What is the SOII?


Intramural and extramural research/improvements

Beth Rogers

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists

Counting Work-related Injuries and Illnesses: Taking Steps to Close the Gaps II

April 17-18, 2013

Washington, D.C.



SOII history and outputs

Research goals and results

Recommendations and further research



1970s: Began Survey of Occupational

Injuries and Illnesses (SOII); periodic user concerns led to ROSH and expanded scope

Mid 2000s: Micro-record comparisons of

SOII and workers’ comp (WC) report undercount:

 Rosenman et al. (2006)

 Boden and Ozonoff (2008)

2008 and 2010: BLS reports on research


Congressional Action


Additions to appropriations

 BLS ($1 million for SOII undercount research)

 Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA)

 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

Request for GAO study of the accuracy of recordkeeping on employers’ OSHA logs


What is the SOII?

Mandatory annual establishment survey

Counts OSHA-recordable nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses

Based on OSHA records employers keep during the year

 Includes employers not otherwise required to keep records

Collected soon after end of the year


Unique aspects of the SOII

Definitions come from OSHA

Consistent definitions and procedures across states

Worker injuries and illnesses are infrequent events

 Rate 3.5 cases per 100 full-time equivalent workers

 Many employers report zero cases


SOII output

Annual establishment totals and rates by industry

 “Summary” estimates

Case circumstances and worker characteristics for cases requiring days away from work

 “Case and demographic” estimates

Microdata undercount studies have been based on the latter


Criticisms of SOII

Limited data on workplace illnesses

Restricted survey scope

Cases reported elsewhere but not in


Cases reported neither in SOII nor in other systems


Defining the undercount

SOII undercount: Failure to capture cases that are within the scope of the survey

Total public burden undercount: Failure to report any occupational injury or illness

Focus of research – SOII undercount


Initial undercount research

In 2008, BLS initiated three types of research projects: matching, employer interviews and multisource

Conclusion of initial undercount research

2012 SOII Undercount Research


Results and recommendations


Other research

Nestoriak and Pierce

 Compared SOII and WC data in KY and


 Explored three matching strategies




 Implications for improving SOII


WC-SOII matching

Match and analyze microdata (KY, WA,


Robust evidence of an undercount but measuring the magnitude is difficult

40%-70% SOII capture rate

Issues matching administrative and survey data

 Issues with WC data

 Issues with the SOII


Employer interviews

Explore possible reasons for differences in reporting cases on OSHA logs, SOII, and State WC claims (KY, WA)

Loosely structured questionnaire, in person visits

Interviews provide qualitative context but no quantitative information


Multisource enumeration

Using multiple data sources to enumerate certain case types (CA, MA,


Data from emergency department visits, hospital discharges, WC, SOII, others

Value in multisource for State-based surveillance and topical research

National multisource surveillance is not feasible (cost and consistent data availability)


Reasons for the discrepancy

SOII appears to capture everything on the OSHA log

Types of cases more likely to be missed by SOII

Much of undercount still unexplained


Consensus recommendations

Expand SOII data collection

Improve coding consistency of SOII

Work with OSHA to enhance recordkeeping

SOII supplements (CPS supplement)

Future research ideas (undercount trends, variations by state, employer attributes and practices)


Second round of research

Interview a large number of employers in MN, NY, OR, WA

 Goal: Quantitative measures of employer characteristics, recordkeeping practices

Match WC-SOII for 12 years in WA

 Goal: Analyze undercount trends over time

Pilot test auto-coding of SOII data

 Goal: Improve classification consistency


Other recommended enhancements

Publish hospitalization data from OSHA logs

 Goal: Improve collection/reporting of these data

Collect and publish case data for DJTR

 Goal: Pilot test collection, estimation, and dissemination

 Goal: Evaluate effect on current DAFW case data


Future research ideas

Expand auto-coding

Follow-back studies to capture injury and illness updates and incidents occurring late in the year

Expand collection of DJTR case detail

Explore ways to improve employer recordkeeping


Contact Information

Beth Rogers

Occupational Safety and Health Statistics www.bls.gov/iif

202-691-5098 rogers.elizabeth@bls.gov
