Norway held at the Grand Hotel in Egersund 05.

Minutes from Areameeting in Area 4
05.09. – 07.09.14.
97 Zontians were gathered at Grand Hotel in Egersund. All 9 clubs were present.
Host was the Zontaclub of Egersund og Omegn.
Friday 05.09.:
Marith Djuve Torgeirsen welcomed us to the
Fayansemuseum, were we all got an aperitif.
She guided and told about the museum and the
fine pottery that was made in Egersund up to
”Get together” was in the Feylingsbua were we had tapas, coffee and cakes.
Sigfrida and Johanna entertained us with an oldfashion ”lottery arrangement”
Saturday 06.09.:
Oddveig S. Skaara opened the meeting by reading the poem ” Sprudledamer”, written
by Gunnar Roaldkvam.
Precident of Egersund og Omegn Zontaclub Elin Hetland Mong, welcomed the
guests to Egersund by reminding us that we are a little bit of a great whole world of
Zontians, and asked: ” Why are we Zontians?”
She shared the poem written by Arnulf Øverland: ”Du skal ikke tåle så inderlig vel den
urett som ikke rammer deg selv”
Monica Asheim blowed the ”lur” – an old Norwegian instrument.
Vicemayor Unn Therese Omdal welcomed the Zontians and told us a little about
Four dedicated women from the district were asked to speak about energy. They
filled us with joy and courage, each in their own way!
Eli Laupstad Omdal: ”From dream to reality”.
About how to create a culturehotel at a small place
by the see.
Aslaug Undheim: ”Skitt la gå!- Og hva så?”. To
take chances in life, even without a net of safety.
The importens of support to dare to take new
Eva Fagerheim: ”Ett skritt opp gir bedre utsikt”.
As a leader people will forget what you said and
what you did, but they will never forget how you
made them feel!
Marit Myklebust: ”Alle er mer enn det du ser”. She, through the Salvation Army, has
built up the Streethospital for heavy drugadictives i Oslo .
All people are valuable and deserve our respect was her main aspect.
In between these lectures, Sokndal Amatørteater really made us laugh: They showed
us womens and mens body from youth to elderness. Remember: ”It is only the eggs that
goes out of date, - not the hen!”
After an exellent lunch, we went through the Formal program of the meeting.
AD Bente Halvorsen welcomed governor Eva Nielsen, past governor Brit Wilhelmsen,
parlamentarian Gro Ramsten Wesenberg and all Zontiens.
One minut silence to remember two Zontiens who are no longer between us.
Past AD Wenche Olstad presented the AD-pin to Bente Halvorsen and wished her good
AD Bente Halvorsen presented the new board:
ViceAD: Mari Ramsten Vangdal, Oslo 1 Zontaclub
Secretary: Randi Holmen , Egersund og Omegn Zontaclub
Tresurer: Thrine Seglem, Egersund og Omegn Zontaclub
One of the issues on the agenda was the proposal of new Club status.
Members of Trondheim Zontaclub had worked out an proposal that corresponded with
Bylaws of 2014.
Governor Eva Nielsen informed us about the history of D-13, and made us think about
the existing structurs of our District. All Zontians will get the opportunity to discuss this
topic within the next half year.
After the formal part of the meeting, all the guests were invited to an
open concert in Egersund church.
Here we got an fantastic concert with several local entertainers!
In the evening ,toastmaster Liv Fredriksen guided
us through a delicious dinner. Speeches, poems and
taffelmusic made the evening memorable.
We ended the evening by singing the ”Farewellsong”
and handed the Zontaflag over to Oslo 1 Zontaclub
who will host the next Areameeting in 2016.
Sunday 07.09.:
The guests were invited to visit Sokndal Culture Hotel in Sokndalstrand.
Gudmund Holmen were our guide and told us about the special topografy of Dalane and
the history of the capture of Altmark in the Jøssingfjord in February 1940.
He guided us through the narrow street of Sokndalstrand and gave us an understanding
of the importance of rehabilitation of old buildings,- and how to give them new life.
After having the famous fishsoup at the hotel, we all returned to Egersund and it was
time to say goodby and see you in Oslo in 2016!
Bente Halvorsen