FINANCING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION BY DR. YERIMA LAWAN NGAMA HON. MINISTER OF STATE FOR FINANCE AUGUST 5, 2013 Theme and Topic The Theme ‘Financing Infrastructure through the Capital market’ is apt as it directly touches on one of the key sources of financing infrastructure to actualize the Transformation Agenda. Topic ‘Financing Infrastructure for Economic Transformation’ also considers other various sources of funding infrastructure to realize the Transformation Agenda. Hence this presentation will provide a general background to today’s discourse. The T/AGENDA, V20: 2020 & NIIMP NIGERIA VISION 20: 2020 FIRST NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2010 - 2013 SECOND NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2014 - 2017 THIRD NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 2018 - 2020 FG TRANSFORMATION AGENDA 2011 - 2015 NIIMP 2014 - 2043 VISION 20: 2020 A long term plan for stimulating Nigeria’s economic growth and launching the country onto a path of sustained and rapid socioeconomic development. Nigeria is expected to be among the top 20 economies in the world with a minimum GDP of N144 billion ($900b) and a GDP per capita income of no less than N640,000 ($4,000) per annum by 2020. TRANSFORMATION AGENDA It is a medium term economic transformation agenda for realizing the Federal Government’s economic growth agenda for 2011 -2015 TRANSFORMATION AGENDA The Priority Areas of the T/A are: i. Physical Infrastructure ii. Human Capital Development iii. Governance iv. Real Sector Development The Objectives of the Agenda are: i. Job Creation ii. Strong and Inclusive Growth iii. Well-being of Nigerians TRANSFORMATION AGENDA Key Outcomes of the Transformation Agenda: i. Jobs ii. Poverty Alleviation iii. Better Resource Management iv. Developing Institutions v. Sustained Economic Development National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (NIIMP) It is the capital allocation framework, which identifies the required investments to bring infrastructure in Nigeria in line with the country’s long term growth aspirations. Financing Infrastructure The Investment Requirement to achieve the objectives of the various Development Plans are as follows: Transformation Agenda will require N25.7 Trillion . Phase One of the Master Plan (2014 to 2018) will require N20.32 Trillion. V2020 will require total investment of N32 Trillion. National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan will some require N464 Hence kind of Trillion acceleration of investment is envisaged after 2020. Obviously this is hinged on a vibrant Private Sector led economy. TRANSFORMATION AGENDA Gross Investment in Infrastructure Gross Investment Total % of Total Public Sector Private Sector Total 56.82% 43.18% 100% 14.59Tr 11.09Tr 25.68Tr Transformation Agenda –Sectoral Allocation Sector Real Sector Physical Infra’ture Regional Devt Human Capital Total New Project 199 On-going Total Project Projects 811 1,010 Amount (Nm) 1,747,242 69 382 451 6,770,431 35 67 102 4,529,758 113 213 326 3,485,198 416 1,473 1,889 16,532,629 Sources of Funding for Infrastructure On-Budget Off-Budget Private Sector Regular Budgetary Special Allocation Intervention Fund Enhanced FGN Bonds Statutory Allocation Pension Fund Viability Gap Funding Low Interest Loans Credit Enhancements Long Term Bonds Grants Oil for Infrastructure Scheme Sure-P Private Equity PPP Export Credit Finance Summary of Potential Infrastructure Financing Options for 2011-15 Financing Options Financing Available Consideration/Remark Budgetary Provision N5,760b ($36b) This depends on oil revenues, which are volatile Public Debt N4,640b ($29b) Challenging and requires regular debt servicing External Borrowing Medium Term (2012-2014) Though low interest rate, Borrowing Plan: N1,488b constitute burden if ($9.3b) projects are poorly implemented Sovereign Wealth Fund N1,280b ($8b) from the SWF May be insignificant amount Pension Fund Potential N800b ($5b) from Pension Fund Potentially risky and controversial PPPs Potential N1,600 –N3,200 b($10-20b) from PPP High cost to end users CHALLENGES The challenges of Infrastructure financing are: Blocking Revenue Leakages Need to reduce FG recurrent expenditure. Need to reduce FG cost of borrowing. Need to revise Pension Investment Guideline. Need to refocus and retool ICRC. How do you get Nigerians to believe and invest in Nigeria vii. How do you get Nigerian Media to sell Nigeria to the outside world. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. FINANCING INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ECONOMIC TRASFORMATION Thank you