Multi-Donor Fund Modalities in Myanmar Ashok Nigam, RC/HC, Myanmar 1 MDTFs in Myanmar O UNOPS managed: O Three Diseases Fund (3DF) O Est. 2006 $138 million [Closed – December, 2012] O HIV/AIDS, TB & Malaria O Livelihood & Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) O Est. 2009 $160 million O Rural development & Poverty alleviation O Three Millennium Development Goals Fund (3MDGF) O Est. 2012 Expected: $300 million – 5 years O Health MDGs O UNICEF managed: O Multi Donor Education Fund II (MDEF II) O Est. 2012 $62 million 2 Governance Mechanisms - 3DF & LIFT Donor Consortium (DC) O The DC has overall responsibility for the Fund’s overall strategy and policy as well as for fund commitment and replenishment. O The Donor Consortium: O Approves the Fund’s overall policy, strategy and O O O O design Supports Fund replenishments Appoints the Fund Board Reports major decisions to respective headquarters Commissions mid-term and final external and independent evaluations of the Fund's performance 3 Governance Mechanisms - 3DF & LIFT Fund Board (FB) O The FB meets quarterly and is comprised of donor representatives and independent experts appointed by the Donor Consortium. O There is no Government representative in the board. The FB is chaired by a donor representative on a rotational basis. The Fund Director acts as ex-officio member. O The Fund Board: O O O O Sets strategy of the Fund Appoints Fund Manager Interprets and implements Fund policy Monitors the Fund Manager and Fund performance on behalf of the Donor Consortium 4 Governance Mechanism – 3MDGF Fund Board (FB) O O The principal role of the FB relates to oversight of the 3MDG Fund. Membership of the 3MDG Fund Board includes donor representatives and three independent experts recruited by 3MDG Fund donors. There is no Government representative in the board. The Fund Board: O Contracts and oversees the Fund Manager O Supports Fund replenishments O Makes funding decisions for the Fund O Reviews and approves operating policies developed by the Fund Manager O Receives analysis of national strategies and operational plans to inform decision making O Dialogues with the Ministry of Health, national coordination structures including the Country Coordinating Mechanism and Technical Strategy Groups, and with other key stakeholders O Receives and approve annual work plans and budgets, annual reports and audit reports and tracking of action points from the Fund Manager O Ensures appropriate ‘voice and accountability’ within governance of the Fund O Commissions and receives independent external evaluation reports from the Evaluation Group O Monitors, and where appropriate, mitigates risks O Does official communications for the Fund 5 Governance Mechanism – 3MDGF Senior Consultation Group (SCG) O The SCG provides high level inputs to the Fund Board. O The SCG is a formal advisory group and ‘sounding board’ for the Fund Board. O Members include senior representatives from the MOH (Chair), UN partners and other representatives elected by the Implementing Partners Forum. O The Senior Consultation Group: Provides high level inputs to the Fund Board Meets with the FB before each regular Board meeting to review programme implementation and provide advice and recommendations to the Board. O Monitors the performance of the 3MDG Fund with respect to gender, human rights and accountability O Monitors risks and advises the Fund Board on risk mitigation O O 6 Governance Mechanisms - 3DF, LIFT & 3 MDGF Fund Manager O O O O O O O Provides input into strategy through, for example, compiling trends, monitoring and evaluation findings, and lessons Manages flow of funds from Donors to partners, in line with decisions of the Fund Board, overarching Fund policy and good practice financial management Takes day-to-day operational decisions and works with partners Measures the success of the Fund using an approved monitoring and evaluation system Develops, manages and reports on all other aspects of Fund implementation In respect of LIFT, the Fund Manager identifies opportunities for building national capacity and dialogue on key policy issues in agriculture and rural development In respect of the 3MDG Fund, the Fund Manager advises that it’s role includes contracting experts to support the Fund Board in its technical decision-making. 7 Governance Mechanism – MDEF II Steering Committee O The Steering Committee is responsible for the governance and the overall decision regarding strategic directions of the programme. O The Steering Committee is co-chaired by a senior representative of UNICEF and a nominated donor chair appointed by the donors on a one year rotating basis. O The Donor Co-Chair has coordination responsibilities but does not have authority to make decisions on behalf of other members. O The participation in the Committee will include representatives from each donor and further representatives from UNICEF, including technical officers and experts as appropriate to specific meetings. O UNICEF, with the support of the MDEF Development Partners provides the overall leadership on programme monitoring and review. O The Chief of Education, UNICEF Education Section is responsible for the overall programme development, management and monitoring with support from UNICEF senior management. 8 Governance Mechanism – MDEF II (Continued) O The Directors General of the Ministry of Education (MoE) and Department for Social Welfare (DSW) have responsibilities relating to overall policy direction and oversight, including approval of Quality Basic Education Programme design and annual work plans. O Technical counterparts in the MoE have responsibilities in coordination, implementation and monitoring of activities. Local Authorities, Township Education Officers (TEOs) and Education Colleges (ECs) have responsibility for implementation of specific parts of the Programme outputs. O 80% of the programme will be implemented by the Ministry of Education. O Funds from MDEF donors are channeled through UNICEF in line with donor bilateral agreements and requirements, not using a pooled arrangement. O Some funding for specific activities might be channeled through UNICEF directly to the Government of selected Townships. This will be subject to bi-lateral agreements and will also be agreed by the MDEF donors through the Steering Committee. O A proportion of programme funds will be channeled, through Programme Cooperation Agreements (PCA), to partner NGOs. 9 Donors 3DF Contrib. LIFT Contrib. 3DF & LIFT Total MDEFII Commit. Australia 12.6% 14.6% 13.4% 33.5% Denmark 4.0% 1.0% 2.8% 6.9% EC 17.9% 38.4% 26.1% 27.1% Nether. 5.0% 3.2% 4.3% 0.4% 0.2% Donors NZ Norway 5.6% Sweden 13.0% Switz. UK 41.8% 3.4% 3.0% 9.0% 3.4% 1.4% 35.9% 39.4% UNICEF Total Amounts 2.3% 7.4% 22.8% $137M as of 6/11 $91M as of 12/11 $228M $62M (2012-2015) 10 Disbursements (as of end September, 2012) 3DF LIFT TOTAL UN & WB 40% 28% 35% INGOs, NGOs & CBOs 60% 72% 65% 11 Cost Recovery & Fund Management LIFT 3DF 3MDG Indirect for UN Partners 6% 6% 7% Direct for UN Partners 1% 1% Indirect for UNOPS (Fund Mgr.) 1% 1% 12 Development Effectiveness O Historical context O Evolving situation O Nay Pyi Taw Accord on Development Effectiveness 13