Trabzon TB - EU-Turkey Chambers Forum

ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
• Title of project
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
The integration of Turkish Companies with EU by
creating the cooperation and the knowledge
between Turk chambers exchanges and EU
chambers and transfering the best practices applies
in the area of environment, energy, food safety and
technology by way of evaluting, energy, food safety
and technology by way of evaluting, improving and
applying on Turk companies.
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
• Title; Trabzon Commodity Exchange
• Partners; The Chamber of Commerce and
Industry of Caceres
• Budget; 120.764,54 Euro
• Duration; 12 months
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
Overall objective;
To contribute the interagtion of Turkish
companies with EU by the means of transfering
the best practices of EU and creating exchange
of information and cooperation between Turkish
and EU chambers and exchanges.
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
Spesific objective;
To contribute the integration of 200 companies with
EU by creating the cooperation and the knowledge
between ‘Trabzon Commodity Exchange’ and ‘The
Cahmber of Commorce and Industry of Caceres’
and transfering the best practices applied in the
area of environment, energy, food safety and
technology by way of evaluting, improving and
applying on the companies in Trabzon.
• Activities
1. Establishing the project team,
2. Understanding EU practices of innovation
transfer and cooperation activities,
3. The analysis of the companies and the
evaluating and developing of analysis results,
4. The activities of starting the pilot practice, rasing
the awareness and farming the network,
5. Visibility activities,
6. Reporting
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
• Expected Results
1. The best practices, applied by The Chamber of
Commerce and Industry Caceres in the area of
environment, food safety, energy and
technology were investigated by Trabzon
Commodity Exchange.
2. The analysis in the area of environment, food
safety, energy and technology of 200 companies
which are members of Trabzon Commodity
Exchange were realized, evaluated and
developed within the framework of the EU.
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
3. 4 pilot practices were started in 4 companies for each
title which related to transferred innovation about
environment, food safety, energy and technology and
the awareness about innovation practices within the
framework of the EU legislation was created above
200 companies.
4. The development of strategies, transfer of innovation
and generating solution capacity of Trabzon
Commodity Exchange were increased oriented its
members' development.
ETCF-II is co-funded by the
European Union and the
Republic of Turkey
5. The dialogue among Trabzon Commodity
Exchange, The Chamber of Commerce and
Industry Caceres, the universities and SMEs
were improved by providing cooperation,
farming the network and exchanging the