rev_eur_latin_am_01 - Valley View High School

An Age of Ideologies
• Essential Question: What events proved
that Metternich was correct in his fears?
Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 1: An Age of Ideologies
Witness History Audio: A “Revolutionary Seed”
Conservatives Prefer the Old Order
Conservatives put together an agreement called the Concert of Europe, in which they pledged to
support the old political and social order. They vowed to suppress revolutionary ideas and to aid
each other in fighting rebellions.
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 1: An Age of Ideologies
Liberals and Nationalists Seek Change
Liberals wanted governments to be based on constitutions and the separation of powers. They
believed male property owners should constitute the voting public. They wanted an open market
economy. At the same time, some nationalist leaders sought to create various independent states
for people who shared a common heritage.
Color Transparency 119: Liberal and Conservative Ideas in the 1800s
Note Taking Transparency 144A
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America
Section 1: An Age of Ideologies
Central Europe Challenges the Old Order
Serbia revolted against the Ottoman Empire and, with the help of Russia, finally succeeded in
gaining independence. Greece also broke away from the Ottomans. Other revolts broke out in
Spain, Portugal, and some of the Italian states.
Note Taking Transparency 144B
QuickTake Section Quiz
Progress Monitoring Transparency
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America: Section 1
Color Transparency 119: Liberal and Conservative Ideas in
the 1800s
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America: Section 1
Transparency 144A Copy on page 31 of your NTSG
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America: Section 1
Transparency 144B Copy on page 31 of your NTSG
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America: Section 1
Progress Monitoring Transparency
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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America: Section 1
Progress Monitoring Transparency
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