
Implementation of Open Journal
System in Indian Universities - A
Practical Approach
Rasan B
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India
Jagan Mohan Rao R
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India
Presentation Outline
Conventional Publishing
What is Open Journal System(OJS)
Advantages of OJS
System Requirements
Workflow in OJS
Components of OJS
OJS Installation Steps
• Open Journal System (OJS) plays a vital role in bringing
out the research taught of the scholars from the
various disciplines freely to the world research
• Almost most of the foreign Universities and Colleges
implemented OJS using open source tools for new
innovations. But in India, such system is not so popular.
• This article deals with how to implement a paperless
and cost effective Open source Journal System for the
Universities in India in an user friendlier manner
Conventional Publishing System
What is Open Journal System (OJS)?
• OJS is a journal management and publishing system that
was designed to assist faculty and researchers in publishing
peer-reviewed open-access journals at every stage of the
process, from submission to the final publication.
• It was developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) at
the University of British Columbia, through its federally
funded efforts to expand and improve access to research.
• Development is currently overseen by a partnership
consisting of the PKP, the Canadian Centre for Studies in
Publishing and the Simon Fraser University Library.
Advantages of Open Journal System
• Each stage in the conventional publishing system
is fully automated in OJS
• It can be accessed anywhere at anytime
• Web based archival facility available
• It comes with built-in templates for page
• In depth Computer knowledge is not necessary
for implementation, maintenance and
Advantages …..
• Cost effective solution
• More user-friendlier
• Saves overall time of the conventional
publishing system
• Improves the speed of the publishing process
• Nullify the paper work
• Provides world class standardization
System Requirements
• To install OJS, the following are the minimum
– High End System with sufficient primary & secondary
– Internet Connectivity
– PHP support (4.2.x or later)
– MySQL (3.23 or later) or PostgreSQL (7.1 or later)
– Apache (1.3.2x or later) or Apache 2 (2.0.4x or later) or
Microsoft IIS 6 (PHP 5.x required)
– Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows operating systems
Workflow in OJS
Components of OJS
• Journal Manager - Sets up journal and staffs
editorial roles
• Subscription Manager - Maintains smooth
transition of subscription
• Editors - Oversees editorial process; can assign
submissions to Section Editors to see through
Submission Review and Submission Editing;
undertakes scheduling of content and publishing
of journal.
• Section Editors – Oversees Submission Review
• Peer Reviewers – Subject Experts who evaluates
and criticize the article
Components of OJS………
• Copyeditors- Works with submissions to improve grammar
and clarity, poses questions to author on possible errors,
and ensure strict adherence to journal's bibliographic and
textual style.
• Layout Editor: Transforms copyedited submission into
galleys in HTML, PDF, and/or PS files in the proper format
for electronic publishing.
• Proofreader: Reads galleys for typographic and formatting
• Authors: An author is a person who uses words to
communicate ideas of the journal. The writing that writers
produce may be in any genre, fictional or non-fictional.
• Reader: Author or Viewers of the Journals.
OJS Installation Steps
XAMPP is a bundles package of apache, mysql, php and other components. it is
compatible with windows and linux OS. Hence for illustration, I have used
XAMPP application for installing OJS.
Step-1: Download OJS application from and
unpack the OJS application files in a web accessible directory on your server (in
our case, it is htdocs directory) under a new name OJS;
Step-2: Make all the directories in the OJS folder writable;
Edit the line disable_path_info = Off in ojs/ as follows
disable_path_info = On
Without that change, the installation won't start.
Step-3: Start Apache and Mysql services through XAMPP control panel.
Step-4: Create a database named “ojs” in mysql and grant access to “root” account
OJS Installation ……
• Step-5: Open Internet browser and type http://localhost/ojs , and then
call the OJS endorsing Setup page. The screen will be displaed as follows.
OJS Installation……
• Step-6 : For installation refer to the portion of the first Pre-Installation
Steps . Writing to files and folders, make sure that the authority.
OJS Installation……
• Step-7 : Please make your selection on the Local Settings as follows
OJS Installation……
• Step-8: Change file settings and security settings as follows
• Step-9: Set the administrator username and password
OJS Installation……
Step-10: Provide database username and password
Step-11:Provide Repository Identifier for OAI as follows
OJS Installation……
• After a successful installation OJS screen will appear as follows
Now login as a system administrator to create and manage any number of magazines.
• This article explored the implementation of a
paperless and cost effective Open source Journal
System for the Universities in India in a user
friendlier manner with necessary instructions.
• All the Academic Libraries in India may initiate such
an Open Source Journaling system based on this
practical approach which is in turn enables
productivity of research skills of the young research
scholar and scientists.
Dr. Lorna Shapiro, “Establishing And Publishing An Online Peer-Reviewed Journal Action Plan,
Resourcing, And Costs”, 2005
John Willinsky, (2005) "Open Journal Systems: An example of open source software for journal
management and publishing", Library Hi Tech, Vol. 23 Iss: 4, pp.504 - 519
Stephen Dew, “”An Open-Source Software for Publishing Electronic Journals, Newsletters, &
Serials”, Collections & Scholarly Resources Coordinator, UNCG Libraries
OJS in an Hour by Public Knowledge Project , 2008
Travis I. Lovejoy, Tracey A. Revenson, Christopher R. France,”Reviewing Manuscripts for Peer-Review
Journals: A Primer for Novice and Seasoned Reviewers” , 2011
T. Anderson and B. McConkey / Development of Disruptive Open Access Journals, CJHE / RCES
Volume 39, No. 3, 2009
SOFTWARE PROJECT”, University of Toronto.
Internet Sources: