Slide 1 - Eastside Church of Christ

The Parable Of The Hidden Treasure
The Parable Of The Pearl Of Great Price
Matthew 13:44-46
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
 On Western shore of Sea of Galilee; late
in 2nd year of preaching
 During the Great Galilean Ministry
 Jesus is beginning a “2nd tour” of
Galilee Lk 8:1
 The start of 3 “private” parables v. 36
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Hidden Treasure Parable v. 44
 A man finds a treasure in a field
 He does not own the field
 Yet, overcome with joy, he sells all he
has to buy the field
 All he owns pales in comparison to the
value of the treasure he has found
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Pearl Parable vv. 45-46
 A merchant is on a “quest”…searching
for fine pearls
 Success…he finds the “perfect” pearl
 To have it, he sells everything else he
owns in order to purchase the pearl
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Pearl Parable vv. 45-46
 The merchant’s “quest” defined him
 He wasn’t going to stop until he located
the desire of his heart
 He has to have that pearl…everything he
owns pales in comparison
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Jesus commends a “spirit” that is
noteworthy vv. 44b, 46
 The heavenly kingdom must be valued
above everything else in one’s life
 All must be willingly forsaken Lk 14:33
cp. Mt 19:22
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Re: this “noteworthy spirit”
 Possessed only when we are willing to
correctly compare things of this life to
what can be gained eternally
 Seen in Paul’s life Phil 3:4-8 Col 2:3
 Seen in Moses’ life Heb 11:24-26
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Re: this “noteworthy spirit”
 This “choice” we must make is made
even more challenging when facing an
unbelieving world after we choose
 Imagine the reaction (scorn) the man
received as he sold all his possessions!!
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Re: this “noteworthy spirit”
 Though having to contend with hurtful
mocking & slander…
 The one who finds “heaven’s treasure”
knows its real value…he will gladly give
up everything to possess it
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Similarity between the 2 parables –
 Both teach the incomparable value
(worth) of heaven’s kingdom
 A value recognized by the willingness to
dispose of everything else to have it
 Even including family
Lk 14:26
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Similarity between the 2 parables –
 The cost of discipleship was a frequent
theme in Jesus’ kingdom teaching
 A calculated decision that we must make
Lk 9:57-62 14:28-30
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Hidden Treasure
 The man was not looking for treasure
 He sort of “stumbled upon it”
 People are occupied with life’s mundane
activities with little/no spiritual concern
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Hidden Treasure
 Such are exposed to heaven’s kingdom
when they least expect it Jn 4:4-42
Acts 8:9-13
 They realize its worth…give up all for it
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Hidden Treasure
 Thus, we are exhorted re: those who are
not looking for the kingdom
Mt 5:13-16 Titus 2:10 1 Pet 2:11-12
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Pearl Of Great Price
 The merchant was looking for pearls
 He hoped to find it
 People who are looking for truth,
searching for that which interests them
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Pearl Of Great Price
 They can be led to Christ, His kingdom
when Divine providence puts them in
contact with those who can teach them
Acts 8:26-40 10:1-48
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Application
 Difference between the 2 parables –
The Pearl Of Great Price
 Thus, we are exhorted re: those who are
looking for the kingdom 1 Pet 3:15
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl Of Great Price
Matt 13:44-46
The Lesson
 Do I value heaven’s kingdom above
everything else in my life?
 Evangelistic help re: those who are or
are not looking for the kingdom