Wellness Vacations - My Destination Wellness

My Destination Wellness
Wellness Vacations
Fitness Powered Incentives
• Personalized fitness and nutrition plans added to luxury
-Exercise classes
– Personal training sessions
– All-inclusive healthy meals
• Hands-on support from Wellness Concierges, personal
trainers, nutritionists and chefs
• Experience improved because guests are energized
• Travelers jump start or reinvigorate wellness routines
toward personal and company’s fitness goals
• Developed by trainer David Pritchard in partnership with
Funjet Vacations.
My Destination Wellness 2011
Why a Wellness Incentive?
Forward-thinking companies have already implemented successful wellness
programs, with notable results. Decreased sick time, lowered disability and
overall health care costs, and improved recruitment and retention have all
been clearly demonstrated.
Examples of companies that have pursued a model of wellness are
expansive and growing quickly. 72% of companies with over 500 employees
offer some sort of wellness programs as part of their employee benefits.
Current programs include Bank of America, Pacific Bell, Coca Cola,
Prudential, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson.
The most successful wellness programs include components that allow
participants to stay focused on wellness outside of the work place including
the two to four weeks that they are on vacation.
Vacations are the best rewards for any incentive program and the ultimate
reward for Corporate Wellness participants. Corporate Wellness programs
that offer a reward show a 61% participation rate vs. 26 % for those that do
My Destination Wellness 2011
The Solution
• Companies and their health insurance providers already
know the benefits of corporate wellness, however to be
truly successful these programs must include incentives.
And what better incentive than the opportunity to
vacation in paradise while improving one’s mental,
physical, and spiritual health? A My Destination
Wellness incentive trip can do all of this and so much
My Destination Wellness 2011
Destination Wellness Provides
• Fitness program expertise, development, human
resources, training
• All-inclusive travel packages
• Mission, values and philosophy
• Educational content; engagement
• Individualized programs with hands-on attention to detail
My Destination Wellness 2011
Vision by David Pritchard
• Creator, trainer and fitness expert
David Pritchard brings 20 years of
experience creating custom-tailored
fitness and nutrition programs
– Clients have included NBA, NFL, MLB, Boxing and
Olympic athletes, as well as top-level executives
– Celebrated speaker and Corporate Wellness coach
– Certified and degreed strength, conditioning, exercise
and nutrition specialist for individuals and groups
• Pritchard developed Destination Wellness for people of all
skill levels and backgrounds whether fitness is their reason
for traveling or they just want to work out without distractions
while relaxing in an amazing beach destination
My Destination Wellness 2011
Destination Wellness Opportunities
• FIT program for individual incentive options
– My Destination Wellness staff can tailor individualized programs for
incentive winners traveling on their own.
• Group fitness vacations, meetings or retreats
– Corporate training, teambuilding, business or incentive groups
– Gym, fitness or nutrition professional or leisure retreats
• Corporate Wellness
– David Pritchard’s proven corporate education and engagement
strategies provide results for employees and businesses
• Marketing opportunities
– My Destination Wellness offers a number of occasions to work together
to promote healthy lifestyles, increase sales, provide value and grow
My Destination Wellness 2011
Group Fitness Events
• Engage in wellness activities together
– Not only bonds groups, but creates life, relationship and performance
improvements that extend well beyond the trip
• Destination Wellness Provides all-inclusive, expert group events that
are both attractive and affordable
• Workouts, exercise classes, healthy meals and
consultations customized to group schedules/needs
• On-site staff completely managed and certified by David
Pritchard and My Destination Wellness
My Destination Wellness 2011
Corporate Wellness
• Destination Wellness creator David Pritchard is an
award-winning corporate wellness strategist, counselor
and educator
– Experience includes companies in a variety of industries, as well as
university and community service/government organizations
• Human Resources and other departments utilize David
to develop customized programs
– Series of educational seminars, webinars, articles and activities creates
healthier employees and meets corporate wellness objectives
– Strategy customized by listening and evaluating employee base
– Internal/corporate gym consultation and oversight
• Destination Wellness vacations may be used for
individual, small or large group, incentives.
My Destination Wellness 2011
Next Steps
Please reach out to me for any Questions.
Thank You!
My Destination Wellness 2011