Thursday, April 16th, 2015
- 8.45 to 9.15: welcoming of the participants
- 9.15 to 9.30: welcoming speech and opening of the Forum by His Excellency M. Jacques
LAPOUGE, the Ambassador of France to Sweden
- 9.30 to 10.45: Panel 1. The use of French language in companies of the region: opinion of
business leaders.
Introduction by Christophe MUSITELLI, Institut français, Director of the French language,
literature and knowledge Department
What are the expectations of the companies? How do business leaders perceive the use of
French in business? To what extent is hiring francophone employees an advantage for a
Erik BELFRAGE, Consilio International ab, partner and chairman of the board, Stockholm
Johan STENBERG, Chairman of The French chamber of Commerce in Stockholm,
Chairman of the Franska Skolan Foundation
Gîta PATERSON, President of the Swedish chamber of Commerce in France
Moderator: Christophe Musitelli, Institut français, Director of the French language,
literature and knowledge Department.
Table Secretary: Clara Rouhani.
- 10.45 to 11.15: Coffee Break
- 11.15 to 12.00: Panel 2. Is French an asset in a professional setting?
What advantages are brought by the mastery of the French language in the workplace?
Cay BOND, trend analyst and writer, Sweden
Jérôme-Frédéric JOSSERAND, French teacher at the Military Academy in Uppsala
Marie-Louise CHARDET, EURES (European Employment Agency)
Moderator: Marwan Ayache, Communications and external relations coordinator, SSES.
Table Secretary: Clara Rouhani.
- 12.00 to 12.30: Panel 3. French language, a "bonus" for employment in organizations
working with French speaking countries?
What are the challenges for the future of the French language and the Francophonie?
Estelle FANJAUD, Deputy Head of the French market in COWI, Denmark
Véronique LÖNNERBLAD, President of UNICEF Sweden
Moderator: Laurent Clavel, Director of the Institut français de Suède.
Table secretary: Clara Rouhani.
- 12.30 to 12.45: more questions from the audience
- 12.45 to 13.45: lunch
- 13.45 to 15.00: Panel 4. Professional French: a priority for universities, business schools,
and French Institutes in the region?
What training is offered in French-language University departments and business schools?
In Instituts français? For which markets? What projects are defined in terms of identified
needs? What are the links with the working world?
Catherine METIVIER, Senior Lecturer at HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences,
Lisbeth VERSTRAETE-HANSEN, associate professor at Copenhague University, Denmark
Jean-Jacques HUS, Lecturer in French at Handelshögskolan, Sweden
Johan ROPARS, French teacher on specific objectives, Institut Français of Stavanger,
Moderator: Emmanuel Salmon, cooperation attaché at the Institut français de Suède.
Table secretary: Clara Rouhani.
- 15.00 to 15.30: coffee break
- 15.30 to 16.00: Panel 5. Is choosing French a “profit-making” choice?
Why do students make the choice to study French "from an early age"? How do they
reinvest this choice in their careers?
Eva NÄSLUND, Director of Franska Skolan Stockholm
Marianella MATA ESCOBAR, Desk Officer for the “One year in France” program (UHR),
Moderator: Nathalie Hirschsprung, cooperation attaché at the Institut français de Suède.
Table secretary: Clara Rouhani.
- 16.00 to 16.30: more questions from the audience
- 16.30 to 17.00: de-briefing by François RENAUD, Project Manager for Education Design and
Innovation, Centre de langue française, Paris Ile de France CCI. Future and regional impact of
the French language adapted to the professional world.
- 18.00: reception at the residence of the Ambassador of France to Sweden (by invitation
Friday, April 17th, 2015 (morning)
Morning organized and hosted by François RENAUD, Project Manager for Education Design
and Innovation, Centre de langue française, Paris Ile de France CCI:
09.00 to 10.30: Designing Professional French programs in University departments and
Business schools
In a continuous dialogue with the host, participants are invited to reflect, share views and
best practices in small group workshops discussing the various aspects to take into account
in the design of Professional French programs in University departments and Business
Characteristics of the demand(s) for Professional French, with regards to the results
of the previous day panels - specifically Panel 4 « universities and business-schools »
Tools and techniques for audience and need analysis, data collection, discourse
Task-based instruction and assessment - with a focus on the Paris Ile de France CCI
Diplômes de français professionnel
10.30 to 11.00: Coffee break
11.00 to 11.30: Resources for Professional French teachers
François Renaud will present the new iFOS platform and the Paris Ile de France CCI
Université d’été programs as continuous education resources for Professional French
11.30 to 12.30: Recommendations presented by the expert from the Paris Ile de France CCI
On the basis of the contributions from the previous day panels with the entrepreneurial,
institutional and academic fields, François Renaud will present recommendations and
guidelines to the generation of a suitable offer in Professional French to institutions and
companies in the region.