SAVD Solar 2013 TransTech Energy Business Development Conference Self Aligning Vertical Dipole Mark Vernallis Founder and CEO Team Dr. Hong Koo Kim Founder and CTO Tim Fogarty & Tim Appleberry Founders /Directors • The global market for solar cells is over $30 billion and is growing rapidly. Market Facts • Market demand in the US alone has grown 44% annually over the last 6 years. • SAVD technology applies to over 90% of solar cells. Solar Is Inefficient Snell’s Law: Light entering solar panels are refracted at very inefficient angles. Inefficient angles direct light downward into the cell resulting in poor energy conversion due to: •Higher bounce-back reflection •Shorter paths (opportunities) for photon conversion •Inefficient distances from the conversion junction Our patent-pending process dramatically improves solar cell efficiency by more than 50% in the lab SAVD Solar Inc. light SAVD t e c h n o l o g y SAVD Redirects Light SAVD’s proprietary technology builds nanostructures on solar cells that redirect light into the active layer more efficiently (where the light is absorbed and electrons are generated & collected), thereby overcoming Snell’s Law: • Enhances light absorption from increased optical path length that is closer to absorption/junction field • Diminishes adverse impact from “bad angle” in morning and afternoon (maximizes energy absorption at oblique angle) • SAVD Solar process only expected to add 5-6% to total costs (but will improve efficiency 50%+) • Uses standard semi-conductor manufacturing processes Process • Scalable Conventional cells: Light enters into silicon normal to the surface through horizontal dipoles. SAVD builds nanoscale vertical dipoles (right) that directs light into glancing direction. Facts • Different from other coating technologies because our technology not only dramatically decreases reflection, by overcoming Snell’s law, we dramatically increase energy absorption and carrier collection. • Early lab results so far show that SAVD’s technology far exceeds current commercial efficiencies for solar cells. • We believe once optimization work is completed that SAVD’s technology will make solar cost competitive to coal and natural gas. • SAVD technology is the ‘last step’ (back-end process) in cell manufacturing - we are insulated from price fluctuations of silicon and other material prices. No potential for another Solyndra. • This technological potential is a billion dollar opportunity. Research Funding • National Science Foundation • University of Pittsburgh • Innovation Works • PA NanoMaterials Commercialization Center • University of Louisville Over $1 million in non-dilutive funding 1st Round Venture Capital Crimson Hill LP Funding Goals Seeking $1.5 million for commercialization Our product A proprietary ‘finishing’ step using proven manufacturing processes, applicable to 90% of solar cells to dramatically increase efficiency by 50% or more Key Points Our market Large utility customers and major manufacturers as licensees Protection Broad US and worldwide patents pending Value SAVD achieves grid parity. We make solar cost-competitive to coal and natural gas Proven research team/technology visionary Seasoned entrepreneurs University of Albany College of NanoScale Science and Engineering partnership University of Pittsburgh partnership Why Us? Why Now? Compelling value proposition Large and rapidly growing global market Proprietary technology Potentially disruptive technology Multiple paths to commercialization Excellent capital raising environment for high-potential renewable energy commercialization Recent market transactions with high value exits SAVD Solar Inc. Team Mark Vernallis • Founder and CEO Experienced entrepreneur, C-level executive, start-up/turnaround specialist and venture capitalist Dr. Hong Koo Kim - Founder and CTO • • Director of the Petersen Institute of NanoScience and Engineering, University of Pittsburgh World-renowned expert in the emerging field of nano-optics and nanoelectronics research Tim Fogarty & Tim Appleberry – Founders /Directors • • Fogarty was Director of Energy Programs at Innovation Works, one of the most active early stage energy technology investors in the country. A seasoned executive, his accomplishments include growing a university start-up to a $250M publicly traded company. Appleberry has a proven track record as an inventor and global operations executive. He was twice named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s “Hot 100”.