Identifying and Developing industry/external partners for Linkage Research Projects 17 May 2010 Jenny Wilson, Strategic Development Manager, Griffith Institute for Social and Behavioural Research (and experts from Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, and Socio Legal Research Centre!) Format • • • • • Linkage partners – the rules - reminder Identifying possible partners Making contact Seeking support for a specific research project Questions, comments and advice ARC Linkage Project Industry Partner involvement needed • Cash and in-kind commitment • Active involvement in research program • Project relevant and of use Contributes directly to 25% of weighting Who is an eligible industry partner? • Private company • Charity or not for profit agency • Government agency * • Overseas organisations eligible • More than one partner eligible Not • Other universities /university ‘owned’ entities • Some Government research agencies** Why Researchers Partner • • • • Access to data Sample groups and research subjects Application of research to real problems Practical ‘on the ground’ expertise & understanding Why industry partners – ARC view Source: Academia-Industry Linkages Forum. The University of Queensland March, 2009 An ARC Perspective on Research Partnerships Dr Ian D R Mackinnon, Executive Director, Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Australian Research Council Coordinator: Linkage Projects and Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities Schemes: Why industry partners - some other reasons • Independent validation • To collaborate with others on issue of common importance • To test new system, strategy, idea that is outside immediate organisation priorities • Personal interest in research or improving research skills • Forming a link with University And why they don’t Time from submission to start of project Researcher objectives not compatible with industry Long term project and relationship – budget commitment Research team goes off at tangents Publishes bad news Doesn’t deliver what expected or promised Passes on our confidential or personal details Doesn’t report or discuss problems Personnel that we are working with are not those with whom we discussed the project – difficult relationships with project staff Who partners? Following material is drawn from 1) ARC Annual Report 2009 2) ARC Linkage Projects Funding Outcomes – last 2 rounds ARC Linkage Projects by FOR/RFCD codes for Law and Commerce Both available at: Who partners ? – business/commerce examples Companies National Australia Bank SMSF Professionals’ Association of Australia Ltd Compdata Pty Ltd, LG Electronics Australia Ltd, TNT Australia Ltd Australian Football League ESS Super Westpac Banking Corporation UniSuper Norwood Football Club PureProfile GESB Associations/Professional Groups CPA Australia Franchise Council of Australia Australian Senior Human Resources Roundtable CFMEU Mining & Energy Division National Tertiary Education Union Universities Australia Construction Industry Institute Australia Australian Institute of Management Western Australia Business Associates Network Government Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Victoria State Emergency Service Queensland Department of Main Roads Business Associates Network Western Australia Police Not for Profit Baptist Community Services (NSW and ACT), Lutheran Community Care Meals on Wheels SA Cancer Council New South Wales Cancer Council South Australia Who Partners ? – Law & Legal examples Companies Self-Employed Barrister, Victorian Bar PSMA Australia Ltd Not for Profit Fitzroy Legal Service Inc Job watch Inc Associations/ professional organisations Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA) Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (VACRO) United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (UNIAP) International Organization for Migration (IOM) Government New South Wales Police Force Western Australia Police Australian Federal Police NSW Department of Attorney General Corrections Victoria Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Australian Human Rights Commission Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) Landgate Land Victoria Department of Lands NSW Guardianship and Administration Tribunal (Qld) Office of the Adult Guardian (Qld) Office of the Public Advocate (Qld) Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Office of Public Advocate (Vic) Guardianship Tribunal (NSW) Office of Public Guardian (NSW) Identifying partners -What is your project/research really about? Suggest concept paper to: • clarify your thinking & why you need partners • Identify potential partners • use as a briefing for prospective partners • Identify other possible funding sources . . . .And at some point a briefing / concept document will be needed Identifying possible partners – starting points • Self knowledge & existing relationships (including conference attendances) • Ask colleagues • Previous ARC linkage partners • Reference material (trade associations, industry lists) • Library almanacs and directories • Online searches Who could be interested • Obvious – organisations who work in your field or have similar objectives On line searches Who could be interested • And not so obvious. . . . What are their objectives and priorities? Connecting with prospective partners • ‘Cold Calling’ – luck and timing – relationship development – not necessarily immediate linkage partner • Conferences, associations and professional bodies • Existing relationships – including ‘consultancy clients’ • Joining established academic-industry partnerships Talking specifics Discuss project idea and be prepared to modify • Cold call – send project details, send latest research reports • Conferences – follow up on meetings and business card swaps • Contact existing colleagues in industry and consultancy clients Cold calling Relationship building to establish future linkage partner • Linkage is long term relationship • Don’t just look for the potential cash providers • Short term projects to explore working relationship and establish trust (internal grants, small consultancies, presentations, contribute in workshops and project committees) communicating – DON’T SEND YOUR ‘WORK IN PROGRESS’ ARC DRAFT APPLICATION ! Using a briefing note/concept paper written overview of project to inform lay reader • Concise but comprehensive (2 pages) • Clear and easy to follow • Reliable • Relevant to reader Relationship matters • Linkage is long term relationship • Will need compromises • Be clear on what you will not or cannot compromise upon • Be clear about who will be doing the work, when you expect to deliver outputs, that research involves ‘unknowns’ and how you will address these in the partnership • How the partner will be involved Every funding approach is an exercise in trust: the project is important that the researcher/team has sufficient expertise to undertake the project (external evidence, project plan and costs) and really understands what the ‘problem’ is; and The proposed project offers a credible way that the ‘problem’ might be addressed. Key points of discussion • Discussion covered a variety of ways that successful industry partners have emerged but examples provided pointed to the importance of establishing and maintaining a relationship with the prospective partner. Researchers’ experience with gaining linkage partners • Build on opportunities for further research highlighted in consultancies or smaller research projects • Develop personal relationships with potential partners based on similar interests • Build up relationships during consultancies or other research projects • Attention gained through widespread dissemination of one’s own research through talks, media and publications gains interest from potential partners • Capitalise on your own or your institution’s research expertise or build a cluster of experts with long-term reputations • Unusual opportunities – eg. A small advertisement for university research partners was spotted in an industry magazine • A former RHD student who worked for the government became the link with the industry partner • A consultant wanted to improve their credibility, so initiated teaming up with university researchers • With indigenous partners, spend substantial time with them building up and maintaining relationships and trust Further tips • Researchers generally don’t like asking for money, but if you don’t ask you don’t get it • If unsuccessful the first time, rework it or bring in extra partners • Industry loves to use government research money • Don’t underestimate the expertise that university researchers have to offer • Internal granting schemes are useful as a way to establish a relationship with a potential partner and baseline data – utilise the GUICS scheme • Try not to be too modest about one’s expertise nor overconfident – take a colleague to help profile your expertise if you feel uncomfortable about self promotion • Build on the potential partner’s ‘bright idea’ to create enthusiasm and encourage them to go through the linkage process • Get your research out into public/industry events/media • Follow up on business card swaps – build relationships • Spend time with people who have similar interests – make friends Help to prepare your ARC Linkage • The Office for Research has resources and personnel to help you prepare your application – eg. The budget • Your research Centre can assist with preparation of the application (eg. sourcing costs for budgets) • If government won’t commit to a project due to an impending election, the university can receive all the 3 year funding commitment up front and release it appropriately • Importance of developing the ability to 'talk costs' to partners • See if OR is available to assist at meetings when discussing budget or legal/ IP requirements Some of the questions asked raised the following advice: • - it is possible to agree that some data and information from the project remains confidential , or confidential for an agreed period of time, but this should be balanced with the expectation that public (ARC) funding should result in publications that further knowledge in the discipline ( - Jenny comment: if the partner wants control or to lock up results indefinitely, then it is probably a consultancy and will not advance the publication measures for academic career, and the researcher might not be able to meet his/her ARC obligations) • - important that you stay engaged with the partner, attending meetings, briefings and discussions through out the project - this is particularly important for projects with indigenous communities • Use OR support to plan project. There is a team to support GBS applicants – contact Graham Wise • problems can arise if the application is unsuccessful - particularly if ARC does not give full feedback • - industry is often frustrated by the length of time for the application to be decided - might be possible to do interim consultancy or internal grant but important that you ensure that the consultancy/ internal grant funded work are seen as distinct - arc can build on work but it must be clear that it is not an ongoing already funded project