Group A Presentation Slides

Group A
Bilal Kilic
Nelia Eusoff
Siti Norbayu Hj Abd Samad
Nor Asnawati Hj Mohd Yassin
Hjh. Azrina Hj. Yusof
Our Presentation Outline
Phenomenological Research
Types of Phenomenology
Research Discussion
What is Phenomenological
 answers the questions, “What is it like to have a
certain experience?”
 seeks to understand the phenomenon of a
lived experience related to an emotion, a
relationship or being part of an organization or
Phenomenological Methodology
 Interview
- In depth interview
 Participant observation
 Conversation
 Action Research
 Focus Meeting
 Analysis of Personal Texts
- Diary Writing
Types of Phenomenology
focus on essential meaning of individual
the social construction of group reality where
nature and perception of reality (ontology) form
epistemologies (how we know what we want to
structure and interpretation of texts which
focuses on language and communication
 Help to give a better understanding of real life
situation and experiences
 Good at surfacing deep issues and making
voices heard.
 Has the ability to query and probe in-depth
issue of a phenomenon
Huge compilations of data – time consuming.
Sample size – it can be hard to get over to
people that a single-figure sample is valid.
Difficulty in gaining access to participants for
more than a single session of an hour or less.
Research Title
Research 1 :
“Pathways to Building Leadership Capacity” by Lorraine Slater
Research 2 :
“Developing leadership: exploring childhoods of women university presidents” by
Susan R. Madsen
Research 3 :
“Work-shadowing as a process for facilitating leadership succession in primary
school” by Tim Simkins, Paul Close and Robin Smith
Research 4 :
“No sleeping partners : relationship between head teachers and critical friends”
by Sue Swaffield
Research 5 :
“Student’s perspectives of workplace learning and training in vocational
education” written by Christine Velde and Tom Cooper
What is the phenomenon?
Research 1 :
The knowledge and experience of stakeholders about collaboration.
Research 2 :
The childhood experiences, characteristics and memories of women university
presidents as they relate directly or indirectly to possible leadership development
Research 3 :
Work-shadowing experiences and emotion of head teachers contribute to the
leadership development.
Research 4 :
Insight into nature and challenges of the relationship between head teachers and
other professional who play the role of their critical friends.
Research 5 :
The existence of gaps in the perceptions of vocational education between
teachers and students.
The purpose:
Research 1 :
To describe how principals used communication strategies and skills to foster the
empowerment of other stakeholders within the context of collaborative initiatives.
Research 2 :
To investigate the perception and experiences of women in higher educational
leadership in relation to the development of their leadership skills, abilities and
competencies throughout their lives.
Research 3 :
To place work shadowing in the broader context of responses to the challenges of
managing leadership succession and to consider some of the keys issues that
work shadowing raised.
Research 4 :
To examine external support for school leaders and focuses on the relationship
between head teachers and other professionals who play the role of their ‘critical’
Research 5 :
To investigate competencies learning outcomes and training acquired during the
Methodology :
Research 1 :
Focus group interview
Research 2 :
In-depth interview (one to one basis)
Research 3 :
In-depth interview
Research 4 :
In-depth interview
Research 5 :
Individual and focus group interviews
Observation at school and workplaces
Sampling :
Research 1 :
16 individuals comprises parents, principals, assistant/vice principal and teachers
that came from 14 different elementary school.
Research 2 :
10 participants were selected from the 12 out of 25 women university presidents
who accepted the researcher’s invitation to participate in this study. They were
from different populations and levels of leadership.
Research 3 :
It consists nine of the 20 participating teachers who shadowed heads and five of
the head teachers who were shadowed selected from
Research 4 :
5 head teachers, 3 LEA Advisers and 2 line managers of the ‘critical’ friends who
were referred to as ‘Senior Advisers’.
Research 5 :
30 students, 12 vocational educators, three administrators working with vocational
programme and 15 employers from site.
Data Collection:
Research 1 :
o Focus group interviews. The interview including 16 individuals representing a
broad range of stakeholder roles in the school such as; parents, principals,
assistant/ vice principals and teachers. They were selected from 14 different
elementary schools. The interview was the first methods to get primary data
sources. The study included a total of eight focus group interviews that
involved 16 hours of taped interviews and approximately 500 pages of
professionally transcribed dialogue.
o After the interview, they searched researcher field notes of the interview which
are called artifacts. Sometimes researcher field notes can be supportive
sources to complete interview data. During the interview, people may not say
everything easily or limitations of the character may affect the interview
section negatively. So taking the researcher field notes will be more supportive
data source to complete your data section. After researcher field notes, they
did correspondence with participants as a supplementary data source.
Data Collection:
Research 2 :
Drafted open-ended probing questions designed to extract all types of
information about the participants’ experiences and perceptions before
becoming leaders.
Designed some similar follow-up questions to encourage the participants to
search deeper for additional answers and rich descriptions.
Managed to make slight adjustment to the instrument based on the feedback
given by two experienced leadership researchers’ review prior to the
Collected interview responses.
Transcribing the interview responses
Analysed each interview
Categorised all responses to identify key ideas and phrases about the
participants’ experiences related to each category.
Assembled all interview phrases or statements by topics.
The emerging themes were then noted by the researcher.
Data Collection:
Research 3 :
The researchers did mentioned that the method of conducting the research
was through in-depth interview. The researchers also did not state how the
data from the interviewed was analyzed whether it was transcribed or not.
However, the researchers did described and discussed in details the findings of
the interviewed.
Research 4 :
Data was collected from the five teachers, three LEA advisers and the two line
Sample was also selected through a process of negotiation.
Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires.
Interviews were conducted in the interviewees’ workplaces each lasting
between 45 minutes and one hour, and all were audio-taped and transcribed.
Data gathered through interview were supplemented by a short questionnaire
which provided a more standardized way of considering some of the issues as
well as a means of cross-checking comments made in the interview.
Data Collection:
Research 5 :
The audio tapes were transcribed and the responses entered in the computer,
using an appropriate word processing package. These means that it was typed
back to the Word program. Common themes were then refined and constructed
into categories. Where possible, results were coalesced across questions. The
responses are summarised under the survey section.
The Procedural Rigor:
Research 1 :
The journal did not state any procedures.
Research 2 :
The researcher requested the participants to review the emerging themes and
results to provide corrections, additional perspective and insight that may not
have been captured in the original interviews.
Research 3 :
The researchers did not state any procedures on how the interviews was carried
out. No consent from the sample participants was mentioned too.
Research 4 :
The researcher did not mention any activity in fact once the data collected from
the interviews were transcribed, she come up with some conclusions relating
them to other theories.
The Procedural Rigor:
Research 5 :
Throughout the research the instruments for the component of the study
reported in the paper was semi structured interview guide designed for the
Questions were asked about the student’s participation in the college’s
vocational education programme including their reasons, their preferred future
employment and the advantages the scheme gave them, their feelings about
learning arrangements at school and at workplace and their perceptions of the
Similar surveys were asked to employers and teachers in order to facilitate
comparison of the results. Prior to this a pilot survey were sent out.
There were no specific time mentioned on how data was gathered nor was
there any reason describing as to why the researcher took or withdrawn the
students from class to be interviewed in a meeting room instead.
Research 1 :
Principals employ various communication skills and strategies to build trusting
relationship that promote leadership opportunities and build capacity in others.
Research 2 :
The findings from the study were divided into four major themes. It was which
found that there were similarities in childhood influences of the participants which
demonstrated evidence of the importance of individual upbringings and
experiences on personal assumptions, potential aspirations and leadership
Research 3 :
Effective work shadowing can addressed the issues that have been highlighted by
the researchers in relation to transition, capability, and identity whereby the
perception of the head teachers on headship were changed after the shadowing
Research 4 :
The factors such as trust; values, purpose and personal qualities ; communication
and practical action contributed to effective relationship and ‘critical’ friends.
Research 5 :
Despite the student’s low educational background , they cited that programs are
opportunities for hands on experiences for future employment. In relation to this
they perceived vocational education as benefits of increasing career and
employment options.
The teachers however were concerned that vocational had low status at college.
Factors such as leadership qualities, self esteem and further training development
were taken into considerations.
 This method may consume our time and
drained our energies but engagements
with this research may experience a life
time learning to listen and understand
other’s experiences.
 Also remember that in this method
approach , a researcher chooses to
study the ways in which people
experience a given a phenomenon not
to study a given phenomenon.
The End
“ Thank You”