翻译理论与实践 主讲人: 红果服饰以考 究的工艺, 时尚休 闲的风格勾勒出完 美的曲线, 尽显轻 柔婉约的气质, 简 约创新, 奢华时尚. 红果服饰以考究的工艺, 时尚休闲的风格勾勒出完 美的曲线, 尽显轻柔婉约的气质, 简约创新, 奢华时尚. Hongguo Fashion, with its exquisite craftsmanship, the fashion leisure style, outline your perfect figure. It shows your gentle and graceful temperament, with its contracted, recreational, luxious and fashionable style. Hongguo Clothes never fail to sketch out your perfect figure with its elaborate workmanship and casual and fashionable style, showing your graceful elegance. Hongguo Clothes——Simple, Novel, Noble and Fashionable. 红果服饰以考究 的工艺, 时尚休闲的风 格勾勒出完美的曲线, 尽显轻柔婉约的气质, 简约创新, 奢华时尚. Hongguo Clothes never fail to sketch out your perfect figure with its elaborate workmanship and casual and fashionable style, showing your graceful elegance. Hongguo Clothes——Simple, Novel, Noble and Fashionable. 一个苹果 (劳 山) 小时侯我们在乡下生活,说起来蛮苦,蛮累。 An Apple (Lao Shan) My childhood was spent in the countryside, where the life was so bitter and hard, so to speak now. My childhood was spent in the countryside in terrible bitterness and hardship, so to speak now. 潘家云: 男,宁波大学科技学院外语 系讲师, 在读博士生.(2009) 覃 军: 男,湖北民族学院外语系大 一学生。(2002) 那时侯,我们最爱吃的是苹果。可能是苹果 太贵的缘故,父亲一直舍不得买。 Apples, at that time, were our favorite liking. It was maybe the dear price that made our father reluctant to buy one. Apples, at that time, were to our greatest liking and it must be their dear prices that made my father never muster up enough courage to buy one. 有一天,父亲到台北出差,总算买了一个苹 果回家。 One day, returning from Taipei on a business trip, he finally managed to bring one home. But once a day, after making a business trip in Taipei, my father, without our expectation, bought one home. 父亲削好苹果后,切成五等份,给我们兄妹 五人每人一小片。哎!那么薄,那么少。 After peeling the apple, father divided it into five equal parts, and handed one to each of us children. Alas! How thin and small each piece was! After peeling the apple, my father cut it into five equal pieces, and handed out to five of us children. Alas! How thin and small each piece was! 但是我们却不感多讲。父亲发现我们面有难 色,欲言又止。不由深深地叹了口气…… But none of us dared to speak this out. Noticing our visible embarrassment with its meagerness and wavering between questions and silence, my father involuntarily expelled a deep sigh… But none of us dared to speak it out. Noticing our reluctance on our faces, father was about to say something, but finally heaved a deep sigh instead… • 二十年过去了,我亦已为人母, 开始体会出父亲当时的苦衷。 二十年过去了。 Twenty years have passed. Twenty years has passed. Ten years is a long time to wait. (a period of ten years) There are 12 months in one year. A short ten years has brought us to this point. An arduous ten years have passed. 二十多年过去了,我亦已为人母,开始体会 出父亲当时的苦衷。 Twenty years have slipped by and I am a mother now. I started to feel for myself the sorrow of my father’s then. More than a score years passed by and I am a mother now. I begin to understand father’s difficulty and feelings then. 回想当初,一个苹果分成五片,每个小孩 一片,我们却嫌少嫌薄,而没有考虑到爸爸、 妈妈连一小口也没有尝到! How I feel regretful to think that we hated the parts of apple being too small and thin, ignoring our father and mother who themselves divided it into five parts without even one small bite to taste it! 回想当初,一个苹果分成五片,每个小孩 一片,我们却嫌少嫌薄,而没有考虑到爸爸、 妈妈连一小口也没有尝到! How regretful I feel now to have hated the our portion of the apple being too small and thin without even the slightest thought of our father and mother who did not even have just one bite when they sliced it into five pieces for each of us! 如果,那时侯我们能要求父亲将苹果切成 七片,让爸妈也尝一口,那么就会留下一个多 么美好的甜蜜的回忆呀! If only we had got our father and mother to have a taste of the apple by asking father to divide it into two more parts, not just five, how happy and sweet memories we would have now! 如果,那时侯我们能要求父亲将苹果切成 七片,让爸妈也尝一口,那么就会留下一个多 么美好的甜蜜的回忆呀! If only we had asked father to cut it into seven equal pieces and had made them have a taste, how happy and sweet the memory would be now! 今 李大钊 我以为世间最可宝贵的就是“今”,最易 丧失的也是“今”。因为他最易丧失,所以更 觉得他可以宝贵。 为甚么“今”最可宝贵呢?最好借哲人耶 曼孙所说的话答这个疑问:“尔若爱千古,尔 当爱现在。昨日不能唤回来,明天还不确实, 尔能确有把握的就是今日。今日一天,当明日 两天。” • 张培基, 福建福州人,出生于1921年。早年移 居上海,在那里接受了初等和中等教育。张先生1945 年毕业于上海圣约翰大学英国文学系,同年任《上海 自由西报》英文记者、 英文《中国评论周报》特约撰 稿者兼《中国年鉴》(英文)副总编。1946年赴日本 东京远东国际军事法庭任英语翻译,随后留学美国, 就读于美国印第安纳大学英国文学系研究院。他曾任 研究生导师,北京市高级职称评委,中国翻译工作者 协会理事,外文出版社英文翻译顾问,获国务院颁发 的突出贡献者特殊津贴。他的名字已经被列入《中国 翻译家词典》,在当今中国翻译界有着重要的地位。 几年来,他一直在为《中国翻译》杂志的"翻译自学之 友·汉译英练习"专栏撰稿,这些译文自然流畅并且极具 文采,充分体现了译者的翻译理念,实乃翻译作品的 经典,令许多读者和翻译爱好者受益匪浅。这些译文 后来被收进《英译中国现代散文选》集结出版,不但 为中国学者进一步研究翻译理论与技巧提供了丰富的 实例文章,而且为外国学者研究中国五四以来知识分 子的思想发展提供了大量的素材。 今 李大钊 我以为世间最可宝贵的就是“今”,最易丧失 的也是“今”。因为他最易丧失,所以更觉得他可 以宝贵。 The Living Present Li Dazhao tr. by 张培基 Of all things in the world, I think, the present is the most precious, and also the most apt to slip through our fingers. We, therefore, treasure it all the more because of its transience. 为甚么“今”最可宝贵呢?最好借哲人耶曼孙 所说的话答这个疑问:“尔若爱千古,尔当爱现在。 昨日不能唤回来,明天还不确实, 尔能确有把握的 就是今日。今日一天,当明日两天。” Why is the present so precious? The following quotation from philosopher Emerson best serves for an answer: “Make use of time if you love eternity; yesterday cannot be recalled; tomorrow cannot be assured; only today is yours. One today is worth two tomorrows.”