Dony Eko Prasetyo, S.IP. Quiz (30 menit) What is HRP? Apa tujuan dari HRP? What is recruitment? Explain steps on recruitment?? Which one is better, internal or external recruitment??? Explain!! Apa itu Seleksi Proses memilih diantara calon tenaga kerja tsb, yaitu yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan organisasi/yang terbaik bagi organisasi (perusahaan) • Yang dinilai paling tepat dalam memenuhi persyaratan jabatan. • Merupakan proses untuk menyesuaikan (“matching”) antara kualifikasi calon tenaga kerja dengan persyaratan jabatan. Ketergantungan Aktifitas Sdm Pada Proses Seleksi INPUTS HUMAN RESOURCE ACTIVITIES CHALLENGES Orientation Training Job analysis Development Career planning Human Resource Plans Recruits Challenge s Selection Process Performance evaluation Compensation Unionmanagement relations Assessment Source : Wherther & Davis Reliability Derajat (ketepatan) sebuah alat seleksi mengukur sesuatu yang sama secara konsisten Dapat berupa test atau wawancara Beberapa pertanyaan perlu dilontarkan (ke kandidat) Validity Hubungan antara alat seleksi dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan (apakah alat tersebut memang mengukur kriteria tersebut?) Teknik seleksi apakah saja yang dapat digunakan dan bagaimana efektifitas pengukurannya? Harus teruji dan sesuai dengan pekerjaannya (misal ketrampilan menggunakan komputer untuk petugas data entry. Langkah-langkah / Metode seleksi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preliminary reception of applications Employment test Selection Interview References and Background checks Medical evaluation Supervisory interview Realistic Job Preview Hiring Decision Employment-Related tests PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST Name Application Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Measures personality or temperament Inventory (executives, nuclear power, security) California Psychological Inventory Measures personality or temperament (executives, managers, supervisors) Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey Measures personality or temperament (sales personnel) Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Measures logic and reasoning ability (executives, managers, supervisors) Owens Creativity Test Measuring creativity and judgement ability (enggineers) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Measures personality component Continued KNOWLEDGE TEST Name Application Leadership Opinion Questionnaire Measures knowledge of leadership practices (managers and supervisors) General Aptitude Test Batery Measures verbal, spatial, numeric, and other aptitudes and dexterity (job seekers at unemployment offices) ATTITUDE TEST Name Application Honesty Test Measures attitudes about theft and related subjects (retail workers, securities employees, banks) Work opinion questionnaire Measures attitudes about work and values (entry-level, low-income workers) Continued GRAPHIC RESPONSE TEST Name Application Polygraph (Lie Detector) Measures physiological responses to questions (police, retail store workers) PERFORMANCE TEST Name Application Stromberg Dexterity Tesy Measures physical coordination (shop workers) Revised Minnesota Paper from Board Tests Measures spatial visualization (draftsmen and draftswomen) Minnesota Clerical Test Measures ability to work with number and names (clerks) Job Simulation Test Measure a sample of “on-the-job” demands (managers, profesionals) One-to one interviews for management application forms for management psychometric test for management assessment centre for management graphology references for management United Kingdom France Germany Turkey Australia USA Tunisia Interview panel used for Management Selection Techniques 78.1 22.1 56.8 29.2 77.2 59.6 9.0 51.7 92.1 60.2 53.2 53.3 68.5 65.6 66.7 75.7 13.5 47.4 44.4 59.2 50.8 47.6 23.6 6.1 15.8 37.1 10.0 34.9 26.7 12.9 23.3 11.1 5.8 7.3 5.3 1.1 19.3 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.4 3.7 79.7 46.4 45.8 60.8 77.6 64.6 29.6 How Many Face u can found in the picture ????? Selection criteria 13 Electoral popularity – policy-making jobs Patronage – designating officials or employees without a requirement for a formalized application process Merit based-system – using processes that analyze job competencies and require open applicaton procedures Seniority – internal candidates; provides sense loyalty Representativeness – minorities should get positions in areas of underrepresentation Selection criteria 14 Selection criteria should be expressed in terms of: Essential – requirements that are critical to successful performance in the position without which a person could not be appointed; and Desirable – requirements that would enable the person to perform at a higher level in the position, but without which the person could still be appointed. The total number of essential and desirable criteria shall not exceed 10. Selection criteria Selection criteria shall: be written in simple and clear language; be specific and not overlapping or repetitive; be based on the real requirements of the position; not be excessive in number (i.e. not more than 10 in total) not discriminate unlawfully either directly or indirectly against applicants not favour either internal or external applicants; and be consistent with the classification standards of the position. 15 Screening 16 Retention Survey found that nationally small agencies took an average of 6.84 weeks to conduct the screening processes, while large agencies took an average of 11.51 weeks (U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Hiring and Keeping Police Officers) GOAL: reduce this time so that valuable candidates are still available Screening Discriminating among the qualified and the unqualified Identifying most highly qualified candidates Screening particular candidates; results in offering position to the best candidate Confirming the qualifications and ability of the chosen candidate; it may include the first period of employment 17 Principles of the screening A fair set of screening criteria The criteria must be in line with the job content and appointment as well as advertised requirements Applicants should be clear on the criteria that apply The criteria should apply to all applicants in a consistent manner Any waivers should be fully motivated and approved Declarations should be made of whether any candidate is related to or friends of an official in the component where the vacancy exists The various activities of the screening process should be documented and put on record 18 Initial reviewing and testing 19 Education and experience evaluations Letters of recommendation Self-assessment General aptitude and trait test Performance test for specific jobs Reducing the pool: interview 1. 2. Plan how it should proceed: persons, place, roles Prepare list of written questions asked of all candidates 3. Use a work sample as part of the process Critique or evaluate sth Solve a problem Deliver oral presentation, etc 4. Explain basic facts about the position 5. Use the job description and advertisement guides to ensure that the focus is on essential job functions 20 Reducing the pool: interview 6. 7. 8. 9. 21 Set up interviews in private job-settings where distractions are unlikely Concentrate on listening to applicant’s answers and take notes during the interview Be careful that no oral commitments or suggestions about employment prospects are made Complete your evaluation notes when impressions are fresh Reducing the pool: interview Subjects to Avoid Marital status Children and other dependants Religion Politics Ethnic origins 22 Peran Wawancara dalam seleksi Proses wawancara dalam seleksi harus memenuhi kebutuhan kedua belah pihak (organisasi dan calon tenaga kerja) Sasaran Wawancara : 1. Mendapatkan sebanyak mungkin informasi tentang calon tenaga kerja, untuk bisa menentukan kecocokannya dengan jabatan yang lowong 2. Memberikan informasi umum tentang perusahaan kepada calon tenaga kerja, agar calon tenaga kerja tersebut dapat membuat keputusan untuk menolak atau menerima 3. Membina hubungan baik antara calon tenaga kerja dengan pihak perusahaan Macam-macam bentuk dan jenis wawancara 1. Wawancara terstruktur 2. Wawancara tidak terstruktur (unstructured interview) 3. Problem solving interview 4. Stress interview 5. Wawancara individual-kelompok Typical Interview Errors 1. 2. 3. 4. Halo effect Leading questions Personal biases Interviewer domination A SUMMARY OF TYPICAL INTERVIEWERS ERRORS HALO EFFECT INTERVIEWERS WHO USE LIMITED INFORMATION ABOUT AN APPLICANT TO BIAS THEIR EVALUATION OF THAT PERSON’S OTHER CHARACTERISTICS ARE SUBJECT TO THE “HALO EFFECT” LEADING QUESTIONS INTERVIEWERS WHO “TELEGRAPH” THE DESIRED ANSWER BY THE WAY THEY FRAME THEIR QUESTIONS ARE USING LEADING QUESTIONS PERSONAL BIASES INTERVIEWERS WHO HARBOR PREJUDICE AGAINST SPECIFIC GROUPS ARE EXHIBITING A PERSONAL BIAS INTERVIEWER DOMINATION INTERVIEWERS WHO USE THE INTERVIEW TO OVERSELL THE APPLICANT, BRAG ABOUT THEIR SUCCESSES OR CARRY ON A SOCIAL CONVERSATION INSTEAD OF AN INTERVIEW ARE GUILTY OF INTERVIEWER DOMINATION Guidelines for becoming a more effective interviewer 1. Active listening to what and how the applicant communicates 2. Be aware of non-verbal cues 3. Remain aware of the job requirements (untuk menghilangkan halo effect) 4. Balance between open and overly structured questions 5. Avoid premature decision (do not evaluate on the basic of a first impression) Psychological Foundations for Interviewers 1. Empathy 2. Barriers to communication 3. Interviewer bias 4. Past is clue to future SAMPLE QUESTIONS USE IN EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR SPARE-TIME ? WHAT COMMUNITY OR SCHOOL ACTIVITIES HAVE YOU BEEN INVOLVED IN ? DESCRIBE YOUR IDEAL JOB. IN WHAT TYPE OF WORK ARE YOU INTERESTED ? WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK FOR OUR COMPANY ? WHAT WERE YOUR FAVOURITE CLASSES ? DO YOU HAVE ANY GEOGRAPHIC PREFERENCES ? WHY DID YOU SELECT YOUR COLLEGE MAJOR ? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT OUR COMPANY’S PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ? DESCRIBE THE IDEAL BOSS ! HOW OFTEN DO YOU EXPECT TO BE PROMOTED ? 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. WHAT IS YOUR MAJOR WEAKNESS ? STRENGTH ? WHY DO YOU THINK YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU ? DO YOU PLAN TO TAKE ADDITIONAL COLLEGE COURSES ? WHICH ONES ? WHAT JOBS HAVE YOU HAD THAT YOU LIKED THE MOST ? LEAST ? DESCRIBE YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE BOSS OR TEACHER ! WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS ? IF YOU COULD GO BACK FIVE YEARS, WHAT WOULD YOU DO THE SAME ? DIFFERENT ? WHY SHOULD YOU BE HIRED BY OUR COMPANY ? BESCRIBE YOUR LAST JOB ! HOW MANY HOURS DO YOU THINK YOU WILL HAVE TO WORK AT YOUR JOB ? WHAT JOB SKILLS DO YOU HAVE ? WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SPORT ? Final selection 1. Keep a list of all applicants considered for final selection. 2.Identify fair selection criteria for the final selection phase. 3.Ensure that the criteria are in line with the advertised requirements as well as the job content. 4. Ensure that each selection committee member is provided with all the relevant information pertaining to each short-listed applicant. 32 Final selection 5. Ensure that the interviews are conducted in a fair and effective manner and that each candidate is weighed comprehensively against the requirements as advertised. 6. Ensure that a comprehensive motivation is compiled in respect of all the applicants interviewed. 7. Ensure that all applicants are informed about the outcome of the final selection phase. 8. Ensure that all relevant information is put on record. 33 Closing Closing selectionselection 1.Phone call and further clarification 2.Letter of intent 3.Completing employment forms 4.Protocols may be available for intetested individuals 5.Number of candidates 6.Names, surenames and adresses of 5 top candidates 7.Recruitment and selection criteria 34 1.Develop a Recruitment Plan 2.Conduct Research 3.Personalize the Recruitment Process 4.Select and Train the Right People as Recruiters 5.Build Strong Partnerships 6.Develop an Employee Referral Program 7.Improve the Selection Process 8.Develop an Advertising Plan 9.Develop an Internet Presence 10.Employ Effective Recruitment Strategies