EXPERIENTIAL WATER ROUTE Developing a Unique Ontario Cultural Tourism Product in the Heart of the Continent “PATH OF THE PADDLE” TRANS CANADA TRAIL (TCT) National & Ontario board sanctioned initiative connecting northern Ontario land-based trails to Manitoba recreational trails 900+km proposed canoe/kayak route in the Heart of the Continent Aptly named after Canadian canoeing icon Bill Mason PROJECT BACKGROUND 2003 - Water route concept proposed 2007 - TCT National approved canoeing/kayaking preferred use 2008 - Planning exercise with MNR & Ontario Parks 2008 – MOU signed: MNR, MHP & TCTO PROJECT BACKGROUND 2009 - Hap Wilson recruited to assist with project development 2010 - RTO13 funding approved to conduct first season of route planning & groundtruthing 2011 - 5 water trail concept plans completed WATER TRAIL HISTORY Water routes were the first trail in Canada referred to as “Onigum” Ojibwa & Cree descendant used this water route for almost 10,000 years Used for early trade & barter between Nations and for seasonal hunting and fishing forays WATER TRAIL HISTORY Archaeological surveys along the selected route include over 200 pictograph sites, dolmen stones and waymarkers, tooling site & pottery shards The Pigeon River link was used by the North West Company as a point of rendezvous and inland trade PATH OF THE PADDLE The creation of an all- Canadian, representative “canoe route trail” in terms of National Heritage values Recognizes a rich & exciting part of our history and acknowledges People of the First Nations & Canada’s historic use of the canoe WATER TRAIL SEGMENTS Anishnabe Trail – 107 kms: Falcon River through Shoal Lake FN #40 to Kenora Rushing River-Eagle Dogtooth – 256 kms: Kenora through 2 Provincial Parks to Dryden Maukinak Trail – 212 kms: Dryden through Turtle River Provincial Park to Atikokan (White Otter Castle) WATER TRAIL SEGMENTS Quetico Trail – 208 kms: Atikokan through Quetico Provincial Park to Granite River Omimi Trail – 129 kms: Granite River through La Verendrye & Pigeon River Provincial Parks to Neebing FIELD RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Determine the Best-Fit routes, divided into management units Cultural, natural resource & historical trail initiatives gathered Site planning & preparation Digitally mapped & ground- truthed as a risk management tool FIELD RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Risk assessment of the water route: skill level required on trail & portages Identification of route development projects locations: access points, camp sites, portages, wayfinding & trail head signage Estimate cost to develop each trail segment FIELD RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Initial identification of partners to form sub-clubs for trail stewardship & portage maintenance Materials gathered for draft guidebook which will serve as TCTO’s risk management plan DEVELOPMENT STATUS 2011 - Season One field research: 3 of 5 trail segments completed 2012 – Path of the Paddle Project Manager recruited 2012 – Funding to be secured for Season Two field research $40,000 and completion of draft guidebook & art and digital mapping $47,400 DEVELOPMENT STATUS 2012 – Independent trail segment funding for infrastructure build to be secured (ie: Quetico Park) 2013 – Path of the Paddle not-for-profit club formed 2013 – Additional trail segment infrastructure builds 2013 – Printing of guidebook as risk management plan DEVELOPMENT STATUS 2013 – Completion of wayfinding & trail head signage program 2013 – build and create the support structure, businesses that support trail users 2014 – Initiate water trail marketing and promotional campaigns with partners PROJECT BENEFITS Community diversification Job creation Volunteer driven First Nation inclusion Business opportunities Themed development Education Events & festivals Health promotion PROJECT OPPORTUNITIES Develop a world-class marketable experiential tourism destination Natural links to RTO13, OTMPC and Northern Growth Plan objectives Unique marketing integration including: “passport” achievement program and mobile application PROJECT SUMMARY Review & renew MoU signed: MNR, MHP & TCTO to include MNDM Provincial designation & route recognition Funding $87,400 to complete risk management plan Path of the Paddle Steering Committee Members: CAM CLARK – Past Chair and Board Member of TCTO KIRSTEN SPENCE – TCTO Northern Trails Coordinator VICKI KURZ – Path of the Paddle Project Manager THANK YOU