SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 1 THEORY AND PERSPECTIVE Psychology as a science emerged in late 1800. -Structuralism (Titchener); Mind follows “structures”. Able to find structures able to find truth. -Functionalism (James); How does the mind work, psychological processes. Can tell you how one can survival. 2 THEORY AND PERSPECTIVE Psychoanalytic Perspective (Freud) Person lives in two realms, Conscious and Unconscious. Person mainly Unconscious with a small proportion Conscious. The two (conscious and unconscious) are unaware of each other with the exception of moments of Preconsciousness. Preconscious is small crack in the window to the Unconscious. ∞ 3 THEORY AND PERSPECTIVE Psychoanalytic Perspective (Freud) Defined self as three parts (selves). Id, selfish / hedonistic desires and basic instincts; Superego, higher conscious and socially adjusted; Ego, mediator of Id and Superego. Ego in constant struggle with trying to satisfy the needs of the Id and Superego in a realistic (conscious) way. ∞ 4 THEORY AND PERSPECTIVE Branching off Freudian Psychoanalytic Psychology -Erikson, psychosocial stages -Adler, individual psychology -Jung, archetypes and collective unconscious ∞ -many more… 5 OTHER THEORIES AND PERSPECTIVES Humanistic Psychology (Maslow, Rogers)individual’s potential. Cognitive Psychology-Understanding physical structures (anatomy) and mental processes to understand a person’s mind. Behaviorism (Pavlov, Skinner)-Understanding observable behavior and environmental influences thus equating the person. Social Learning Theory (Rotter, Bandura)- social environment and context in determining behavior. 6 WHAT IS SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY? The thought, feeling, and behavior of individuals’ as shaped by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. G.W. Allport 7 Figure 1.1 8 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY’S BIG IDEAS We Construct Our Social Reality We react differently because we think differently Objective reality Beliefs about others Beliefs about ourselves What Theories and/or Perspectives would explain why we think differently? 9 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY’S BIG IDEAS Our Social Intuitions Are Often Powerful but Sometimes Perilous (Wrong) Dual processing Conscious - deliberate Unconscious - automatic 10 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY’S BIG IDEAS Social Influences Shape Our Behavior Locality Educational level Subscribed media Culture Ethnicity 11 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY’S BIG IDEAS Personal Attitudes and Dispositions Internal forces Inner attitudes about specific situations temperament, emotional intelligence “?”, intelligent quotient (IQ) Personality dispositions Different people may react differently while facing the same situation 12 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY’S BIG IDEAS Social Behavior Is Biologically Rooted Evolutionary Natural Social We psychology selection predisposes our actions and reactions neuroscience are bio-psycho-social organisms 13