- Missouri School Boards Association

How to Become a BuyBoard
Vendor and What Are the
Cooperative Overview
What is the BuyBoard?
 Answer……..The BuyBoard is the combination of The
National Purchasing Cooperative and an Internet
purchasing application.
 The Cooperative provides the legal mechanism
utilizing Interlocal Agreements for entities to purchase
goods and services jointly
 The BuyBoard provides the mechanism to share
contract data via the Internet and automate the
purchasing process
Cooperative Overview
 Legal Name: The National Purchasing Cooperative
 Created by 4 school systems – 2 located in Maryland and 2 in
Rhode Island
 Governed by an 8 member Board of Trustees
 Sponsored by National School Board Association and the
Missouri School Boards’ Association in addition to other state
school board associations
 All contracts are competitively procured according to State of
Texas procurement laws.
 All contracts are awarded by the Cooperative Board of Trustees
Cooperative Purchasing
Procurement Process
Public Advertisement
Notifications of RFP sent to registered vendors
Sealed response to proposal
Tabulation / Evaluation / Recommendation
Board of Trustee Meeting
Award letters
Non-award letters
Contract upload
Contract start
Cooperative Purchasing
BuyBoard Request For Quote (RFQ)
Member Benefit
Vendor Benefit
All Electronic (online)
All Electronic (online)
No Advertising / Mailing Costs
No Mailing Costs
Faster Response Time
Faster Turn Around
Pre-screened vendors
Auto Tabulate / Award
Pricing History
Cooperative Purchasing
1. Obtain quote from BuyBoard vendor
2. Purchase order made out to vendor
3. Fax or email PO to the BuyBoard
(fax 800-211-5454 or
4. Products delivered and invoiced by vendor
5. Payment made to vendor
1. Place order with vendor directly
2. Fax or email PO to BuyBoard noting
3. Products delivered and invoiced by vendor
4. Payment made to vendor
Cooperative Purchasing
 Service Fee
All vendors, except those with contracts for transportation
items, pay a 2% BuyBoard fee. This fee is based on orders
processed in the BuyBoard system.
 Monthly Invoicing & Adjustments
Invoices report all orders processed in a billing period
Statements report all unpaid items during contract term
Payment is not required until the vendor has been paid
Vendors and members can request adjustments
Cooperative Purchasing
 Not a contract for Life
 Annual term agreement with options for renewal
 Contract term is generally 3 years total
 Reporting purchases
 Members and Vendors have a responsibility to
report orders processed using BuyBoard contracts.
 Renewal is based on the following factors
 Annual amount of business
 Performance delivery
 Best value to membership
Cooperative Marketing
Conferences, Conventions, & Trade Shows
Marketing Materials
 Logos, brochures, stickers for catalogs/price sheets,
vendor signs, member mailing lists
Cooperative Value
 Vendor Benefits
 Streamline and focus the selling efforts
 Reduce individual bid responses
 Member ability to choose your company
 Increase business opportunities
 Member Benefits
 Compliance with state procurement requirements
 Competitive pricing
 Reduced procurement cycle
 Saves administrative time and cost
 Vendor selection and choice
Marketplace Today
Competition on contracts – advantage/disadvantage
Develop a path to offer your company
More contract buying equals less bidding
Opportunities are gone before the street is aware
Members are looking for contracts with top flight companies
Question – Do you have a BuyBoard contract?
Marketplace Today
What are Coop Members looking for?
 A legal pathway to purchase that saves time and money
 A trusted and transparent source for legally awarded
 Quality products, equipment, and services
 Companies who can perform and deliver
 Options and choices
 Companies who understand why they are a part cooperative
purchasing program
Answer- Yes, and let me tell you about it.
Vendor Registration
Any potential vendors can self-register to receive email notices of
proposals. BuyBoard actively solicits vendors in each participating
state including Missouri.
A link to “New Supplier/Vendor Registration” is available at and
Vendor database is used to send notices to vendors via e-mail
regarding all proposals
Other information available at includes
Proposal Tabulations
New Vendor FAQ
Membership List
Contract Expiration Schedule
Current Vendor List
BuyBoard Contacts
Internet Address:
Phone: 1.800.695.2919
Vendor Registration: