Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch + CD Capability Framework = ??? Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Disclaimer The opinions expressed are those of the presenter and should not be considered as official policy of the CCD COE or NATO Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Agenda • Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence • CD Capability Framework • CCD COE + CD CF = ??? Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch CCD COE + CD CF = ??? CCD COE = = Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence • Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch The Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence Is • A multinationally manned and sponsored entity currently comprised of 8 Sponsoring Nations – Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Spain and Estonia – joining process with: Turkey, USA • Accredited as the NATO COE (Oct 28th 2008) • Directed and tasked by a Multinational Steering Committee of those 8 Sponsoring Nations + Turkey + NATO ACT • Actively receives additional NATO requests via Supreme Allied Command of Transformation Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence is Not • Part of NATO Command or Force Structure • Funded from NATO Common budget • 24/7 NATO Operational Incident Handling Center nor Multinational Computer Emergency Response Team working on behalf of Sponsoring Nations • Group of hackers or “Cyber Warriors” Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence – CCD COE Mission and Vision Mission: to enhance the cooperative cyber defence capability of NATO. Vision: to become a primary source of expertise for NATO in cooperative cyber defence-related matters. Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Main Functions • Input to doctrine and concepts in the field of cyber defence • Cyber defence related analysis, education, awareness and training • Research and development projects in the field of cyber defence • Cyber defence related analysis and lessons learned Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Organization Director Chief of Staff Administration Legal and Policy Training and Doctrine Research and Development Any Admin Sec (VNC) MIL Any Admin TUR Admin Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Relationships Steering Committee NATO entities - HQ SACT - NATO CDMA NATO COE-s - COE-DAT - C2 COE - NCIRC - NC3A Other entities - Universities - Private sector Customers - NATO - Sponsoring Nations - Contributing Participants Nations - NATO - Non-NATO Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch CCD COE + CD CF = ??? CD CF = = CD Capability Framework • NATO RTO IST 096 (J. Sidoran) • NC3A Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch "Cyber Defence Capability Breakdown" borrowed from the original NC3A's document Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Topics for which CCDCOE has developed (mainly within its research and development activities) a good knowledge or is going to develop (immediate future) (by LtCol M de Falco) NC3A's CD Capability Framework breakdown reference 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sensor data collection Sensor data normalization Sensor data collection Interpret. context Dynamic risk assessment Visualization for situational awareness 7 Timely decision making 8 Situation assessment 9 Collection *…+ of historical data CCDCOE POW reference Project(s) SME/engaged CD Monitoring Solutions Risto Vaarandi CD Monitoring Solutions Risto Vaarandi CD Monitoring Solutions Risto Vaarandi Intelligent Cyber Defence Methods Peeter Lorents Security Methodologies Jüri Kivimaa NoE - CD-SAFE (Cyber Defense For Europe) (FP7-funded project) Marco De Falco (et al., .B.D.) Intelligent Cyber Defence Methods (Decision Support systems) Peeter Lorents, Enn Tõugu, Pavel Grigorenko Intelligent Cyber Defence Methods CD Monitoring Solutions Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch Risto Vaarandi CCD COE + CD CF = ??? ??? = !!! • ! = Collaboration • ! = Collaboration • ! = Collaboration Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch One thing more: ICCC 2011 • International Conference on Cyber Conflicts June 8 – 10, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia Professor Peeter Lorents, CCD COE Chief of the R&D Branch