Data Analysis & Conclusion

Data Analysis & Conclusion
•Take out your data from the seed
germination lab
•One person from each group please update
the data chart if you have not done so
•Mrs. Lee will print out a class data set for all
students once it is completed by all table
January 22 – 24, 2013
Welcome Assignment
• Turn in your Bio Geo Chemical Cycle
• Get your
Flash Drive
Germinating Seeds Lab Report
Class Data Table
Any other notes
Data Analysis of the Class Data
• The data must be analyzed with the
purpose of answering the research
– Does placing a seed under the grow light
affect the germination of a __________ plant?
• What can we do with our data to show the
answer to this question?
• What table or graph should we use to display
our data most effectively?
– It always goes back to the question: Does placing a
seed under the grow light affect the germination of a
__________ plant?
• Tables –
– Format the cells
– Create a table that is easy for the reader to understand
• Graphs –
– Excel data formated for graphing –
• Topics on the first row
• Data under the topic (column)
• After adding your graph to your report, write a
paragraph explaining what your graph shows. No
inferences only facts
Write this in 3 paragraph form:
Paragraph 1
Restate Problem – this is the same as the research question
Content - what did you learn from the experiment to help you answer the research question?
Real world example - How would this be used in the real world?
Paragraph 2
Restate Hypothesis – Write your hypothesis here (it does not matter if you were correct or
not, just that you are honest)
The hypothesis is – choose either validated or refuted
Explain how the evidence validates or refutes the hypothesis – use the data numbers
from your chart/graph to as examples to explain how your evidence validates (matches) or
refutes (does not match) your hypothesis
Explain how the evidence answers the problem – use the data numbers as examples to
explain what you did learn from the experiment.
Paragraph 3
Error Analysis – Explain what areas of the experiment could have given your class error.
What kinds of things could go wrong in the experiment, based on technique, environment, lab
tools and instruments, or human error?
How to Improve Lab – What could we do to eliminate or lessen the errors caused by
technique, environment, lab tools and instruments, or human error?