Marketing Management Marketing Research & Information System M-08 Tony Soebijono 1 There are two kinds of knowledge: knowledge in your mind and knowledge of where you can find the information you need. Tony Soebijono 2 Siklus Hidup Produk dan Keputusan strategis Tahap-tahap Perkenalan Pertumbuhan Dewasa Penurunan Volume penjualan Perlukah produk diperkenalkan? Perlukah strategi produk diubah? Tony Soebijono Perlukah produk dihapus? 3 Subsistem Produk Siklus hidup produk mendukung melalui: 1) Perkenalan 2) Pertumbuhan 3) Dewasa 4) Penurunan Informasi menjawab 3 pertanyaan kunci: 1) Perlu diperkenalkan? 2) Harus ubah strategi? 3) Perlu dihapus? Tony Soebijono 44 Sistem Informasi Pemasaran digunakan oleh Manajer Industri besar menggunakan komputer sebagai alat pemasaran – Untuk mengetahui kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen – Untuk memformulasikan bauran pemasaran – Untuk menindaklanjuti seberapa baik bauran tersebut diterima konsumen Output informasi digunakan dalam perusahaan Tony Soebijono 55 Informasi dikategorikan atas: 1) Informasi yang secara teratur dipasok kepada manajemen pemasaran dari sumber-sumber internal dan eksternal • Contoh: Analisis biaya penjualan, pangsa pasar, dan survei kepuasan pelanggan 2) Informasi yang diperoleh karena dibutuhkan untuk suatu permasalahan atau situasi tertentu. • Contoh: Meliputi tes konsep produk baru, penelitian preferensi merek dan penelitian efektifitas periklanan. Tony Soebijono 6 Marketing Information System Consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers. 1. Assessing information needs: a good MIS system balances information that we would like to have against that which is really needed and feasible to obtain. 2. Developing information: four main sources/types. 1. Internal Records Information 2. Marketing Intelligence 3. Marketing Research 4. Information Analysis 3. Distributing information to decision makers. Tony Soebijono 7 The Marketing Information System Tony Soebijono 8 Developing Information Internal Records Information gathered from sources within the company to evaluate marketing performance and to identify marketing problems and opportunities • Internal database (Financial and nonfinancial data from PMS) • Data warehouses (Customer data in the corporate office – Ex. Wyndham Hotels) • Guest history information (information gathered from guest records) • Guest information trends (booking patterns, cancellations, occupancy patterns) • Corporate customer and marketing intermediary information (e.g., customer and prospective customer databases) Tony Soebijono 9 Developing Information Marketing Intelligence Everyday information from internal and external sources about developments in the marketing environment that helps managers to prepare and adjust marketing plans and short-run tactics. • • • • Internal sources of marketing intelligence - Gathered by company executives, and other employees External sources of marketing intelligence - Macromarket information, competitive, new innovation and trends Sources of competitive information - Annual reports, trade magazines, press releases, and advertisements Commercial sources of marketing information - On-line databases of information services, electronic yellow pages Tony Soebijono 10 Developing Information Marketing Research A process used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, to monitor and evaluate marketing actions and performance, and to communicate research findings to management. • Kegiatan penelitian di bidang pemasaran yang dilakukan secara sistematis mulai dari perumusan masalah, perumusan tujuan penelitian, pengumpulan data, pengumpulan data, pengolahan data dan interpretasi hasil penelitian. • Ditujukan sebagai masukkan bagi pihak manajemen dalam rangka identifikasi masalah dan pengambilan keputusan untuk pemecahan masalah. 1. Own researchers 2. Outside researchers Tony Soebijono 11 Marketing Research Process Steps in the Marketing Research Process: Implementing the research plan -- collecting and analyzing the data Defining the problem and research objectives Developing the research plan for collecting information Objectives: •Exploratory •Descriptive •Causal Secondary data vs. primary data Sample vs. population Research Approaches Put the plan into action – collect and analyze the data Tony Soebijono Interpreting and reporting the findings Interpret the findings-draw conclusions and report to management 12 Marketing Research Process Defining the Problem and Research Objectives Exploratory Research Descriptive Research Causal Research (Unaware of Problem) (Aware of Problem) “Our sales are declining and we don’t know why.” “Would people be interested in our new product idea?” (Problem Clearly Defined) “What kind of people are buying “Will buyers purchase more of our product? Who buys our our products in a new package?” competitor’s product?” “Which of two advertising “What features do buyers prefer campaigns is more effective?” in our product?” Tony Soebijono 13 Marketing Research Process Tony Soebijono 14 Develop the Research Plan Contact Methods Mail Telephone Personal Internet Flexibility Poor Good Excellent Good Quantity of Data Collected Good Fair Excellent Good Control of Interviewer Excellent Fair Poor Fair Control of Sample Fair Excellent Fair Poor Speed of Data Collection Poor Excellent Good Excellent Response Rate Fair Good Good Good Cost Good Fair Poor Excellent Tony Soebijono 15 Fungsi riset pemasaran • Menghubungkan pemasar dengan pelanggan dan publik lewat informasi. Informasi yang dipergunakan untuk mengetahui dan menentukan peluang serta masalah pemasaran; untuk menghasilkan, mempertajam, dan mengevaluasi tindakan pemasaran; untuk memantau kinerja pemasaran; dan memperbaiki pemahaman mengenai proses pemasaran. Tony Soebijono 16 Riset pemasaran dan TI • Perkembangan dalam teknologi informasi menyebabkan revolusi dalam distribusi informasi. • sebagian besar perusahaan melakukan desentralisasi sistem informasi pemasaran. • Dalam banyak perusahaan, manajer pemasaran dapat mengakses langsung jaringan informasi lewat komputer pribadi dan sarana-sarana lain. Dari lokasi mana-pun, mereka dapat memperoleh informasi dari catatan internal atau jasa informasi yang disediakan pihak luar, menganalisis informasi tersebut menggunakan paket data statistik dan model dan berkomunikasi dengan rekan sejawat dalam jaringan lewat komunikasi elektronik. Tony Soebijono 17 • Hasil riset pemasaran ini dapat dipakai untuk perumusan strategi pemasaran dalam merebut peluang pasar. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Dashboard Tony Soebijono 18 Tony Soebijono 19 Tony Soebijono 20 Marketing research tools: Tony Soebijono 21 Contoh • • Tony Soebijono 22 thanks Tony Soebijono 23