen, Hørsholm, Roskilde)
11. Byer, Region Sjælland, Region Hovedstaden og evt. Region Midt og
andre i Jylland.
12. Boligselskaber
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Project description
In the BIPV Quality Cities project there will be demonstrated high quality PV systems for municipal
and housing association owned buildings in relation to a large investment programme organised with
support of the EU-Elena programme, which at present does not have building integrated PV as a
The project aims to ensure a documentation of BIPV Quality and online solar results for at least 3,85
MWp PV investments which includes at least 25 municipalities, involved in 20 MWp total investments
(equal to approx.300 mio. DKK), and leading housing associations.
Besides there is a similar focus for a limited number of larger schemes and one family housing units
in connection to cooperation with frontrunner municipalities, Albertslund, Copenhagen, Hørsholm and
Project results are to be facilitated by help of a common Solar Watch platform on the internet, where
there is also a link to online monitoring results.
In the BIPV Quality Cities project the total amount of PV systems with special focus on BIPV Quality,
Solar Watch online monitoring and electricity savings will amount to 3.850 kWp of which 1.750 kWp is
with the 25 cities from Region Zeeland and Region Copenhagen, 1.250 kWp is with housing
associations, 800 kWp is large PV systems without netmetering and finally 50 kWp is for one family
Albertslund municipality will together with Copenhagen, Hørsholm and Roskilde be involved as
frontrunner cities also with a special focus on optimised PV systems for housing association
renovation and commercial buildings respectively.
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Examples of innovative BIPV technologies
In the BIPV Quality Cities project it is the idea to introduce a number of innovative best practice BIPV
solutions towards the partners e.g. in connection to sketch design projects, followed up by actual
demonstration projects.
An important example here is the general need to introduce actual “Active Roofs” where it is the PV modules
that is actually the climate shield. From investment, maintenance and durability point of use it is important to
have good system solutions of this type, although the normal choice is just to mount PV modules onto an
existing roof without thinking so much about the long-time maintenance plans.
Another interesting possibility is to investigate the benefits of working with east / west oriented PV systems as
an alternative to south oriented PV systems. In Germany this solution has recently become quite popular even
though the yearly PV production typically will be 15 % lower than compared with south oriented PV systems.
But for a certain area of roof or piece of land you can actually utilise nearby a double as high PV capacity
since the problem of shadows becomes nearly negligible. Besides the installation costs are according to
German experiences typically 25 % lower for large systems and the inverter costs is 30 % lower together with
a more equal PV production during the day.
This is certainly interesting prospects, which will be investigated further and demonstrated in the BIPV Quality
Cities project.
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Example of east/west oriented PV solution in a
German roof.
Typical example of east/west oriented PV solution on
a flat roof with a high utilisation of the available space
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
The ForskVE, PV-Cities 2012 supported BIPV
project in Copenhagen, Søpassagen, has been
used by Copenhagen municipality as cover of
its small guide on PV implementation.
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Illustration of the PV-plan for Valby, with the aim to cover 15% of
all electricity use in year 2025 by 30 MWp PV (approx. 300.000 m2
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
“Solar Prism” with BIPV used as a
prefabricated installation element for
the Hyldespjældet test house realised in
Albertslund in 2009.
Cost optimised PV roofs in combination with VELUX roof
windows for a private housing unit in Albertslund
(Degnehusene 26). Here is shown a more costly solution
where the PV is in flush with the VELUX windows and a more
cost optimised solution which is still architecturally optimised.
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
List (in Danish) of PV projects and
initiatives that Cenergia has been
involved in over the years
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Damhusåen rensningsanlæg.
777 kWp i Valby – Lynettefællesskabet.
8 % dækkes af årligt elforbrug.
Det største anlæg i Norden.
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
BIPV Quality Cities project
Diagram illustrating the project structure and methodology se also WP description
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Time schedule and work packages
Work packages of the BIPV Quality Cities project
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
BIPV Quality Cities
1. Year
Practical organisation of municipal and
housing association oriented design workshops demonstration and documentation
plan for best practice BIPV design solutions
for Active Roofs
Choice of 10 best practice BIPV solutions in
connection to different types of roofs to be
tested, documented and presented in connection to the BIPV Quality Cities programme.
Sketch design and realisation of at least 10
different BIPV projects as basis of creating
Best Practice BIPV recommendations
Agreement on general BIPV Quality system
in connection to large scale municipal and
housing association based PV investments
Introduction of advanced “Solar Watch”
monitoring, follow-up and maintenance
package for BIPV systems to be documented for 60- 100 BIPV systems together with
an overall improved BIPV quality and a
combined focus on electricity savings.
Introduction of quality control procedures
for BIPV systems to be used in connection
to BIPV Quality Cities programme.
Sketch design work for at least 30 BIPV
systems with focus on optimised BIPV
solutions, use of Solar Watch System and a
combined focus on electricity savings.
Documentation of use of optimised BIPV
and “Solar Watch” system in practice in
municipal and housing association owned
buildings to secure an improved basis of
guaranteed solar results.
Improved “BIPV” and “Solar Watch” solution for 10 one family houses and two large
PV systems outside netmetering including
focus on electricity savings.
City oriented BIPV implementation plans in
3 Danish regions in connection to realisation of at least 20 MWp PV installations.
Dissemination of project results
Project coordination
2. Year
3. Year
Time schedule on the BIPV
Quality Cities project
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Important milestones of the BIPV Quality project
Month 2
At partner meeting and workshop at Gate21 a first steering group meeting
is being held with agreement on the work plan which includes the
arrangement of 2 workshops on best practice innovative BIPV solutions to
be tested, documented and integrated in the work programme.
Month 6
At partner meeting in Albertslund municipality 10 best practice innovative
BIPV solutions are chosen to be introduced in sketch design and
demonstration programme.
A number of municipal oriented workshops are agreed upon.
Month 3
and 9
In cooperation with Solar City Copenhagen sketch design work is realised
as basis of obtaining practical documentation of 10 best practice
innovative BIPV solutions both involving cities, housing associations and
private companies
Month 9
Overall agreement of BIPV quality system to be used.
Month 12
At partner meeting in Copenhagen the overall “Solar Watch” monitoring,
follow up and maintenance package for BIPV systems are introduced for
project partners incl. policies for electricity savings.
This includes agreed quality control procedures to be used.
Month 6, 12
and 18
At partner meetings in Albertslund (month 6), Copenhagen ( month 12)
and Hørsholm (month 18) there will be focus on the sketch design
programme for at least 30 BIPV systems with focus on optimised BIPV,
use of Solar Watch system and a combined focus on electricity savings.
Month 12,
18 and 24
At partner meetings in Copenhagen, Hørsholm and Roskilde status of
actual demonstrations results are presented to the partners.
Month 6, 18
and 34
Work on city oriented BIPV implementation plans are presented and
discussed. Here especially input from frontrunner municipalities also with
a view to combined electricity saving prospects. Final BIPV Quality Cities
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Ifølge EU’s bygningsdirektiv skal alle nye
offentlige bygninger udføres i en næsten 0energi standard fra år 2018. Og fra år 2020 vil
dette gælde alle bygninger, samtidigt med at
medlemsstaterne i EU skal redegøre for hvordan
en lignende udvikling også kan sikres for
eksisterende bygninger. Active House
Specifikationer giver et bud på hvordan dette
kan gøres ( )
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Forslag til tagrenovering med solceller for bevaringsværdigt byggeri
v. Hvidovrebo i Hvidovre er netop godkendt efter 1½ års
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
På basis af Københavns Kommunes Klimaplan hvor man har som mål at være
CO2 neutral i år 2025, har man nu besluttet sig for at være åbne over for solceller
også når de kan ses samtidig med at man dog forbeholder sig nogle skrappe krav
til den arkitektoniske løsning, noget som sker i dialog med
Center for Bydesign og Stadsarkitekten i Københavns Kommune.
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
På det flade tag er der indpasset lige så mange solceller, men her er det ikke
muligt at se dem fra gadeplanet. Dette har haft en tydelig økonomisk effekt, idet
solcellerne på det flade tag er udført for en pris på ca. 21.000 kr./kWp, mens de
synlige flader har kostet 32.000 kr./kWp (ca. 50 % mere).
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Skitseprojekt, Hedeparken i Ballerup. Støttet af ForskVE
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8. Oktober 2013, Gate21
BIPV – Quality Cities. ForskVE projekt
Netværksarrangement om Solceller i Kommuner
8. Oktober 2013, Gate21