PEOPLE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IATA PMDA PROGRAM WHERE ARE YOU NOW Management must recognise that developing its Core Business activities could only come through its greatest asset its “PEOPLE” and that Management must be Accountable and Results Oriented OUR SYSTEMS NEEDED TO BE INTEGRATED AND PERFORMANCE OUTCOMES ACHIEVED THROUGH COMPETENCIES AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND AT THE SAME TIME THE AIRLINE ENSURING THAT ONGOING COMPLIANCE STANDARDS ARE BEING MAINTAINED WHAT IS PMDA? PMDA is a People Management and Development Program for Airlines PMDA OVERVIEW THE PMDA TARGET AUDIENCE Human Resource Managers Executive and Senior Line Managers Training Managers High Potential Employees Line Supervisors Leadership Program Managers, etc. ESTABLISH AN AIRLINE TASK FORCE USING THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES OF IATA PMDA Each task force participant’s role within the airline is to be clearly defined and from the program & each participant becomes aware of what each performance expectations are to be Responsibilities of the PMDA Task Force FOR MANAGEMENT An Airline requires an Operationally Smooth –Effective and Efficient Business Environment and a Coordinated Performance Management Program that could be Implemented within all Operational Departments The PMDA Manager within each department is required to: Become a Driving Force within each Team “Become a Change Agent” Provide performance feedback Communications with the CEO The Role of Each Manager is to become a Change Agent Creating a Smooth Business Environment and Coordinate the Implementation Resource Linker Identifies (and secures) resources Catalyst Creates an environment where the need for change is understood Process Helper Ensures smooth progression through the change process Solution Giver/Gatherer ---- Resolves issues that may hinder the success of the change 13 PMDA Methodology *Step 1 Analyze the performance gaps against PMDA Plan actions (focus on airline’s priorities) *Step 2 Develop new processes *Step 3 Measure progress and results WE WILL RECOGNISE THROUGH THE COMPLETION OF A S.W.O.T. Analysis Our WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS EXTERNAL INTERNAL STRENGTHS 15 From the PMDA Program we can Create a Business Purpose that serves as the best work practice guide To Achieve : Strengthening of the existing HR processes Implement a new HR Service delivery model Ensure best practices are implemented Enhance the overall people performance Instill a positive development culture Provide an infrastructure framework as a catalyst for business growth 16 Recognized Benefits of the PMDA Program By: Building on the existent Reducing silos’ approaches Developing synergies between departments and other organizations Developing a solution adapted to the local culture and constraints 17 PMDA Program’s Ultimate Objective Instill a sense of engagement with: Employees Managers Executives Recognized that all employees are all responsible for our success 18 THROUGH PMDA WE ARE COVERING ALL THE BASES 19 THE END RESULT WILL BE The Airline will be seen to be MOVING FORWARD DOING MORE DOING BETTER ULTIMATELY THE AIRLINE WILL IMPROVE OVERALL PRODUCTIVITY