M-ERA.NET Fourth Joint Call for Proposals National Annex

M-ERA.NET Fourth Joint Call for Proposals
National Annex for The Netherlands, NWO
NWO supports the M-ERA.NET Fourth Joint Call for Proposals and encourages its
Materials Science and Engineering research community to apply for funding for
collaborative research in Europe. This National Annex is an annex to the M-ERA.NET
Fourth Call for Proposals and applies to (co-) applicants who perform their research
activities in the Netherlands.
Eligibility Criteria
NWO will fund the Dutch part of any successful transnational collaboration, within the
reach of the available budget. All tenure (track) researchers of Dutch universities and
selected Dutch institutes under the standard NWO Chemical Sciences rules are eligible
to apply, as described in “Regeling subsidieverlening”. TO2 institutes and universities of
applied sciences – HBO-instellingen – (if paid in accordance with Article 8.1 of the law on
higher education and scientific research and a member of the Vereniging Hogescholen)
may act as (co-) applicant, in addition to the NWO groups as identified in the “Regeling
subsidieverlening”, Article 1.1.1, TO2 institutes and universities of applied sciences can
also receive (part of) the grant applied for (see section 1.1.2 “Regeling
NWO Chemical Sciences aims at high-quality, curiosity-driven research in molecular
(bio)chemistry, chemistry or chemical technology. An assessment whether the proposal
fits (one of) the topics of the M-ERA.NET call and the above aim of NWO Chemical
Sciences is part of the eligibility check by NWO Chemical Sciences.
For all M-ERA.NET applications involving Dutch applicants, the involvement of a Dutch
university or institute as (co-)applicant (as identified in the “Regeling subsidieverlening”,
Article 1.1.1) is required;
A consortium agreement between the project partners is required for funding (after the
final funding decision), although the principles of the agreement should be clear in the
application form.
Industrial participants from the Netherlands are encouraged to participate in the
consortium and contribute to the project. Industrial participants cannot receive funding;
The maximum total amount applied for by Dutch applicants is k€ 270 per proposal.
Please note: if the Dutch subproject involves more than one party, the total of k€ 270 per
proposal applies to the total joint budget applied for by all Dutch parties involved in the
subproject. I.e., the joint budget applied for by Dutch applicants cannot exceed the
k€ 270 per proposal.
(Co-)Applicants should have an employment contract for at least the duration of the
application procedure and the duration of the research the grant is applied for.
Exceptions to the required employment duration can be made for main applicants
holding a „tenure track‟ position that covers at least half the duration required and for coapplicants if the applicants prove by means of a letter that adequate supervision of all
researchers for whom funding is applied for, can be guaranteed for the full duration of the
Budget and themes
The total budget available to fund participants from the Netherlands is approximately
M€ 1,3. All themes mentioned in the call text can be addressed.
Type and amount of funding
Funding can be awarded to cover all reasonable, non-infrastructural costs for the
duration of the project. The grant can be used for:
- temporary personnel costs;
- consumables;
- equipment related to the research proposal;
- travel expenses.
For all eligible applicants the VSNU standard tariffs for personnel costs apply.
Duration of the project
M-ERA.NET projects have a duration of 3 years, however, researchers in the
Netherlands can apply for funding of a 4-year PhD student.
Maximum Budget
The total costs of the Dutch part of an awarded grant cannot exceed € 270.000 per
M-ERA.NET proposal.
Personnel costs (temporary personnel only)
Applicants can apply for a PhD student (4 years) or a temporary postdoc position (2 or 3
years) or a similar function (in terms of functions and grading) at an institute. On behalf of
a university of applied sciences (HBO-instelling) the lector acts as (co-)applicant and can
apply for temporary positions in salary scales 10 or 11. Indemnification shall be in
accordance with the standard costs in the NWO-VSNU agreement on the funding of
scientific research.
For details and tariffs: www.nwo.nl/financiering/hoe-werkt-dat/Salaristabellen). Tariffs are
indexed annually. An indication for 2014: (incl. Personal “bench fee” for PhDs /
postdocs): PhD student (4 yr) – k€ 209, post-doc 1 yr – k€ 71, post-doc 2 yr – k€ 138,
post-doc 3 yr – k€ 207, technician 1 yr – k€ 59.
To be budgeted to a maximum of k€ 12 (including VAT/BTW) per year per researcher
(PhD or post-doc, PhD student max. 4 years, post-docs max. 3 years).
Application Procedure
The applicants must submit their joint application via the M-ERA.NET website:
http://www.m-era.net . NWO makes the final decision on the granting of the proposals
concerning researchers who apply for funding and who are affiliated to organisations in
the Netherlands, based on the advice of the Executive Board of M-ERA.NET.
National Contact
Dr Ivo Ridder
E: m-eranet@nwo.nl
T: 070 – 344 06 83.