In-Depth Interview

In-Depth Interview
What is Interview?
• Interview: A Purposeful Social
Interaction, Conversation, Discussion
• Two, More People, One Questions, Other
Answers-----Research Question, Topic,
In-Depth Interview
• One-On-One Basis, Two Individuals--Interviewer and Respondent
• Purpose: Data Collection, Detailed Discussion
on Research Topic, Theme
• Data: Personal Experiences, Accounts, Words,
Opinions, Views, Ideas, Perceptions (Own
Structure and Control Issues
• Un-structured or Semi-structured?
• List of Questions In Advance?
• Control of Content and Direction?
Structured Interview
• Structured Interview: Preconceived Topics/
Questions are Devised (Questionnaire)
• Fixed Order and Wording of Questions
• Participant Responds To Questions
• Close-Ended Questions---Choices Are Given
In-Depth Interview
• One View: Unstructured in Format
• Researcher Introduces Topic
• No Extensive List---Predetermined, Focused,
Short Questions
• Awareness of Main Theme(s)
• Think Through Relevant Questions
In-Depth Interview
• No Control Over Content and Direction
of Interview, Discussion
• Researcher Leaves Respondents to
Narrate Their Experiences, Accounts of
Events, Themes
In-Depth Interview
• Second View: Semi-Structured in Format
• Researcher Introduces Topic, Theme
• Respondents Free To Elaborate on Topic
• Give Personal Account of Their Experience
• May Take Researcher in New but Related
In-Depth Interview
• Researcher Has A List of Themes
• Tentative Questions---Written, Memorized
• Probing Questions---Specific Information
• Probing Further Information on Experience
• Some Control over Content and Direction of
Other Salient Features
• Medium: Face-to-Face, Telephone
• Acceptable Practices: Questions, Question
Order May Vary, Addition, Deletion
• Most Open-Ended Questions
• Actual Questions---Composed on Spot
• Questions out of Natural Rhythm
Focus Group
(Group Interview)
• A Small Group of Individuals----Assembled to
Express Their Views, Opinions Theme, Topic
• Group Environment
• Qualitative Data Collection Method
• Data: Same As in In-Depth Interview;
Emotions, Feelings, Tensions, Contradictions
Main Features
• Group Size----No Fixed Number
• Consideration: Each Member is Able to
• Common View: 6—12 Members
• Time: Meet 1-2 hours
Main Features
• Composition: No Friends, Still Comfortable to
Talk to Each Other
• Basis of Composition: Common Experience,
Common Activities Knowledgeable About
Topic, Detailed Discussion
• Presence of Researcher (Takes notes, Observes)
• Multiple Sessions--- Multiple Focus Groups
Main Features
• Both Unstructured and Semi-structured
• Respondents Free to Discuss Topic
• Researcher Takes an Active Role—
Controlling Content and Direction of
Group Discussion
• Questions Prepared In Advance?
Main Features
• No Experts, Self-Appointed Experts,
Inhibit Reponses, Intimidate
• Hostile Members----Asked to Leave in
Advantages of Focus Group
• Quick and Cheap---Data Collection Method
• Setting and Respondents---Variety
• Direct Talk to Respondents----Clarification,
Elaboration, Better Understanding of ideas
• Opportunity: Respondents to Develop
Reactions, Build Responses to Other Members
• Group Dynamics---Data Quality
• Dominance of one viewpoint----Dominant
• Reluctance to Reveal Information
In-Depth Interview and Focus
• Choice: Not Matter of Either/Or
• Similarities: Role of Researcher Important-Determining how the Discussion will Proceed
• Researcher can Potentially Influence the
• Data :Same in Both
• Interview Guidelines: Same in Both
• Total Number of Participants
• The Amount of Data Collected---Focus Group
vs A Set of Individual Interviews
• Focus Group: Access to Greater Number of
Respondents at one point
• In-depth Interview Provides more details about
each Respondent
Interview Guidelines
• Moderation Style: Encourage Respondents,
Comfortable, Respected, Input is Needed
• Sensitive Ear----Interested in Their Views
• Warm, Avoid Over-Rapport and Conflict
• Remain Neutral, No Shock or Surprise
• Probing, Right Questions, From General to
• Avoid Jargon, Technical, Slang Terms
Interview Guidelines
• Check-List of Themes, No Reliance on Memory
• Taking Notes: Backbone of Data Collection
• Recording---Written, Audio-Taping (Reactivity
• Jotting on Spot, Casual Jotting (Memory
Interview Guidelines
• Short Notes, Not Long
• Elaborate Notes—24 Hours
• Separate Notes---Different Categories
• Labels with Basic Information: Name, Code,
Demographics (Age, Gender, Race, etc.),
Location in Social Network, Time and Place of
• Look For Patterns---Themes, Perspectives
• Patterns Formed By Words of Respondents
• Topics: Consistent High Level Interest in Each
• Group-to-Group Validation: Repetition of a
Theme in Most Groups
• Focus on Words of Respondents (Own
Interpretation Helpful)
• Process Begins with Researcher’s
Interest, Ends with Respondent’s Interest