Intermediate 1/2 & Higher Physical Education Preparation of the body Lesson Objectives Cycle of analysis Types of fitness Aspects of fitness Fitness requirements for football General Data Gathering Preparation of the Body Key Concepts: Fitness assessment in relation to personal performance and the demands of the activity. Application of different types of fitness in the development of activity specific performance. Physical, skill-related and mental types of fitness. Principles and methods of training. Planning, implementing and monitoring a training. (cycle of analysis) Cycle of Analysis Stage 4 Review Stage 1 Investigate Stage 3 Develop Stage 2 Analyse Types of Fitness – Task 1 Q1. Q2. How many types of fitness were mentioned in POB Key Concepts (slide 3) Name the types of fitness? 3 Types of Fitness Physical Skill-related Mental Physical Fitness Q. Can you name any aspects of physical fitness Physical Fitness Cardio Respiratory Endurance Local Muscular Endurance Strength Power Speed Flexibility Speed Endurance Skill Related Fitness Q. Can you name any aspects of skill related fitness Skill Related Agility Reaction Time Balance Timing Coordination Movement anticipation Mental Fitness Q. Can you name any aspects of mental fitness Mental Level of Arousal Rehearsal Managing Emotions Fitness requirements of Football Football is a fast fluctuating game involving bouts of intense energy sprints interspersed with periods of low intense walks or jogs. Furthermore the demands made on cardio respiratory endurance and speed endurance can significantly effect how a performer maintains his/her skill level throughout the 90 minute period. Performance level 0 45 90 Time Specific fitness demands of different roles For effective performance you require a wide repertoire of physical, skill related and mental skills Although all players require a combination of... cardio respiratory endurance, speed endurance, muscular endurance, power, speed, strength and flexibility... the specific fitness requirements of each player will vary dependent on their position and role. Specific fitness demands of different roles Common fitness requirements of a midfielder. Cardio Respiratory Endurance - to cope with the high intensity demands of continual movement for 90 minutes Speed Endurance - to continually make repeated sprints over varied distances Agility - to create gaps, move quickly into space and turn quickly with the ball to beat opponents Level of Arousal- to ensure you are appropriately motivated to perform to your best. To low a level any you wont perform (can’t be bothered). To high a level and you will become anxious and stressed leading to a poor performance. Assessing physical fitness After naming the specific aspects of physical fitness required for your position it is important to asses your level of fitness. There are two methods of doing this Within the activity – General Data Out-with the activity – Specific Data Football Physical Fitness Specific Position Specific Aspects of fitness Within Activity Assess Fitness Outwith Activity Within the activity – General Data = Time related observation schedule Time related observation schedule Look at the video of your performance Every time you walk, jog mid paced run or sprint. Place a tick in the appropriate box Every five minutes you will move on to a new section of this observation schedule. If required we can look at this as many times as we like, pause it or rewind it to ensure the data we collect is as accurate as possible. Time related observation schedule What can you tell from the observation schedule? Central Midfield Right Midfield Decrease in number of jogs, mid pace runs Decrease in number of sprints Increase in number of walks and sprints Decrease in number of mid pace runs Increase in number of jogs and walks Homework Due - Wednesday 24th Aug Describe in detail how you gathered general data on your level of performance. (4) Key word / phrase bank Accurate and valid data Complete a time related observation schedule Walked, jogged, mid paced run and sprinted Broken down into 5 minute sections From the TROS I can see that 11v11 game Pause, rewind, Video Recorded Team of similar ability