The 15th Military Power Seminar Afghanistan Experiences: Lessons Learned or Lessons Lost? 20 November 2013, 09:00–15:30 The Henri Dunant Hall, the Norwegian Red Cross Conference Centre, Hausmannsgate 7, Oslo At a critical moment for Afghanistan, this year’s Military Power Seminar will bring together a broad range of scholars, politicians, military leaders and representatives from civil society and organizations to discuss the overall political, strategic and operational experiences from Afghanistan. Are these experiences just speed bumps with little long-term influence on future operations? Or have the experiences of ISAF changed NATO’s force planning and capabilities development? Do we see an adjustment of perspectives in the Alliance and its member states in the wake of Afghanistan? Moreover, has the involvement in Afghanistan led to any significant changes in Norwegian security and defence policy? Which are the lessons identified by the Norwegian Armed Forces, and are they likely to have any impact on future international operations and/or the make-up of the Armed Forces? These are some of the questions that will be addressed at the Military Power Seminar 2013. PROGRAMME Registration. Coffee and tea (08:30) Welcoming remarks (09:00) Rear Admiral Louise Dedichen, Norwegian Defence University College Opening Address: Impact on Norwegian security and defence policy and civil-military relations Norwegian Minister of Defence (tbc) Q&A Session I (09:45–12:00): The West, NATO and Afghanistan The West’s Afghanistan campaign: key lessons Professor Theo Farrell, King’s College London The future direction of NATO’s defence policy and strategic planning Horst-Heinrich Brauss, Assistant Secretary General, Defence Policy and Planning Division, International Staff, NATO HQ Afghan views on the international engagements Abdul Suboh Faizy, political advisor to NATO Q&A Lunch (12:00–12:30) Session II (12:30–13:30): Norwegian Afghanistan Experiences Impact on the Norwegian armed forces and the way ahead Major General Yngve Odlo, Deputy Chief of Staff Operations, Norwegian Joint Headquarters Operational and strategic goals in Afghanistan - what has Norway achieved? Ståle Ulriksen, Royal Norwegian Naval Academy (SKSK)/Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) The Norwegian armed forces: Learning from experiences in Afghanistan Dr Torunn Laugen Haaland, Dean of the Norwegian Defence University College Coffee, tea and fruit (13:30–13:45) Session III (in Norwegian only) (13:45–15:00): Lessons Learned or Lessons Lost? Paneldebatt Hva har Afghanistanoperasjonene betydd for det norske forsvaret? Hvilke erfaringer er relevante hjemme? Hvilke erfaringer er relevante for fremtidige utenlandsoppdrag? Hvilke grenspesifikke erfaringer er viktige å ta med videre? - Major General Yngve Odlo - Ståle Ulriksen - Dr Torunn Laugen Haaland - Brigader Gjermund Eide Avsluttende kommentarer Dr Ulf Sverdrup, direktør, NUPI SLUTT