Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop The Office of

Responsible Conduct of Research
CUNY Policies & Procedures
Vice Chancellor for Research Gillian Small
April 17, 2012
RCR Training
CUNY RCR training requirements for students and
postdoctoral researchers:
• CITI on-line modules in RCR
• RCR workshops
• Individual training by faculty (Principal Investigator)
Additional RCR Resources
• Miguel Roig, Avoiding plagiarism, self-plagiarism,
and other questionable writing practices: a guide
to ethical writing
• MJ Bebeau, KD Pumple, KMT Muskavitch, SL Borden
and DH Smith, Moral Reasoning in Scientific Research
RCR Goals
(in part from MJ Bebeau
Rules that require appropriate research conduct include
federal rules, funder’s rules and institutional rules
(e.g. attending this workshop!)
Development of ethical sensitivity, critical thinking skills,
and habits that prepare students to effectively resolve
problems as they emerge (more than just cognizance of
the rules)
What are the rules?
Do not engage in Research Misconduct!
The CUNY Research Misconduct policy is based on the 2005
DHHS Final Rule and applies to allegations of:
• Fabrication
• Falsification
• Plagiarism
Fabrication: making up data or results and recording
or reporting them.
Falsification: manipulating research materials,
equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting
data or results such that the research is not
accurately represented in the research record.
Plagiarism: the appropriation of another person's ideas,
processes, results, or words without giving appropriate
• In 1974 Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute researcher Dr. William
Summerlin colored patches of fur on white mice with a black
marker in an attempt to prove that his new skin graft treatment was
• In 2005, a top obesity researcher at the University of Vermont,
admitted that over the course of 10 years he fabricated data in
17 federal grant applications, resulting in nearly $3 million in
government research funds. He was sentenced to serve a year
and a day in federal prison.
• In October 2011, the ORI found that a postdoctoral fellow
at the University of Michigan Medical School intentionally
falsified data related to 5 Western blot experiments and
switched the labels on 4 cell culture dishes.
• He is debarred from contracting with, or serving in an
advisory capacity for any Public Health Service agency.
• Appropriating an idea (e.g., an explanation, a theory,
a conclusion, a hypothesis, a metaphor) in whole or
in part, or with superficial modifications without
giving credit to its originator
• Any verbatim text taken from another author must
be enclosed in quotation marks
Note: federal agencies now check submitted grant
proposals for potential plagiarism
*From ORI website:
• The publication of what is essentially the same paper
in more than one journal, but without any indication
that the paper has been published elsewhere
• The partitioning of a large study which should have
been reported in a single paper into smaller published
• Copyright infringement
*From ORI website:
• In Nov 2011, the ORI found that a researcher at the University of
Virginia Medical Center plagiarized large amounts of text and an
illustration from other funded research in five publications he
Outcome: The researcher must submit a retraction letter to one of
the journals, have his research supervised and certified for credibility
with ORI approval for 4 years, and exclude himself from service for
any Public Health Service agency.
You must also, as appropriate, learn and follow all
guidelines pertaining to research involving animals,
human subjects, chemical and/or other types of hazards
University Resources
You should be aware of the following committees and/or
positions, some or all of which exist on your campus:
IRB (institutional review board for research involving human subjects)
IACUC (institutional animal care and use committee)
IBC (institutional biosafety committee)
RIO (research integrity officer)
RCR Scenarios
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 1
Dealing with Suspicions of
Scenario 1
How should Dr. deSteamroller respond to this complaint?
How should he deal with:
The student, Nigel?
The postdoc, Dr. Lansing?
The data that have now been called into question?
The institution in which all three individuals work?
The journal in which the possibly fraudulent data were
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 2
Scenario 2
Was Eric justified in removing the data
Are there legitimate ways to handle or exclude
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 3
Scenario 3
When writing a paper, can you copy the
materials and method from a previous paper?
Can you copy the introduction?
Can you self plagiarize?
Responsible Conduct of Research:
An Overview
Farida Lada
University Director for Research Compliance
April 17, 2012
Mentor / Trainee Responsibilities
Set expectations
Clarify evaluation criteria
Clear distribution of responsibilities
Standard operating procedures
Criteria for establishing authorship & ownership
Awareness of and compliance with RCR requirements
Peer Review
• Responsibility
Assess project for quality
Make judgment regarding importance of research being proposed
• Responsible conduct
Timely review
Constructive feedback
Free from personal bias
Maintain confidentiality
Publication Practices & Responsible Authorship
• Authors
Made significant contribution to the research
Assumed responsibility for data collection and analysis
Participated in drafting the publication
Approved the final publication
• Improper practices
Honorary authorship
Duplicate publication
Data Management
• Data Ownership
Funding agency – grants vs. contracts
CUNY IP Policy
Data source
• Data Collection
Appropriate methods for data collection and analysis
Data recorded such that date and order of data collection can be
Human & animal subject
Hazardous material and biological agent use
Proprietary data
Copyrighted or patented materials
Data Management
• Data Protection
Proper storage to avoid accidental damage, loss or theft
Confidentiality & privacy agreements honored
Data retention according to contract and/or institutional practice
• Data Sharing
Data transfer from CUNY requires a data transfer agreement
Preliminary data need not be released until validated and
published or publicly announced
Once published, data should be freely available for other
Conflict of Interest
• Financial Conflict of Interest
CUNY Conflict of Interest Policy
Sponsor reporting requirements
• Conflict of Commitment
Relationships with individuals or entities
Use of resources
Honor time commitments that are made
Collaborative Research
• Roles & Relationships
Define each collaborator’s role in the project
Ensure common understanding of the research goals
Be familiar with each institution’s intellectual property and
ownership policies
• Financial Management
Ensure that all collaborators are in compliance with funding
agency’s financial management rules
• Training & Supervision
Management plan should address training & supervision of all
research team members
Be familiar with institutional requirements
Collaborative Research
• Formal Agreements
Memorandums of Understanding
Material Transfer Agreement
Data Transfer Agreement
• Compliance
Management plan should address how compliance with
regulatory and institutional requirements will be ensured
• Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management
Policies and procedures for lab safety, hazardous materials,
health safety, radiation safety
Training, audits and oversight
• Institutional Biosafety Committee
Recombinant DNA & gene therapy research
Risk group 2 or higher infectious agents use
Use of transgenic animals
Export Control
• Controls
Commerce Department’s dual use controls
State Department’s defense-based controls
Hardware, software, materials, equipment, technology &
technological data that have civilian AND inherent military or defense
Defense articles and activities specifically designed or modified for
defense or military application without a civil equivalent
Treasury Department’s economic embargo controls
• Restrict transactions with certain countries
• Cuba, Iran, Syria & Sudan restricted for our purposes
• Requirements
Prior authorization or license may be required
Exceptions for fundamental research activities
No publication or citizenship restrictions accepted by any sponsor
Protection of Human Subjects & Animal Welfare
Presentation by Angela Cartmell, Administrator, Office for Protection of
Research Subjects, College of Staten Island
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 4
Scenario 4
How would you feel if you were:
Dr. PCR?
Would the feelings depend upon whether
authorship and author order had been
discussed openly at various times?
Scenario 4
May a Professor submit a paper without a
co-author postdoc, student, or colleague
having seen it?
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 5
Scenario 5
What May I Take With Me?
Is it appropriate for a graduate student or
postdoc to ask to take materials with them
when they leave the research group?
At what point should this conversation
take place?
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 6
Scenario 6
Competition and Collaboration
Do you really have an obligation to share
materials immediately under these
Where might you look for advice in this
Are there any other alternatives that could be
RCR Scenarios
Scenario 7
Scenario 7
Human Subjects Research
What are the appropriate steps to carry out
such a survey?
Can such a survey be made mandatory for
current students?
What options should be made available for
current students who are not interested in
taking this survey?