Student Loans Someday you might want to earn a college degree, buy a car, or purchase a home. A loan can help you reach those goals. Why might you consider obtaining a loan? Lesson Objective Compute the maturity value and interest rate of a single-payment loan. Content Vocabulary single-payment loan promissory note maturity value single-payment promissory maturity value noteloan The A loan written total you promise amount repay with you to pay must onea certain repay payment sum for a of loan. money after aonspecified a specific period date of the in time. future. Lesson Objective Compute the maturity value and interest rate of a single-payment loan. Content Vocabulary term ordinary interest exact interest term interest ordinary exact interest The amount Interest on a of loan time calculated for whichby a loan is granted. basing the loan’s time period on a 365-day 360-day year. Example 1 Anita Sloane’s bank granted her a singlepayment loan of $72,000 for 91 days at 12 percent ordinary interest. What is the maturity value of the loan? Example 1 Answer: Step 1 Find the ordinary interest owed. Principal × Rate × Time $7,200.00 × 12% × 91/360 = $218.40 Example 1 Answer: Step 2 Find the maturity value. Principal + Interest Owed $7,200.00 + $218.40 = $7,418.40 Example 2 Anita Sloane’s bank granted her a singlepayment loan of $72,000 for 91 days at 12 percent exact interest. What is the maturity value of the loan? Example 2 Answer: Step 1 Find the exact interest owed. Principal × Rate × Time $7,200 × 12% × 91/365 = $215.408 or $215.41 Example 2 Answer: Step 2 Find the maturity value. Principal + Interest Owed $7,200.00 + $215.41 = $7,415.41 Practice 1 Single payment loan of $2,750. Interest rate of 11 percent. Exact day of interest: 50. What is the interest owed? Practice 1 Answer $41.44 Practice 2 Emily Andrews borrowed $16,382. Her bank granted her a single-payment loan for 286 days at 11.5 percent ordinary interest. What is the interest owed? What is the maturity value of her loan? Practice 2 Answer Interest owed: $1,496.68 Maturity value of loan: $17,878.68