- NHS West London Clinical Commissioning Group

Central London
West London
Hammersmith & Fulham
North West London Five Year Strategic Plan update –
West London CCG Governing Body
6 May 2014
NHS England has asked commissioners to develop ambitious
plans that look forward to the next five years
• NHS England has asked each local health economy, including North West
London, to develop genuinely transformative plans to meet the strategic
challenges facing the NHS.
• These plans are intended to address the challenges set out in a ‘Call to
Action’, and are based on a set of core principles and considerations.
Core Principles:
• Clinically led – aligned with national clinical strategies
5 Year Strategic Plans
• Outcome focused - priorities set to optimise outcomes and
quality within financial constraints
• Affordable – built on robust and consistent financial basis
2 Year operational Plans
Patients &
Core Considerations:
• A Call to Action (£6bn required in 2015/16)
• Alignment of planning across CCG, Direct commissioning and
• Co-ordination with Local authorities.
• Patient and carers
• The Spending Review Commitment (£3.8bn 2015-16)
“Patients and Quality must be at
the core of everything we do”
• The review of Urgent and Emergency Care
• National and regional priorities
‘The NHS belongs to the people: a call to action’: http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/nhs_belongs.pdf
A Strategic Planning Group has oversight of the development of
the North West London Five Year Strategic Plan
• The North West London (NWL) five year strategic plan is supported by the operational and financial plans at
CCG, provider and NHS England Area Team level, and also aligns with the Better Care Fund plans at the
Health & Wellbeing Level.
• Membership of the NWL Strategic Planning Group (SPG) includes CCG Chairs, Accountable Officers, Finance
Directors, lay members, Local Authority Directors of Adult Social Care and Public Health, and NHS England.
NWL Strategic Planning Group (SPG)
Health & Wellbeing
Better Care Fund plan
Provider plan
Local authority planning
Strategic Plan and other NHS England planning templates: http://www.england.nhs.uk/ourwork/sop/templates/
Area Teams
Direct Commissioning
The draft Strategic Plan consolidates NWL’s existing plans,
including Shaping a healthier future and Whole Systems
• Patient and public engagement in developing the
• The NWL Strategic Plan builds on the existing strategic contents of the Plan has included the SaHF public
consultation, Whole Systems and Out of Hospital
plans and transformation programmes that have been
strategy engagement, co-design and consultation, and
developed across NWL, including:
Health & Well-being Strategy consultation at Borough
o Whole Systems Integrated Care
o Shaping a healthier future (SaHF) acute
• The Plan is structured so as to address the ‘Key Lines
of Enquiry’ set out in the NHS England strategic plan
Developing the draft Strategic Plan
o Health and Well-being Strategies
• It is a consolidation of existing plans, with the addition
of NHS England’s direct commissioning plans (e.g.
primary care, specialised commissioning).
template, using the guidance provided in ‘Everyone
Counts: Planning for Patients 2014/15 to 2018/19’.
Next steps
• There will be further opportunities to contribute to the Plan as it progresses from the draft
submission (4th April) through to final submission on the 20th June, including:
o Opportunities to review and comment on the Plan between April and June
o Stakeholder engagement event (to coincide with the launch of the WSIC toolkit: 15 May)
o HWB to consider and approve the final Five Year Strategic Plan prior to submission
• A major pan-NWL stakeholder event will also be held in June.
Everyone Counts: Planning for Patients 2014/15 – 2018/19: http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/5yr-strat-plann-guid-wa.pdf
Executive summary: vision and principles
• Our five year strategic plan sets out how we will work collaboratively to transform the health and care landscape
across NWL in order to achieve our shared vision, deliver improved health outcomes and patient experience,
ensure a financially sustainable system, and meet the expectations of patients and the public.
Our shared vision for North West London
• Our overarching vision, co-produced with the people of North West London, is:
“ of care
We want to improve the quality
for individuals, carers and
families, empowering
supporting people to maintain
independence and to lead full
lives as active participants in their
• Four principles underpin our vision – that health services need to be: .
• In addition, we recognise our broader role in society (both as employers and commissioners), and will address the
determinants of health.
Executive summary: case for change and outcome ambitions
Case for Change
• The health needs of the people of North West London are
changing, the demands on our health services are
increasing, and the way we have organised our hospitals
and community-based services in the past will not meet
the needs of the future.
• From a commissioner perspective, if we do nothing we
estimate we would need £365m more to keep pace with
demand. Hospitals in NWL will also face significant
financial challenges even if they become as efficient as
they can be. This means services need to be redesigned
to be more affordable.
• NWL’s five year strategic plan will deliver two key
1. Improved health outcomes and patient experience,
as captured within the 7 NHS Outcome ambitions
2. A financially sustainable health system
• All of the programmes and plans set out in our five year
plan have been developed to achieve these ambitions.
Executive summary: key transformation programmes
Key North West London transformation programmes
• Key programme enablers include: Workforce; Informatics; Communications; Engagement, co-design, travel
and equalities; Clinical; Finance; and Research and Innovation.
Executive summary: maintaining a focus on the essentials, and
how we work
Maintaining our focus on essentials: quality, safety and
While North West London is implementing an ambitious set
of transformation programmes, at the CWHHE collaborative
and BHH federation level essential work continues to
improve quality and performance through the commissioning
How we work: embedding partnerships at every level
Citizen empowerment and patient engagement: there are
four aspects to our approach:
o Patient self-management and self-care:
o Public participation in the commissioning process
o Access to data and information about health and
o Delivering better care through the digital revolution harnessing technology
Executive summary: key outcomes
(1) Health outcome, quality and patient experience outcomes (aggregated across NWL CCGs)1:
(2) Financial outcomes:
The CCG projections are to ensure a sustainable
position is attained, which is consistent with NHS
England Business Rules (i.e. a 1% surplus) and
includes contingency (at 0.5%) to respond to risks.
1: Details on the outcome measure indicators: http://www.england.nhs.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2013/12/stra-op-how-to-guide1.pdf
CCG financial plans include the outcome ambitions.
Non-recurrent implementation costs are assumed to
be funded through the NWL financial strategy
agreement to pool CCG / NHSE non-recurrent
headroom (2.5% in 2014/15).